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Effects of Copper(II) Oxide on the Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Polyester Enameled Wires and Poly(vinyl chloride) SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 16 (1) | POLYMERS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The emission of chlorinated pollutants is one of the main problems when recovering copper (Cu) via pyrolysis from waste enameled wires. This is mainly attributed to other wastes which possess high poly(vinyl chloride) content, such as electrical wires and cables, which are often recycled together with enameled copper wires. In this research, to control the chlorinated pollutants, copper(II) oxide (CuO) was chosen and demonstrated to be an efficient dechlorinating agent, and CuO did not introduce any impurities that influence the quality of the recovered Cu. The pyrolysis and co-pyrolysis of polyester enameled wires, PVC, and CuO were investigated, and special attention was paid to chlorinated compounds in released pyrolytic products. In particular, the co-pyrolysis of this ternary mixture was studied for the first time, and some new pyrolysis behaviors were discovered. For example, the results of Py-GC/MS analyses showed that the addition of CuO removed about 75% of the chloro-organic products, the main types of which were chloroaromatic compounds rather than the more toxic chloroesters. Moreover, pyrolysis gases were collected and characterized via ion chromatography, and the results showed that the chlorine content in the pyrolysis gases decreased by about 71%. TG analysis indicated that CuO only minimally affected the pyrolysis of polyester paint. However, through the chlorine fixation effect, CuO influenced the dechlorination and dehydrochlorination of PVC, as well as secondary reactions between HCl and pyrolysis products of polyester paint, therefore changing the products and behaviors of co-pyrolysis. Mechanism of reducing chlorine-containing pollutants and reaction mechanism of forming typical pyrolysis products closely correlated to the effects of CuO were also proposed, providing theoretical guidance for the recycling of waste enameled wires.

Keyword :

polyvinyl chloride polyvinyl chloride polyester enameled wire polyester enameled wire dechlorination dechlorination co-pyrolysis co-pyrolysis copper(II) oxide copper(II) oxide


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Xiaolu , Li, Bingyi , Xia, Zhidong et al. Effects of Copper(II) Oxide on the Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Polyester Enameled Wires and Poly(vinyl chloride) [J]. | POLYMERS , 2024 , 16 (1) .
MLA Wang, Xiaolu et al. "Effects of Copper(II) Oxide on the Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Polyester Enameled Wires and Poly(vinyl chloride)" . | POLYMERS 16 . 1 (2024) .
APA Wang, Xiaolu , Li, Bingyi , Xia, Zhidong , Zhou, Wei , Wu, Yufeng , Zhu, Zhaoxi et al. Effects of Copper(II) Oxide on the Co-Pyrolysis of Waste Polyester Enameled Wires and Poly(vinyl chloride) . | POLYMERS , 2024 , 16 (1) .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 44 (4) , 71-90 | 稀土
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

回收技术 回收技术 稀土永磁 稀土永磁 二次资源 二次资源 烧结钕铁硼 烧结钕铁硼


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GB/T 7714 于立超 , 丛利颖 , 路清梅 et al. 烧结钕铁硼永磁二次资源再利用技术进展 [J]. | 稀土 , 2023 , 44 (4) : 71-90 .
MLA 于立超 et al. "烧结钕铁硼永磁二次资源再利用技术进展" . | 稀土 44 . 4 (2023) : 71-90 .
APA 于立超 , 丛利颖 , 路清梅 , 吴玉锋 , 岳明 . 烧结钕铁硼永磁二次资源再利用技术进展 . | 稀土 , 2023 , 44 (4) , 71-90 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , (09) , 89-97 | 有色金属(冶炼部分)
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Abstract :


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环境影响评价 环境影响评价 回收系统 回收系统 MDMF模拟 MDMF模拟 废线路板 废线路板


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GB/T 7714 牛妍 , 王乙舒 , 顾一帆 et al. 废线路板跨区域回收系统模拟与环境影响评价 [J]. | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2023 , (09) : 89-97 .
MLA 牛妍 et al. "废线路板跨区域回收系统模拟与环境影响评价" . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) 09 (2023) : 89-97 .
APA 牛妍 , 王乙舒 , 顾一帆 , 吴玉锋 , 王恒广 , 郭福 . 废线路板跨区域回收系统模拟与环境影响评价 . | 有色金属(冶炼部分) , 2023 , (09) , 89-97 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 15 (4) , 61-71 | 中国环境管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

再生利用 再生利用 物质流 物质流 铜产业 铜产业 生命周期评价 生命周期评价 碳中和 碳中和


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GB/T 7714 顾一帆 , 杨弘扬 , 吴玉锋 et al. 中国铜产业体系演化的碳中和实现机制研究 [J]. | 中国环境管理 , 2023 , 15 (4) : 61-71 .
MLA 顾一帆 et al. "中国铜产业体系演化的碳中和实现机制研究" . | 中国环境管理 15 . 4 (2023) : 61-71 .
APA 顾一帆 , 杨弘扬 , 吴玉锋 , 左铁镛 . 中国铜产业体系演化的碳中和实现机制研究 . | 中国环境管理 , 2023 , 15 (4) , 61-71 .
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Green development strategy of offshore wind farm in China guided by life cycle assessment SCIE
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Abstract :

Offshore wind power contributes to the decarbonization of the power system; however, its green development faces many challenges, including environmental impact concerns, scale limitations, and grid parity to go carbon neutral. This study applies life cycle assessment (LCA) to evaluate the potential environmental impact of China's first high-power prototype windfarm. The environmental impact of the wind farm is more sensitive to steel, copper, and electricity usage. The recycling of waste turbines can be a solution to reduce the environmental impacts of not only the wind farm but also other entities such as metal producers. Overall, this wind farm case can reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by 9.23 MJ and 767.9 g CO2-eq for 1 kWh electricity produced, respectively. Guided by LCA results, green development strategies that include toward the deep sea, promote industrial upgrading and synergy, and advance demonstration projects are discussed in the offshore wind power industry.

Keyword :

Carbon reduction potential Carbon reduction potential Life cycle assessment Life cycle assessment Offshore wind power Offshore wind power Environmental impact Environmental impact Green development Green development


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Jingjing , Mao, Bingjing , Wu, Yufeng et al. Green development strategy of offshore wind farm in China guided by life cycle assessment [J]. | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2023 , 188 .
MLA Chen, Jingjing et al. "Green development strategy of offshore wind farm in China guided by life cycle assessment" . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 188 (2023) .
APA Chen, Jingjing , Mao, Bingjing , Wu, Yufeng , Zhang, Dongya , Wei, Yiqun , Yu, Ang et al. Green development strategy of offshore wind farm in China guided by life cycle assessment . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2023 , 188 .
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In situ N-, P- and Ca-codoped biochar derived from animal bones to boost the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (vol 170, pg 105568, 2021) SCIE
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GB/T 7714 Deng, Lifang , Zhang, Yuyuan , Wang, Yazhuo et al. In situ N-, P- and Ca-codoped biochar derived from animal bones to boost the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (vol 170, pg 105568, 2021) [J]. | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 178 .
MLA Deng, Lifang et al. "In situ N-, P- and Ca-codoped biochar derived from animal bones to boost the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (vol 170, pg 105568, 2021)" . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING 178 (2022) .
APA Deng, Lifang , Zhang, Yuyuan , Wang, Yazhuo , Yuan, Haoran , Chen, Yong , Wu, Yufeng . In situ N-, P- and Ca-codoped biochar derived from animal bones to boost the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (vol 170, pg 105568, 2021) . | RESOURCES CONSERVATION AND RECYCLING , 2022 , 178 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 48 (05) , 1-6 | 水处理技术
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含卤废水 含卤废水 浓缩 浓缩 回收 回收 预处理 预处理 结晶 结晶


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GB/T 7714 潘德安 , 李冠军 , 邓强 et al. 含卤废水中卤盐回收研究进展 [J]. | 水处理技术 , 2022 , 48 (05) : 1-6 .
MLA 潘德安 et al. "含卤废水中卤盐回收研究进展" . | 水处理技术 48 . 05 (2022) : 1-6 .
APA 潘德安 , 李冠军 , 邓强 , 郭连杰 , 吴玉锋 . 含卤废水中卤盐回收研究进展 . | 水处理技术 , 2022 , 48 (05) , 1-6 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , (12) , 53-55 | 中国经贸导刊
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Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 张德元 , 吴玉锋 , 崔璇 et al. 德国废铅蓄电池规范回收经验及借鉴 [J]. | 中国经贸导刊 , 2022 , (12) : 53-55 .
MLA 张德元 et al. "德国废铅蓄电池规范回收经验及借鉴" . | 中国经贸导刊 12 (2022) : 53-55 .
APA 张德元 , 吴玉锋 , 崔璇 , 范心雨 . 德国废铅蓄电池规范回收经验及借鉴 . | 中国经贸导刊 , 2022 , (12) , 53-55 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 22 (10) , 1414-1417 | 过程工程学报
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Abstract :


Keyword :

碳中和 碳中和 冶金行业 冶金行业 碳达峰 碳达峰 资源循环利用 资源循环利用


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GB/T 7714 李会泉 , 吴玉锋 , 陈运法 . “双碳”战略下的冶金行业资源循环利用技术前沿 [J]. | 过程工程学报 , 2022 , 22 (10) : 1414-1417 .
MLA 李会泉 et al. "“双碳”战略下的冶金行业资源循环利用技术前沿" . | 过程工程学报 22 . 10 (2022) : 1414-1417 .
APA 李会泉 , 吴玉锋 , 陈运法 . “双碳”战略下的冶金行业资源循环利用技术前沿 . | 过程工程学报 , 2022 , 22 (10) , 1414-1417 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , PageCount-页数: 7 (03) , 110-116 | 洁净与空调技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

活性炭吸附 活性炭吸附 室内气态污染物 室内气态污染物 植物吸收 植物吸收 低温等离子体 低温等离子体 光催化 光催化 新风 新风 二氧化氯 二氧化氯 臭氧 臭氧


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GB/T 7714 郭斌 , 李敏 , 吴沐彦 et al. 室内气态污染物净化技术研究综述及量化对比分析 [J]. | 洁净与空调技术 , 2022 , PageCount-页数: 7 (03) : 110-116 .
MLA 郭斌 et al. "室内气态污染物净化技术研究综述及量化对比分析" . | 洁净与空调技术 PageCount-页数: 7 . 03 (2022) : 110-116 .
APA 郭斌 , 李敏 , 吴沐彦 , 齐景伟 , 胡明 , 邵哲如 et al. 室内气态污染物净化技术研究综述及量化对比分析 . | 洁净与空调技术 , 2022 , PageCount-页数: 7 (03) , 110-116 .
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