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Heavy-duty vehicles dominate expressway tunnel environment analysis and emission factor determination SCIE SSCI
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Vehicle emission factors (EFs) are important factors affecting tunnel environments. In this study, field tests were conducted in an expressway tunnel in southwest China. The percentage of heavyduty vehicles (HDVs) was approximately 38 %. The NOx concentrations exceeded the safety thresholds. The average CO, NOx, and PM2.5 EFs of the mixed fleet were 1.25, 2.68, and 0.079 g/ km veh- 1, respectively. The NOx and PM2.5 EFs of the HDV were 31.3 and 14.7 times higher than those of the light-duty vehicle (LDV), respectively. HDVs contributed 61.5 % to CO, 94.8 % to NOx, and 89.3 % to PM2.5 emissions in this investigation. When compared to previous studies, a significant reduction in CO and PM was observed, but NOx remained at a high level. Stricter policies are needed to control the emissions of HDVs, and the ventilation of tunnels must consider the NOx concentration.

Keyword :

Expressway tunnel Expressway tunnel China China Emission factors Emission factors Heavy-duty vehicles Heavy-duty vehicles Pollutant concentration Pollutant concentration


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GB/T 7714 Tu, Dengkai , Xie, Jingchao , Chai, Henan et al. Heavy-duty vehicles dominate expressway tunnel environment analysis and emission factor determination [J]. | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT , 2025 , 139 .
MLA Tu, Dengkai et al. "Heavy-duty vehicles dominate expressway tunnel environment analysis and emission factor determination" . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT 139 (2025) .
APA Tu, Dengkai , Xie, Jingchao , Chai, Henan , Zhang, Ren , Zhi, Yansheng , Liu, Jiaping . Heavy-duty vehicles dominate expressway tunnel environment analysis and emission factor determination . | TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART D-TRANSPORT AND ENVIRONMENT , 2025 , 139 .
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Experimental and 4 NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model theoretical analysis based on a novel internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier SCIE
期刊论文 | 2024 , 313 | ENERGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A microchannel flat tube-rectangular corrugated fin type new internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier (NIC-D) was designed. It was found that the existing NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model is not well adapted to its physical phenomena. To respond to the study gap, this study proposed a new 4 NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model based on the physical characteristics of NIC-D in the dehumidification process. Through theoretical derivation and experimental verification, the heat and mass transfer process between air, liquid desiccant and cooling water was analyzed, and the heat and mass transfer mechanism among the three fluids was deeply revealed. On this basis, a new method for calculating heat and mass transfer coefficients was given in combination with the model, which was more adapted to the calculation of the 4 NTU-Le model in terms of concept. In addition, this method summarized the correlation between heat and mass transfer from experimental data to predict and characterize the performance of the NIC-D dehumidification process. The results show that the 4 NTU-Le mathematical model, the new method for calculating heat and mass transfer coefficients, has high accuracy, in addition to the applicability of the Nu and Sh correlations. According to the analytical results of the validation experiments, the errors between the calculated and experimental values of air outlet temperature, liquid desiccant outlet temperature, cooling water outlet temperature, and air outlet humidity content are within 8.0%, 15.0%, 10.0%, and 10.0%, respectively, and the absolute average errors AAD are 1.73 %, 6.35%, 1.46 %, and 3.18 %, respectively. Decreasing the temperature of imported liquid desiccant is a valuable way to improve dehumidification efficiency and energy effectiveness. For every 1.0 degrees C reduction in the temperature of imported liquid desiccant, the dehumidification efficiency and energy effectiveness increased by 2.6 % and 1.1 %, respectively.

Keyword :

Heat and mass transfer Heat and mass transfer Liquid desiccant Liquid desiccant Model Model Internal cooling Internal cooling Dehumidification Dehumidification


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GB/T 7714 Zhang, Guangkai , Tan, Jingjie , Xie, Jingchao et al. Experimental and 4 NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model theoretical analysis based on a novel internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier [J]. | ENERGY , 2024 , 313 .
MLA Zhang, Guangkai et al. "Experimental and 4 NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model theoretical analysis based on a novel internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier" . | ENERGY 313 (2024) .
APA Zhang, Guangkai , Tan, Jingjie , Xie, Jingchao , Du, Boyao , Liu, Honggang , Liu, Jiaping . Experimental and 4 NTU-Le heat and mass transfer model theoretical analysis based on a novel internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier . | ENERGY , 2024 , 313 .
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期刊论文 | 2024 , 44 (10) , 2069-2076 | 隧道建设(中英文)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为深入研究水下特长公路隧道机动车尾气污染物的排放及分布特征,对南京应天大街长江隧道的交通特征、环境参数和污染物排放质量浓度进行实测研究。采用摄像采集法统计隧道交通特征,结果表明:车辆交通数据与环境数据均呈现明显的日周期变化规律,早高峰车流量显著大于晚高峰,车速与车流量呈负相关。夜间测试结果表明:1)隧道内部污染物质量浓度沿行车方向的变化趋势为先增后减,由于隧道呈现V形的地势特点,PM2.5质量浓度峰值出现在V形底部; 2)受到隧道出口风机开启的影响,CO质量浓度峰值出现位置较PM

Keyword :

PM PM 水下隧道 水下隧道 机动车尾气污染物 机动车尾气污染物 CO质量浓度 CO质量浓度 实测试验 实测试验


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GB/T 7714 袁嘉明 , 谢静超 , 薛鹏 et al. 基于隧道实测试验的南京市机动车污染物排放特征研究 [J]. | 隧道建设(中英文) , 2024 , 44 (10) : 2069-2076 .
MLA 袁嘉明 et al. "基于隧道实测试验的南京市机动车污染物排放特征研究" . | 隧道建设(中英文) 44 . 10 (2024) : 2069-2076 .
APA 袁嘉明 , 谢静超 , 薛鹏 , 柴赫楠 , 蒋振雄 , 王毅宁 et al. 基于隧道实测试验的南京市机动车污染物排放特征研究 . | 隧道建设(中英文) , 2024 , 44 (10) , 2069-2076 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 53 (1) , 48-55,104 | 暖通空调
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

为探究住宅室内热环境与老年人心血管疾病的关联性,为健康住宅设计提供参考依据,于2016年11月至2017年2月在我国北京、上海、黑龙江地区调查了60岁及以上老年人的冬季居住热环境与心血管疾病患病情况.分别从客观热环境与主观热感觉角度,进行患病组和对照组老年人室内热环境暴露情况的对比分析,并对室内温度与2组人群的血压进行关联性分析.结果表明:近半数的被调研住宅供暖室内温度低于16℃,但超过70%的老年人感觉室内不冷不热;室内温度每降低2℃,老年人服装热阻值平均增加0.06 clo;年龄、肥胖/超重、心血管疾病家族遗传史、门窗漏风情况等因素与老年人心血管疾病患病率存在显著相关性;患病组晚间在室内冷感相对强烈,其起床时刻的收缩压与卧室夜间平均温度呈显著负相关,卧室温度每降低2℃,收缩压上升约3 mmHg.应改善老年人的住宅室内热环境,改善门窗漏风情况,适当提高室内供暖温度,特别是晚间的供暖温度,以降低老年人心血管疾病患病率.

Keyword :

老年人 老年人 心血管疾病 心血管疾病 住宅 住宅 室内热环境 室内热环境 供暖期 供暖期


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GB/T 7714 王梅 , 张晓静 , 谢静超 et al. 供暖期住宅室内热环境与老年人心血管疾病关联性分析 [J]. | 暖通空调 , 2023 , 53 (1) : 48-55,104 .
MLA 王梅 et al. "供暖期住宅室内热环境与老年人心血管疾病关联性分析" . | 暖通空调 53 . 1 (2023) : 48-55,104 .
APA 王梅 , 张晓静 , 谢静超 , 吉野博 , 张会波 , 李振海 et al. 供暖期住宅室内热环境与老年人心血管疾病关联性分析 . | 暖通空调 , 2023 , 53 (1) , 48-55,104 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , (6) , 152-158 | 区域供热
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

由于住宅空置或者住户关闭供暖等原因,会导致相邻的供暖用户负荷增高.确定一种计算停暖用户对供暖用户负荷影响的计算公式,以北京地区一栋住宅建筑为例,采用EnergyPlus模拟不同供暖住户分布情况下的供暖负荷,通过Python编程计算得到供暖负荷与入住率以及供暖住户分布模式之间的关系曲线,曲线呈现橄榄型,并拟合得到供暖耗热量比率与入住率之间的指数模型,拟合结果R2 为 0.99.该研究可为集中供热系统的运行调节提供一定的理论支撑.

Keyword :

指数模型 指数模型 橄榄型曲线 橄榄型曲线 入住率 入住率 住户分布 住户分布 供暖负荷 供暖负荷


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GB/T 7714 孙聪 , 姬颖 , 陈永灏 et al. 北京地区住宅入住情况对供暖耗热量的影响研究 [J]. | 区域供热 , 2023 , (6) : 152-158 .
MLA 孙聪 et al. "北京地区住宅入住情况对供暖耗热量的影响研究" . | 区域供热 6 (2023) : 152-158 .
APA 孙聪 , 姬颖 , 陈永灏 , 谢静超 , 刘加平 . 北京地区住宅入住情况对供暖耗热量的影响研究 . | 区域供热 , 2023 , (6) , 152-158 .
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Occupant's preferred indoor air speed in hot-humid climate and its influence on thermal comfort SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 229 | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT
WoS CC Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

As an energy-efficient and high-comfort indoor environment control method, the rational application of airflow in modern buildings has brought renewed attention, especially in hot and humid areas. Chamber experiments were conducted to examine occupants' preferred air speed and its effects on thermal comfort in hot-humid climate, and the extended thermal comfort zone limit was obtained. Three temperature levels (26 degrees C, 29 degrees C, and 32 degrees C) and two relative humidity levels (40%-60% and 70%-90%) were set, achieving six experimental conditions. During each condition, thirty-six participants were sequentially exposed to two stages with still air and personal controlled stable mechanical airflow produced by electric fans, each lasting 30 min. Their sub-jective perceptions were collected repeatedly, and skin temperature was measured continuously. For the six conditions, the average preferred air speeds were estimated to be 0.53 m/s, 0.62 m/s, 1.06 m/s, 1.31 m/s, 1.28 m/s, and 1.48 m/s respectively. The preferred air speed at high humidity (70%-90%) was approximately 0.15 m/s-0.3 m/s higher than that at moderate humidity (40%-60%), and such difference increased with air tem-perature. Elevated air speeds may be used to offset thermal discomfort, as indicated by a 0.2 degrees C-0.5 degrees C significant decrease in the mean skin temperature and improvements in subjective perceptions. However, for extremely hot and humid conditions including 29 degrees C/85%, 32 degrees C/55%, and 32 degrees C/85%, the discomfort cannot be completely eliminated. When local control of airflow is provided to occupants, the acceptable operative temperature range could be extended by approximately 1 degrees C regardless of humidity, compared with that under near still air speed below 0.1 m/s.

Keyword :

Hot -humid climate Hot -humid climate Thermal comfort zone Thermal comfort zone Preferred air speed Preferred air speed Stable mechanical airflow Stable mechanical airflow Indoor temperature Indoor temperature Air movement Air movement


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Jinyue , Zhang, Xiaojing , Xie, Jingchao et al. Occupant's preferred indoor air speed in hot-humid climate and its influence on thermal comfort [J]. | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2023 , 229 .
MLA Zhou, Jinyue et al. "Occupant's preferred indoor air speed in hot-humid climate and its influence on thermal comfort" . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT 229 (2023) .
APA Zhou, Jinyue , Zhang, Xiaojing , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Jiaping . Occupant's preferred indoor air speed in hot-humid climate and its influence on thermal comfort . | BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT , 2023 , 229 .
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Study on Measurement Technology and Influencing Factors of Atmospheric Salt Fog Concentration at the Seaside - A Case Study of Sanya, China SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Corrosion of reinforced concrete in the high-salt atmospheric environment of coastal areas widely exists in practical coastal projects, which will reduce the durability of coastal buildings and metal equipment. In this study, the factors influencing coastal atmospheric salt fog concentration were studied by combining theoretical analysis and coastal measurements. First, a set of atmospheric sampling and processing methods for atmospheric salt fog particles was summarized and sorted. Through actual measurements in Sanya, the atmospheric sampling and processing method were verified, and more accurate coastal atmospheric salt fog concentration data were obtained. The average atmospheric salt fog concentration at the coast was 190 mu g/m(3), the maximum value was 343.18 mu g/m(3), and the minimum value was 48.49 mu g/m(3). Then, the influence of meteorological factors, such as temperature, humidity, and wind speed, on salt fog concentration was explored based on the measured data, and the functional relationship between various factors and salt fog concentration was fitted. Finally, a model of salt fog particles migrating inland driven by wind in the coastal atmosphere was deduced theoretically and verified by the measured data of atmospheric salt fog concentration at different sea distances. The results of this study provide a theoretical reference for the anti-corrosion properties of coastal buildings and metal equipment.

Keyword :

Atmospheric salt fog concentration Atmospheric salt fog concentration Ion chromatography Ion chromatography Gas production collection method Gas production collection method Multi-factor coupling Multi-factor coupling Different sea distance Different sea distance


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GB/T 7714 Zheng, Zhimiao , Xie, Jingchao , Liang, Pan et al. Study on Measurement Technology and Influencing Factors of Atmospheric Salt Fog Concentration at the Seaside - A Case Study of Sanya, China [J]. | ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES , 2023 , 59 (3) : 311-326 .
MLA Zheng, Zhimiao et al. "Study on Measurement Technology and Influencing Factors of Atmospheric Salt Fog Concentration at the Seaside - A Case Study of Sanya, China" . | ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES 59 . 3 (2023) : 311-326 .
APA Zheng, Zhimiao , Xie, Jingchao , Liang, Pan , Liu, Jiaping . Study on Measurement Technology and Influencing Factors of Atmospheric Salt Fog Concentration at the Seaside - A Case Study of Sanya, China . | ASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES , 2023 , 59 (3) , 311-326 .
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Comparison of typical meteorological year generation methods for building energy simulation in marine climate of China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 304 | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The unique marine climate can affect the applicability of typical meteorological year (TMY) methods, which has not been adequately discussed in previous research. Based on meteorological data of five islands of Dongsha, Xisha, Nansha, Meiji, and Yongshu in China, this study selected their respective TMY using four methods including CTYW, Danish, Festa-Ratto and Sandia. Then, the suitability of various methods in marine climate, low-latitude sea area, was evaluated through the deviation between TMY data and measured data, as well as the precision of the building energy loads. The conclusions indicate that TMY chosen through CTYW method exhibits the lowest deviations in predicting the monthly mean value of meteorological elements with an average NRMSE value of 2.98%, and the hourly value with a cumulative Filkenstein-Schafer (FS) value of 20.8. It was followed by Sandia method with NRMSE of 3.44% and FS of 21.7. Compared with the mean building energy loads calculated using long-term measured data, the result calculated based on TMY chosen through CTYW exhibits the lowest error rate, followed by Sandia method, with the average NRMSE values of 2.06% and 2.48%, respectively. In summary, the TMY chosen by CTYW has a reliable representativeness in long-term climate characterization and energy loads simulation for low-latitude sea areas of China.

Keyword :

Meteorological characteristics Meteorological characteristics Building energy loads Building energy loads Typical meteorological year Typical meteorological year Generation method Generation method Marine climate Marine climate


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GB/T 7714 Gai, Shibo , Zhang, Xiaojing , Xie, Jingchao et al. Comparison of typical meteorological year generation methods for building energy simulation in marine climate of China [J]. | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2023 , 304 .
MLA Gai, Shibo et al. "Comparison of typical meteorological year generation methods for building energy simulation in marine climate of China" . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 304 (2023) .
APA Gai, Shibo , Zhang, Xiaojing , Xie, Jingchao , Xiao, Guofeng , Liu, Jiaping . Comparison of typical meteorological year generation methods for building energy simulation in marine climate of China . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2023 , 304 .
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Study on the influence characteristics of thermal effect of internally cooled dehumidifier SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In order to investigate the dehumidification strengthening effect of multichannel flat tube thermal effect and analyze its strengthening mechanism, a corrugated fins-multichannel flat tube based internally cooled dehumidifier structure is designed. The optimum dehumidifier flow type was determined and the dehumidification strengthening characteristics and thermal mechanism of the multichannel flat tube under different air and cold source conditions were experimentally analyzed. The results showed that the flow type B2 (air-solution countercurrent and water-solution countercurrent) had the best dehumidification performance. High-temperature and high-humidity environments can worsen the dehumidification strengthening effect of the multichannel flat tube and the effective utilization of cooling power, although high humidity has a stronger inhibitory effect, its inhibition mechanism is different. When the inlet air humidity is 25.8 g/kg, the dehumidification performance increases by up to 16.6%; Decreasing the inlet water temperature and increasing the inlet water flow significantly improved the dehumidification strengthening effect of the multichannel flat tube. Furthermore, the multichannel flat tube can eliminate 100% of total heat when the inlet water temperature is below 20.7 degrees C.

Keyword :

Heat and mass transfer Heat and mass transfer Thermal effect Thermal effect Internally cooled dehumidification Internally cooled dehumidification Liquid desiccant Liquid desiccant Multichannel flat tube Multichannel flat tube


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GB/T 7714 Du, Boyao , Zhang, Guangkai , Xie, Jingchao et al. Study on the influence characteristics of thermal effect of internally cooled dehumidifier [J]. | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 236 .
MLA Du, Boyao et al. "Study on the influence characteristics of thermal effect of internally cooled dehumidifier" . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING 236 (2023) .
APA Du, Boyao , Zhang, Guangkai , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Honggang , Liu, Jiaping . Study on the influence characteristics of thermal effect of internally cooled dehumidifier . | APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING , 2023 , 236 .
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Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 265 | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS
WoS CC Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In China, most houses are generally scheduled for municipal central heating systems in mid-November each year. This study aimed to investigate human responses to different residential thermal environment in cold climate. A field study on thermal comfort and adaptive behavioral adjustment was carried out in 34 buildings in six residential communities in Beijing winter from October to December 2019, comprising both transition period before heating and heating period after heating. Indoor environment variables were obtained through self-recording instruments and human thermal responses were collected by subjective questionnaires. The results demonstrated that the mean comfort temperature in transition was 21.8 degrees C, and it was 22.5 degrees C during heating. During the transition and heating periods, there were wide ranges of acceptable temperature, while the preferred temperature was within the range of 23.5- 25.0 degrees C and 22-26 degrees C, respectively. A reasonable explanation behind these differences might be occupants' psychological and physiological acclimation. Moreover, preferred behavioral adjustments of the occupants to improve comfort during two surveys were also investigated. These results will contribute to the design and operation of rational heating temperature in residential buildings. (c) 2022 Published by Elsevier B.V.

Keyword :

Behavioral adjustment Behavioral adjustment House House Cold climate Cold climate Thermal response Thermal response Thermal environment Thermal environment


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GB/T 7714 Yin, Peng , Ji, Ying , Xie, Jingchao et al. Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China [J]. | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2022 , 265 .
MLA Yin, Peng et al. "Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China" . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS 265 (2022) .
APA Yin, Peng , Ji, Ying , Xie, Jingchao , Liu, Jiaping , Hou, Qixian , Zhao, Shanshan et al. Residential wintry thermal comfort and adaptive behaviors in a cold climate in Beijing, China . | ENERGY AND BUILDINGS , 2022 , 265 .
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