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Abstract :
Community green spaces (CGSs) constitute a crucial element of urban land use, playing a pivotal role in maintaining the stability of urban ecosystems and enhancing the overall quality of the urban environment. Through the post-occupancy evaluation (POE) of green spaces, we can gain insights into residents' actual needs and usage habits, providing scientific evidence for the planning, design, and management of green spaces. This ensures that CGSs better meet residents' needs and improve their quality of life. The POE of CGSs relies heavily on high-precision data support. However, the current POE system for CGSs faces challenges, such as limited data collection methods, incomplete indicator systems, and excessive manual involvement. To address these limitations in data collection, this study proposes a comprehensive, dynamically monitored, objective, and sustainable POE system for CGSs. This system incorporates a multi-dimensional perception system that integrates the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensors to collect data from various sources. It establishes an evaluation framework from the perspectives of policy guidance and usage needs for CGSs, utilizing neural network systems and artificial intelligence techniques to compute the evaluation results. Using the Jiayuan Sanli Community in Beijing as a case study, this paper demonstrates the feasibility of the proposed system. A comparison between the POE results obtained using the multi-dimensional perception technique and those obtained manually reveals an 87% improvement in the accuracy of the evaluation results based on the multi-dimensional perception system. This system bridges the gap between planning perspectives and user experiences, contributing significantly to future urban land planning and land policy formulation.
Keyword :
data processing data processing multi-dimensional perception system multi-dimensional perception system post-use evaluation post-use evaluation community green spaces community green spaces
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Meng , Zhang, Jian , Wang, Yuchen . Research on Post-Use Evaluation of Community Green Space Rectification Based on a Multi-Dimensional Perception System: A Case Study of Jiayuan Sanli Community in Beijing [J]. | LAND , 2024 , 13 (5) . |
MLA | Li, Meng 等. "Research on Post-Use Evaluation of Community Green Space Rectification Based on a Multi-Dimensional Perception System: A Case Study of Jiayuan Sanli Community in Beijing" . | LAND 13 . 5 (2024) . |
APA | Li, Meng , Zhang, Jian , Wang, Yuchen . Research on Post-Use Evaluation of Community Green Space Rectification Based on a Multi-Dimensional Perception System: A Case Study of Jiayuan Sanli Community in Beijing . | LAND , 2024 , 13 (5) . |
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Abstract :
This study aims to unravel the seasonal differences in outdoor thermal comfort (OTC) in a cold winter-hot summer region, as well as the comprehensive impact of meteorological and human factors, along with people's activity patterns in public spaces, on OTC. Questionnaire surveys, microclimate measurements, and photo recording were conducted over 21 daytime sessions in seven public spaces across winter and summer. The results indicated a significant seasonal OTC variance in Beijing. The neutral PET and neutral PET range were 21.9 degrees C and 15.2-28.6 degrees C for summer, and 14.3 degrees C and 6.1-22.5 degrees C for winter. Globe temperature primarily impacted OTC during both seasons, while wind speed was the only additional influential factor in winter. In Beijing, summer cooling is more crucial than winter insulation; however, winter wind protection is prioritized over summer ventilation. Some human factors, including age, activity level, visiting purpose, short-term thermal experience, and environmental stimuli, also influence OTC to some extent. Furthermore, this study identified significant variations in the temporal distribution and age demographics of attendees in various types of public spaces across different seasons, which considerably influence OTC. Our findings provide insights into the relationship between outdoor thermal comfort and public space use, which informs climate adaptive urban design.
Keyword :
Urban public space Urban public space Outdoor thermal comfort Outdoor thermal comfort Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) Physiological equivalent temperature (PET) Microclimate Microclimate Urban design Urban design Questionnaire survey Questionnaire survey
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GB/T 7714 | Ma, Tong , Zhang, Jian . Integrating thermal perception and public space use - an experimental outdoor comfort study in cold winter-hot summer zone: Beijing, China [J]. | URBAN CLIMATE , 2024 , 58 . |
MLA | Ma, Tong 等. "Integrating thermal perception and public space use - an experimental outdoor comfort study in cold winter-hot summer zone: Beijing, China" . | URBAN CLIMATE 58 (2024) . |
APA | Ma, Tong , Zhang, Jian . Integrating thermal perception and public space use - an experimental outdoor comfort study in cold winter-hot summer zone: Beijing, China . | URBAN CLIMATE , 2024 , 58 . |
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Abstract :
Keyword :
城市体检 城市体检 北京城市副中心 北京城市副中心 指标体系 指标体系 证据 证据 循证治理 循证治理
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GB/T 7714 | 张梦宇 , 李秀伟 , 高一朝 et al. 城市体检指标体系建构逻辑循证研究 [J]. | 城市发展研究 , 2024 , 31 (01) : 21-30 . |
MLA | 张梦宇 et al. "城市体检指标体系建构逻辑循证研究" . | 城市发展研究 31 . 01 (2024) : 21-30 . |
APA | 张梦宇 , 李秀伟 , 高一朝 , 张健 . 城市体检指标体系建构逻辑循证研究 . | 城市发展研究 , 2024 , 31 (01) , 21-30 . |
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Abstract :
Keyword :
高阶思维 高阶思维 实验教学 实验教学 初高衔接 初高衔接 科学论证 科学论证
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GB/T 7714 | 周佩佩 , 黄善营 , 张健 et al. 初高中衔接教学之实验探究力提升的实践与探索 [J]. | 中学物理教学参考 , 2024 , 53 (28) : 7-11 . |
MLA | 周佩佩 et al. "初高中衔接教学之实验探究力提升的实践与探索" . | 中学物理教学参考 53 . 28 (2024) : 7-11 . |
APA | 周佩佩 , 黄善营 , 张健 , 张春丽 . 初高中衔接教学之实验探究力提升的实践与探索 . | 中学物理教学参考 , 2024 , 53 (28) , 7-11 . |
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Abstract :
Land-use patterns affected carbon emissions, which were influenced by urban land-use management in the long term. However, few studies linked carbon emissions with composite urban land-use management directly, leading to difficulties in reducing carbon emissions by urban land-use planning. Here, we proposed an integrated framework for carbon emissions accounting by land-use types and prediction through urban land-use manage-ment including the adjustment of urban growth mode and land-use structure. And the FLUS model and linear programming model were linked in the scenario analysis to predict carbon emissions. Finally, a decoupling model was used to evaluate the effects of urban land-use management on carbon emissions decoupling. A case study was conducted for Hangzhou from 1995 to 2015, showing the differences in carbon emissions in various scenarios for 2035. The results showed: (1) From 2010 to 2015, the carbon emissions of Hangzhou increased by 4.47 times, and it was dominated by the growth of carbon emissions for industrial land. (2) The potential of land-use structure optimization on carbon emissions reductions was from 23.80% to 28.04%, and that of compact urban growth was from 13.72% to 18.5%. (3) Decoupling relationships did not exist between carbon emissions and economic growth, and carbon emissions and urban land growth for all scenarios under urban land-use management in 2035. Our findings proposed an approach to consider practical ways to reduce carbon emis-sions through land-use management.
Keyword :
Linear programming mode Linear programming mode Urban growth mode Urban growth mode Urban land-use management Urban land-use management Carbon emissions Carbon emissions FLUS model FLUS model Land-use structure Land-use structure
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GB/T 7714 | Xia, Chuyu , Zhang, Jian , Zhao, Jing et al. Exploring potential of urban land-use management on carbon emissions-- A case of Hangzhou, China [J]. | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS , 2023 , 146 . |
MLA | Xia, Chuyu et al. "Exploring potential of urban land-use management on carbon emissions-- A case of Hangzhou, China" . | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS 146 (2023) . |
APA | Xia, Chuyu , Zhang, Jian , Zhao, Jing , Xue, Fei , Li, Qiang , Fang, Kai et al. Exploring potential of urban land-use management on carbon emissions-- A case of Hangzhou, China . | ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS , 2023 , 146 . |
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Abstract :
随着城镇化水平的提高、城镇化进程的发展,城市生态系统逐渐变得脆弱不堪,增强城市生态韧性水平对城市发展起关键性作用。以韧性的核心内涵为基础评估城市生态韧性水平,探究城市防范化解生态风险能力在空间上的差异,从而制定分区生态治理制度,是提升城市防范化解生态风险能力的有效办法。从抵抗力、适应力和恢复力三方面构建了城市生态韧性水平空间评估模型,以2020年北京市通州区行政边界、土地利用、重点排污单位、人口等数据为例,评估了2020年北京市通州区生态韧性空间格局,并利用空间自相关模型对其分区生态治理进行研究。最后利用地理加权回归分析模型(Geographical weighted regression, GWR)进行驱动力分析,探讨社会经济层面对城市生态韧性水平空间的影响,并提出建设性建议。主要得到以下结论:(1)在空间结构上,通州区生态韧性低值区域最多,占比为52.80%,主要分布于通州区北部、东北部、中部偏西及东南部;高值区域最少,占比0.83%,零星分布于偏西部地区和偏南部地区。通州区由于缺乏相对适宜的整体规划和统筹安排,使城市生态系统的循环体系受到了负面影响,从而导致东南地区抵抗力弱。同时,近年来降水点的南移使得大量水资源在城市热岛效应的作用下流失,通州区东南部及通州大运河沿线区域内恢复力呈现出大范围低值水平。(2)通州区中心偏西北地区为副中心的核心地带,呈现低韧性水平-高排污企业密度的集聚分布情况,且生态韧性低值区域主要集聚于新华街、中仓街、玉桥街等区域,说明这些区域的环境生态风险防范化解能力比较低,需要因地制宜地对生态危机做出可持续的分区生态治理,增强区域对生态风险的调节能力。(3)结合GWR模型的驱动力分析,城市生态韧性水平主要被城市功能多样性驱动,且城市功能多样性越强,城市生态韧性水平越低,在通州区西北部的城市副中心负向影响最为显著。研究结果为城市生态韧性水平发展优化提供了理论依据,为促进国土空间合理利用和有效保护发挥积极作用。
Keyword :
分区生态治理 分区生态治理 空间自相关分析 空间自相关分析 城市生态韧性水平 城市生态韧性水平 人本视角 人本视角 韧性城市 韧性城市
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GB/T 7714 | 薛飞 , 张念慈 , 夏楚瑜 et al. 城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力——以北京市通州区为例 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2023 , 43 (16) : 6810-6823 . |
MLA | 薛飞 et al. "城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力——以北京市通州区为例" . | 生态学报 43 . 16 (2023) : 6810-6823 . |
APA | 薛飞 , 张念慈 , 夏楚瑜 , 张健 , 王楚玥 , 李淞 et al. 城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力——以北京市通州区为例 . | 生态学报 , 2023 , 43 (16) , 6810-6823 . |
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Abstract :
随着城镇化水平的提高、城镇化进程的发展,城市生态系统逐渐变得脆弱不堪,增强城市生态韧性水平对城市发展起关键性作用。以韧性的核心内涵为基础评估城市生态韧性水平,探究城市防范化解生态风险能力在空间上的差异,从而制定分区生态治理制度,是提升城市防范化解生态风险能力的有效办法。从抵抗力、适应力和恢复力三方面构建了城市生态韧性水平空间评估模型,以2020年北京市通州区行政边界、土地利用、重点排污单位、人口等数据为例,评估了2020年北京市通州区生态韧性空间格局,并利用空间自相关模型对其分区生态治理进行研究。最后利用地理加权回归分析模型(Geographical weighted regression,GWR)进行驱动力分析,探讨社会经济层面对城市生态韧性水平空间的影响,并提出建设性建议。主要得到以下结论:(1)在空间结构上,通州区生态韧性低值区域最多,占比为52.80%,主要分布于通州区北部、东北部、中部偏西及东南部;高值区域最少,占比0.83%,零星分布于偏西部地区和偏南部地区。通州区由于缺乏相对适宜的整体规划和统筹安排,使城市生态系统的循环体系受到了负面影响,从而导致东南地区抵抗力弱。同时,近年来降水点的南移使得大量水资源在城市热岛效应的作用下流失,通州区东南部及通州大运河沿线区域内恢复力呈现出大范围低值水平。(2)通州区中心偏西北地区为副中心的核心地带,呈现低韧性水平-高排污企业密度的集聚分布情况,且生态韧性低值区域主要集聚于新华街、中仓街、玉桥街等区域,说明这些区域的环境生态风险防范化解能力比较低,需要因地制宜地对生态危机做出可持续的分区生态治理,增强区域对生态风险的调节能力。(3)结合GWR模型的驱动力分析,城市生态韧性水平主要被城市功能多样性驱动,且城市功能多样性越强,城市生态韧性水平越低,在通州区西北部的城市副中心负向影响最为显著。研究结果为城市生态韧性水平发展优化提供了理论依据,为促进国土空间合理利用和有效保护发挥积极作用。
Keyword :
韧性城市 韧性城市 人本视角 人本视角 空间自相关分析 空间自相关分析 城市生态韧性水平 城市生态韧性水平 分区生态治理 分区生态治理
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GB/T 7714 | 薛飞 , 张念慈 , 夏楚瑜 et al. 城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力分析——以北京市通州区为例 [J]. | 生态学报 , 2023 , (16) : 1-14 . |
MLA | 薛飞 et al. "城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力分析——以北京市通州区为例" . | 生态学报 16 (2023) : 1-14 . |
APA | 薛飞 , 张念慈 , 夏楚瑜 , 张健 , 王楚玥 , 李淞 et al. 城市生态韧性水平空间评估及其驱动力分析——以北京市通州区为例 . | 生态学报 , 2023 , (16) , 1-14 . |
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Commuting carbon emissions are an essential component of urban carbon emissions, and determining how to reduce them is an area of great debate among researchers. The current research lacks a tool and instrument that can extensively account for residents' commuting. Traditional methods are mainly based on questionnaire surveys, which have low accuracy at spatial and temporal aspects. High accuracy carbon emission accounting methods can effectively assist urban planning and achieve precise urban emissions reductions. This study applies a taxi commuting carbon emissions accounting method divided into two main steps. Firstly, the carbon emissions of taxi trajectories are calculated using taxi trajectory data and a carbon emission calculation method developed based on VSP. Secondly, the taxi trajectory and POI data are used to filter the commuter trajectory with the help of a two-step moving search method. In this way, the taxi commuting carbon emissions were obtained. Then, the spatial distribution characteristics of residential taxi commuting carbon emissions are analysed by spatial autocorrelation tools, which could facilitate low carbon zoning management. A typical working day in Hangzhou was selected as the research object of this study. The results show that (1) morning peak commuting carbon emissions in the main urban area of Hangzhou reached 2065.14 kg per hour, accounting for 13.73% of all taxi travel carbon emissions; and evening peak commuting carbon emissions reached 732.2 kg per hour, accounting for 4% of all taxi travel carbon emissions; (2) At the grid level, the spatial distribution of commuting carbon emissions in Hangzhou shows a single central peak that decays in all directions; and (3) The results at the resident community scale show that urban public transport facilities influence resident community commuting carbon emissions. In areas such as at the urban-rural border, resident community commuting carbon emissions show high levels of aggregation, and in the main urban area, resident community commuting carbon emissions show low levels of aggregation. This study not only provides a new method of commuting investigation but also offers constructive suggestions for future carbon emission reduction under Hangzhou's urban planning.
Keyword :
Hangzhou Hangzhou taxi GPS data taxi GPS data commuting carbon emissions commuting carbon emissions spatial-temporal emissions distribution spatial-temporal emissions distribution VSP model VSP model
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GB/T 7714 | Li, Song , Xue, Fei , Xia, Chuyu et al. A Big Data-Based Commuting Carbon Emissions Accounting Method-A Case of Hangzhou [J]. | LAND , 2022 , 11 (6) . |
MLA | Li, Song et al. "A Big Data-Based Commuting Carbon Emissions Accounting Method-A Case of Hangzhou" . | LAND 11 . 6 (2022) . |
APA | Li, Song , Xue, Fei , Xia, Chuyu , Zhang, Jian , Bian, Ao , Lang, Yuexi et al. A Big Data-Based Commuting Carbon Emissions Accounting Method-A Case of Hangzhou . | LAND , 2022 , 11 (6) . |
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Keyword :
公共空间 公共空间 Kano模型 Kano模型 需求行为 需求行为 地铁站域 地铁站域
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GB/T 7714 | 张健 , 李俊毅 , 吕元 et al. 基于KANO模型的地铁站域公共空间需求行为解析及优化建议 [J]. | 建筑学报 , 2022 , PageCount-页数: 5 (S1) : 131-135 . |
MLA | 张健 et al. "基于KANO模型的地铁站域公共空间需求行为解析及优化建议" . | 建筑学报 PageCount-页数: 5 . S1 (2022) : 131-135 . |
APA | 张健 , 李俊毅 , 吕元 , 李梦 . 基于KANO模型的地铁站域公共空间需求行为解析及优化建议 . | 建筑学报 , 2022 , PageCount-页数: 5 (S1) , 131-135 . |
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GB/T 7714 | 夏楚瑜 , 李淞 , 薛飞 et al. 一种基于大数据的居民点出行碳排放的核算方法 : CN202210651549.1[P]. | 2022-06-10 . |
MLA | 夏楚瑜 et al. "一种基于大数据的居民点出行碳排放的核算方法" : CN202210651549.1. | 2022-06-10 . |
APA | 夏楚瑜 , 李淞 , 薛飞 , 张健 , 李强 . 一种基于大数据的居民点出行碳排放的核算方法 : CN202210651549.1. | 2022-06-10 . |
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