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期刊论文 | 2024 , 030301-1-030301-7 | 物理学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

研究了量子博弈中的“PQ”问题, 重点探讨了参与者策略制定、收益分配和量子效应对博弈结果的影响. 首先回顾了量子博弈理论的发展, 并对经典博弈与量子博弈进行了对比, 详细定义了参与者和策略空间, 并利用收益矩阵和量子操作符进行了建模. 为解决“PQ”问题, 提出了量子策略选择和优化算法, 并设计了针对该问题的量子算法. 在实际应用和案例研究方面, 通过评述经典双人博弈—“PQ翻硬币”问题, 表明当其中一个参与人采用量子策略时, 他可以打败他的经典对手, 获得更高的收益. 通过量化手段, 把整个“PQ”问题放在一个更为普遍和公平的条件下, 对其推广并从多个方面和角度再次对其进行研究. 同时, 给出了“不完全公平博弈”和“完全公平博弈”的定义, 对量子硬币翻转博弈(Meyer 1999 Phys. Rev. lett.82 1052 )进行了修改, 使博弈公平, 并研究了量子硬币翻转的多轮版本. 最后对“PQ”问题的局限性与扩展性进行了讨论, 并展望了量子博弈研究的未来发展方向.

Keyword :

“PQ”问题 “PQ”问题 经典博弈 经典博弈 03.67.Lx 03.67.Lx 量子博弈 量子博弈 量子计算 量子计算


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GB/T 7714 杨晓堃 , 李维 , 黄永畅 . 量子博弈—“PQ”问题 [J]. | 物理学报 , 2024 : 030301-1-030301-7 .
MLA 杨晓堃 等. "量子博弈—“PQ”问题" . | 物理学报 (2024) : 030301-1-030301-7 .
APA 杨晓堃 , 李维 , 黄永畅 . 量子博弈—“PQ”问题 . | 物理学报 , 2024 , 030301-1-030301-7 .
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Holographic Schwinger Effect with a Rotating Probe D3-Brane SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper, among other things, talks about possible research on the holographic Schwinger effect with a rotating probe D3-brane. We discover that for the zero temperature case in the Schwinger effect, the faster the angular velocity and the farther the distance of the test particle pair at D3-brane, the potential barrier of total potential energy also grows higher and wider. This paper shows that at a finite temperature, when S5 without rotation is close to the horizon, the Schwinger effect fails because the particles remain in an annihilate state, which is an absolute vacuum state. However, the angular velocity in S5 will avoid the existence of an absolute vacuum near the horizon. For both zero and finite temperature states, the achieved results completely agree with the results of the Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) action. So the theories in this paper are consistent. All of these show that these theories will play important roles in future pair production research.


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Hao , Ilyas, M. , Huang, Yong-Chang . Holographic Schwinger Effect with a Rotating Probe D3-Brane [J]. | ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS , 2023 , 2023 .
MLA Xu, Hao 等. "Holographic Schwinger Effect with a Rotating Probe D3-Brane" . | ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS 2023 (2023) .
APA Xu, Hao , Ilyas, M. , Huang, Yong-Chang . Holographic Schwinger Effect with a Rotating Probe D3-Brane . | ADVANCES IN HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS , 2023 , 2023 .
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Z型折叠翼无人飞行器机翼折叠构架及其工作方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-24 | CN202210722270.8
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 郭翔鹰 , 黄永畅 , 张嘉奕 et al. Z型折叠翼无人飞行器机翼折叠构架及其工作方法 : CN202210722270.8[P]. | 2022-06-24 .
MLA 郭翔鹰 et al. "Z型折叠翼无人飞行器机翼折叠构架及其工作方法" : CN202210722270.8. | 2022-06-24 .
APA 郭翔鹰 , 黄永畅 , 张嘉奕 , 詹天宇 , 杨晓东 , 付文昌 et al. Z型折叠翼无人飞行器机翼折叠构架及其工作方法 : CN202210722270.8. | 2022-06-24 .
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New quantum physics, solving puzzles of Wheeler's delayed choice and a particle's passing N slits simultaneously and quantum oscillator in experiments SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 12 (1) | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper discovers new quantum physics, and gives solutions to puzzles of Wheeler's delayed choice and a particle's passing many slits simultaneously by exact quantum physics expressions. We further show new quantum control, new quantum oscillation, new quantum control experiments and new quantum oscillator being able to be installed in quantum communication network etc. We discover that the ability of a photon to hit electrons out in photoelectric effect is complementarily equivalent to the ability of wave of a photon to simultaneously pass through many slits in wave-particle duality. Objective criterion for distinguishing classical and quantum particles is found, and this paper gives applicable realm of quantum theories and new quantum physics expressions of wave-particle duality. All these studies above should be classified as classical and quantum particles, then classical particle and quantum particle wave cannot and can pass many slits, respectively. This paper discovers wave-particle duality's origin of displaying both wave property from plane wave part of the general Fourier expansion and particle property from the general Fourier expansion coefficients with the particle's global property and spins etc. We give the superposition state representation of wave-particle duality, further find the collapse of the duality superposition state to wave or particle state. The collapsed wave or particle state is related to the measure of wave or particle property. Then, we explain why sometimes it's a wave or a particle. Our achieved results are truly tested, and we discover new measured attractive state and quantum wave collapse velocity expression.


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Changyu , Huang, Yong-Chang , Nie, Yi-You . New quantum physics, solving puzzles of Wheeler's delayed choice and a particle's passing N slits simultaneously and quantum oscillator in experiments [J]. | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2022 , 12 (1) .
MLA Huang, Changyu et al. "New quantum physics, solving puzzles of Wheeler's delayed choice and a particle's passing N slits simultaneously and quantum oscillator in experiments" . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 12 . 1 (2022) .
APA Huang, Changyu , Huang, Yong-Chang , Nie, Yi-You . New quantum physics, solving puzzles of Wheeler's delayed choice and a particle's passing N slits simultaneously and quantum oscillator in experiments . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2022 , 12 (1) .
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A symmetric DBI action theory and its applications to inflationary cosmology SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 81 (12) | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The Dirac-Born-Infeld (DBI) field theory in string theory is important and can provide the field of the universe's inflation. At the same time, it provides a causal mechanism for generating the original density perturbation, thereby providing the necessary density perturbation for existing the dense and sparse matter distributions of the universe. We deduce a symmetric DBI action, introduce it into inflationary cosmology to calculate various inflation parameters, further calculate the scalar perturbation spectrum and the tensor-scalar ratio, which are compared with Planck + WMAP9 + BAO data, the power spectrum predicted by the new general DBI inflation theory satisfies the CMB Experiment constraints, i.e., is consistent with the current theories and experimental observations. Consequently, the theory of this paper conforms to current experiments and is supplying the current theories, and also a new way of explaining the inflation of the universe.


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Xiaokun , Xu, Wu-Long , Huang, Yong-Chang . A symmetric DBI action theory and its applications to inflationary cosmology [J]. | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C , 2021 , 81 (12) .
MLA Yang, Xiaokun et al. "A symmetric DBI action theory and its applications to inflationary cosmology" . | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C 81 . 12 (2021) .
APA Yang, Xiaokun , Xu, Wu-Long , Huang, Yong-Chang . A symmetric DBI action theory and its applications to inflationary cosmology . | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C , 2021 , 81 (12) .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 44 (04) , 366-372 | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

中微子振荡 中微子振荡 几何结构 几何结构 几何相位 几何相位 中微子 中微子 CP违反 CP违反


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GB/T 7714 江春宇 , 曾高荣 , 黄永畅 et al. 中微子振荡中的几何相位和CP违反 [J]. | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 44 (04) : 366-372 .
MLA 江春宇 et al. "中微子振荡中的几何相位和CP违反" . | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) 44 . 04 (2020) : 366-372 .
APA 江春宇 , 曾高荣 , 黄永畅 , 王资生 . 中微子振荡中的几何相位和CP违反 . | 江西师范大学学报(自然科学版) , 2020 , 44 (04) , 366-372 .
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Exact analytic solution to nonlinear dynamic system of equations for information propagation in complex networks SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

We present the exact analytic solution to the nonlinear dynamic system describing the information propagation process in complex networks. The method is to switch to the dynamic system of equations for the new variables defined according to the nonlinear terms appearing in the original dynamic system, and then, after combining relevant consistent condition of solution to reduce the dynamic system of equations for the newly defined variables to the knownly solvable nonlinear Bernoulli differential equation. Numerical comparisons between the purely numerical solution and the exact analytic solution confirm the crosscheck and mutual proof for both of the solutions. The presented exact analytic solution, which does not restrict the coefficients in the original dynamic system to merely constants, is thus suitable for the study of information propagation in networks with evolving structure and changing properties. (C) 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Complex networks Complex networks Exact analytic solution Exact analytic solution Epidemic model Epidemic model Nonlinear dynamic system Nonlinear dynamic system Population dynamics Population dynamics


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GB/T 7714 Dong, Suyalatu , Deng, Yanbin , Huang, Yong-Chang . Exact analytic solution to nonlinear dynamic system of equations for information propagation in complex networks [J]. | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2019 , 521 : 319-329 .
MLA Dong, Suyalatu et al. "Exact analytic solution to nonlinear dynamic system of equations for information propagation in complex networks" . | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS 521 (2019) : 319-329 .
APA Dong, Suyalatu , Deng, Yanbin , Huang, Yong-Chang . Exact analytic solution to nonlinear dynamic system of equations for information propagation in complex networks . | PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS , 2019 , 521 , 319-329 .
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Anthropic Principle's Predicting Symmetric Distribution Matter Strata, Their Physics Laws, and Verifications SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 2019 | ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper shows anthropic principle's predicting symmetric distribution matter strata, their physics laws, and verifications, concretely deduces characteristic time, energy, and temperature expressions at different scales, discovers four interesting invariant quantities, shows homeomorphic theorem of space map, and naturally presents a supersymmetric scale energy. We further discover that any infinitesimal space has the same proportional structure space; namely, they have renormalization group invariance. Consequently, this paper shows that the region of any nth level Plank-scope is from the nth level Planck scale to the (n+1)th level Planck scale, where the different matters of the nthlevel Planck scale build up the (n+1)th level Planck scale matter. The branches of physics science for this region include the nth level Planck scale matter dynamics and the nth level Planck scale matter group dynamics. The nth level Planck scale matter group dynamics describe how the nth level Planck scale matter constructs the (n+1)th level Planck scale matter and how the different matters of the nth level Planck scale evolve in the group system. This paper discovers that the different matters below Planck scale can exist with our matter world at the same time and same place and may be some candidates for dark matter; furthermore, this paper shows a relative theorem of matter scale: for the world of any nth level, the matters' sizes are relative, not absolute. Evidently, the discoveries of both the symmetrical distribution scales and the relations among the corresponding different physics laws from infinitesimal to infinitely large scales give a scientific solid development platform for formation of new scientific branches and deeper development of old scientific branches, because we can precisely construct many kinds of scientific theories relevant to all the corresponding matter strata. All the branch sciences of different matter strata up to now naturally need to be included in the framework of the new scientific system of physics.


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GB/T 7714 Huang, Changyu , Huang, Yong-Chang . Anthropic Principle's Predicting Symmetric Distribution Matter Strata, Their Physics Laws, and Verifications [J]. | ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY , 2019 , 2019 .
MLA Huang, Changyu et al. "Anthropic Principle's Predicting Symmetric Distribution Matter Strata, Their Physics Laws, and Verifications" . | ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY 2019 (2019) .
APA Huang, Changyu , Huang, Yong-Chang . Anthropic Principle's Predicting Symmetric Distribution Matter Strata, Their Physics Laws, and Verifications . | ADVANCES IN ASTRONOMY , 2019 , 2019 .
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Dynamics of domain wall in charged AdS dilaton black hole space-time SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

For the (n-1)-domain wall universe induced by n-dimensional charged dilaton black hole, observers on the domain wall interpret its movement in the bulk as the expansion or collapsing of universe. By analyzing, we found that in this static AdS space, the cosmologic behavior of domain wall is particularly single. Even more surprising, there is an anomaly that the domain wall has a motion area outside the horizon, which cannot be explained by our classical theory.

Keyword :

Charged dilaton AdS black hole Charged dilaton AdS black hole domain wall universe domain wall universe


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GB/T 7714 Xu, Wu-Long , Huang, Yong-Chang . Dynamics of domain wall in charged AdS dilaton black hole space-time [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A , 2019 , 34 (23) .
MLA Xu, Wu-Long et al. "Dynamics of domain wall in charged AdS dilaton black hole space-time" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A 34 . 23 (2019) .
APA Xu, Wu-Long , Huang, Yong-Chang . Dynamics of domain wall in charged AdS dilaton black hole space-time . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A , 2019 , 34 (23) .
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Revisiting the tunneling of charged particles and information recovery from Kerr-Newman black holes SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 792 , 86-92 | PHYSICS LETTERS B
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, we revisit the tunneling of charged particles from Kerr-Newman black holes by using Parikh and Wilczek's method, and obtain the general tunneling spectrum of emitted particles with arbitrary energy, charge and angular momentum. Based on the methods in Refs. [13-15], we find that, for the tunneling spectrum obtained, there exist correlations among sequential emissions, and the information that formerly was perceived to be lost is leaked out through such correlations. Thus, we resolve the black hole information loss paradox in a general case. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Correlation Correlation Kerr-Newman black holes Kerr-Newman black holes Tunneling spectrum of charged particles Tunneling spectrum of charged particles Black hole information recovery Black hole information recovery


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Ge-Rui , Huang, Yong-Chang . Revisiting the tunneling of charged particles and information recovery from Kerr-Newman black holes [J]. | PHYSICS LETTERS B , 2019 , 792 : 86-92 .
MLA Chen, Ge-Rui et al. "Revisiting the tunneling of charged particles and information recovery from Kerr-Newman black holes" . | PHYSICS LETTERS B 792 (2019) : 86-92 .
APA Chen, Ge-Rui , Huang, Yong-Chang . Revisiting the tunneling of charged particles and information recovery from Kerr-Newman black holes . | PHYSICS LETTERS B , 2019 , 792 , 86-92 .
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