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Comparison of nitrate formation mechanisms from free amino acids and amines during ozonation: a computational study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 25 (3) , 680-693 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Nitrate as a potential surrogate parameter for abatement of micropollutants, oxidant exposure, and characterizing oxidant-reactive DON during ozonation has attracted extensive attention, however, understanding of its formation mechanisms is still limited. In this study, nitrate formation mechanisms from amino acids (AAs) and amines during ozonation were investigated by the DFT method. The results indicate that N-ozonation initially occurs to produce competitive nitroso-and N,N-dihydroxy intermediates, and the former is preferred for both AAs and primary amines. Then, oxime and nitroalkane are generated during further ozonation, which are the important last intermediate products for nitrate formation from the respective AAs and amines. Moreover, the ozonation of the above important intermediates is the nitrate yield-controlling step, where the relatively higher reactivity of the C=N moiety in the oxime compared to the general C-alpha atom in the nitroalkane explains why the nitrate yields of most AAs are higher than those from general amines, and it is the larger number of released C-alpha- anions, which are the real reaction sites attacked by ozone, that leads to the higher nitrate yield for nitroalkane with an electron-withdrawing group bound to the C(alpha )atom. The good relationship between nitrate yields and activation free energies of the rate-limiting step (delta G(rls)(&NOTEQUexpressionL;)) and nitrate yield-controlling step (DG(nycs)(&NOTEQUexpressionL;)) for the respective AAs and amines verifies the reliability of the proposed mechanisms. Additionally, the bond dissociation energy of C-alpha-H in the nitroalkanes formed from amines was found to be a good parameter to evaluate the reactivity of the amines. The findings here are helpful for further understanding nitrate formation mechanisms and predicting nitrate precursors during ozonation.


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GB/T 7714 Yin, Shuning , Shen, Qunfang , Liu, Yong Dong et al. Comparison of nitrate formation mechanisms from free amino acids and amines during ozonation: a computational study [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS , 2023 , 25 (3) : 680-693 .
MLA Yin, Shuning et al. "Comparison of nitrate formation mechanisms from free amino acids and amines during ozonation: a computational study" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS 25 . 3 (2023) : 680-693 .
APA Yin, Shuning , Shen, Qunfang , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Comparison of nitrate formation mechanisms from free amino acids and amines during ozonation: a computational study . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS , 2023 , 25 (3) , 680-693 .
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Computational Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms and Transformation Products of Olefins with Hypochlorous Acid SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 127 (24) , 5129-5139 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) as the main component in chlorination and also as the innate immune factor relevant to immune defense has attracted considerable attention. Electrophilic addition reaction of olefins with HOCl, one of the most important prototype of chemical reactions, has been intensively studied for a long time; however, it has not been fully understood yet. In this study, addition reaction mechanisms and transformation products of model olefins with HOCl were systematically investigated by the density functional theory method. The results indicate that the traditionally believed stepwise mechanism with a chloronium-ion intermediate is only suitable for olefins substituted with electron-donating groups (EDGs) and weak electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) but it is a carbon-cation intermediate that is favorable for EDGs featuring p-pi or pi-pi conjugation with the C=C moiety. Moreover, olefins substituted with moderate or/and strong EWGs prefer the concerted and nucleophilic addition mechanisms, respectively. Epoxide and truncated aldehyde as the main transformation products can be generated from chlorohydrin through a series of reactions involving hypochlorite; however, their generation is kinetically not as feasible as the formation of chlorohydrin. The reactivity of three chlorinating agents (HOCl, Cl2O, and Cl-2) and the case study of chlorination and degradation of cinnamic acid were also explored. Additionally, APT charge on the double-bond moiety in olefin and energy gap (Delta E) between the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy of olefin and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) energy of HOCl were found to be good parameters to distinguish the regioselectivity of chlorohydrin and reactivity of olefin, respectively. The findings of this work are helpful in further understanding the chlorination reactions of unsaturated compounds and identifying complicated transformation products.


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Luhong , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong et al. Computational Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms and Transformation Products of Olefins with Hypochlorous Acid [J]. | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A , 2023 , 127 (24) : 5129-5139 .
MLA Wang, Luhong et al. "Computational Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms and Transformation Products of Olefins with Hypochlorous Acid" . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A 127 . 24 (2023) : 5129-5139 .
APA Wang, Luhong , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Computational Investigations of Reaction Mechanisms and Transformation Products of Olefins with Hypochlorous Acid . | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A , 2023 , 127 (24) , 5129-5139 .
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Insights into C-C Bond Cleavage Mechanisms in Dichloroacetonitrile Formation during Chlorination of Long-Chain Primary Amines, Amino Acids, and Dipeptides SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 57 (47) , 18834-18845 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Dichloroacetonitrile (DCAN) as one of the potentiallyprioritizedregulated DBPs has drawn great attention; however, understanding itsformation, especially the C-C bond cleavage mechanisms, islimited. In this study, DCAN formation mechanisms from long-chainprimary amines, amino acids, and dipeptides during chlorination wereinvestigated by a combined computational and experimental approach.The results indicate that nitriles initially generate for all of theabove precursors, then they undergo beta-C-hydroxylationor/and alpha-C-chlorination processes, and finally,DCAN is produced through the C-alpha-C-beta bond cleavage. For the first time, the underlying mechanism of theC-C bond cleavage was unraveled to be electron transfer fromthe O- anion into its attached C atom in the chlorinatednitriles, leading to the strongly polarized C-alpha-C-beta bond heterocleavage and DCAN(-) formation.Moreover, DCAN molar yields of precursors studied in the present workwere found to be determined by their groups at the gamma-site ofthe amino group, where the carbonyl group including -CO2 (-), -COR, and -CONHR, the aromaticgroup, and the -OH group can all dramatically facilitate DCANformation by skipping over or promoting the time-consuming beta-C-hydroxylation process and featuring relatively lower activationfree energies in the C-C bond cleavage. Importantly, 4-amino-2-hydroxybutyricacid was revealed to possess the highest DCAN yield among all theknown aliphatic long-chain precursors to date during chlorination.Additionally, enonitriles, (chloro-)isocyanates, and nitriles canbe generated during DCAN formation and should be of concern due totheir high toxicities. TheC-C bond cleavage mechanism in small DBP formationhas puzzled researchers for a long time. This study uncovers its underlyingmechanism in dichloroacetonitrile formation from long-chain amino-containingprecursors.

Keyword :

densityfunctional theory densityfunctional theory C-C bond cleavage C-C bond cleavage formation mechanisms formation mechanisms dichloroacetonitrile dichloroacetonitrile chlorination chlorination


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GB/T 7714 Zhou, Yingying , Jiao, Jia-jia , Huang, Huang et al. Insights into C-C Bond Cleavage Mechanisms in Dichloroacetonitrile Formation during Chlorination of Long-Chain Primary Amines, Amino Acids, and Dipeptides [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 57 (47) : 18834-18845 .
MLA Zhou, Yingying et al. "Insights into C-C Bond Cleavage Mechanisms in Dichloroacetonitrile Formation during Chlorination of Long-Chain Primary Amines, Amino Acids, and Dipeptides" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 57 . 47 (2023) : 18834-18845 .
APA Zhou, Yingying , Jiao, Jia-jia , Huang, Huang , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang , Yang, Xin . Insights into C-C Bond Cleavage Mechanisms in Dichloroacetonitrile Formation during Chlorination of Long-Chain Primary Amines, Amino Acids, and Dipeptides . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 57 (47) , 18834-18845 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 39 (1) , 28-34 | 分子科学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

新鲜绿叶蔬菜携带的致病性微生物已经成为引发食源性疾病的一大诱因,为减少绿叶蔬菜携带的病原体,次氯酸的浸泡消毒工艺已广泛应用在很多生鲜蔬菜的生产、加工及包装过程中.然而,次氯酸在杀死病原体的同时,也很可能对蔬菜中的营养成分产生影响.叶酸作为细胞生长和繁殖不可或缺的营养成分,与人类机体重要的生化过程密切相关,而浸泡消毒对叶酸影响方面的研究甚少且影响机制尚不清楚.本文运用量子化学密度泛函理论方法,在B3LYP/6-31G(d)水平上以蔬菜中最普遍存在的5-甲基四氢叶酸为研究对象,系统探究其与次氯酸反应的可能反应位点、机制及活性.研究发现,次氯酸能够与叶酸上的富电基团——(亚)氨基、酰胺基和苯环发生亲电取代反应,有趣的是不同于以前发现的氨基N是活性最强的位点,本研究发现与亚氨基直接相连的苯环的α-位的C具有最强的反应活性(ΔG≠分别为41和61 kJ·mol-1),这可能与其能形成亚胺共轭结构有关;(亚)氨基N的活性仅次之(ΔG≠为76~79 kJ·mol-1);酰胺基N和与亚氨基直接相连的苯环β-位的C的活性远低于前两者(ΔG≠为149~157 kJ·mol-1).有关发现的5-甲基四氢叶酸氯化产物的毒性还有待进一步研究.本研究结果可为后续深入探讨次氯酸对叶酸结构产生的影响奠定理论基础,也为扩展了解次氯酸的浸泡消毒对蔬菜中其他营养成分的影响提供参考依据.

Keyword :

浸泡消毒 浸泡消毒 反应机理 反应机理 叶酸 叶酸 次氯酸 次氯酸 密度泛函理论 密度泛函理论


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GB/T 7714 郇梦雪 , 刘永东 , 钟儒刚 . 浸泡消毒对蔬菜中5-甲基四氢叶酸结构影响的理论研究 [J]. | 分子科学学报 , 2023 , 39 (1) : 28-34 .
MLA 郇梦雪 et al. "浸泡消毒对蔬菜中5-甲基四氢叶酸结构影响的理论研究" . | 分子科学学报 39 . 1 (2023) : 28-34 .
APA 郇梦雪 , 刘永东 , 钟儒刚 . 浸泡消毒对蔬菜中5-甲基四氢叶酸结构影响的理论研究 . | 分子科学学报 , 2023 , 39 (1) , 28-34 .
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Identification of chlorinated products from tyrosine and tyrosyl dipeptides during chlorination: a computational study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 24 (12) , 2345-2356 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Chlorinated amino acids and peptides, as the model modified protein structures relevant to pathogen inactivation and an emerging class of disinfection byproducts (DBPs) with potential health risks to humans, have attracted much attention. However, due to a Large variety of peptides (over 600) identified in source water and most of them featuring multiple reaction sites, it is a huge challenge to identify all the chlorinated amino acids and peptides. As a good complement to the experiment, quantum chemical computation can be used to uncover the chlorination sites and chlorinated products. In this study, frequently detected tyrosine (Tyr) and tyrosine-amide (Tyr-Am) as well as N-acetyltyrosine (NacTyr) were chosen as the model amino acid and model dipeptides, respectively. The results indicate that the kinetic reactivity order of reactive sites with estimated apparent rate constants (k(obs-est), in M-1 s(-1)) is amino N (10(7-8)) >> mono-chlorinated amino N (10(1-3)) >/approximate to phenol ortho-C (10(0-3)) >> meta-C (10(-3)), and phenol ortho-05 (10(2-3)) > ortho-C3 (10(0-2)) for dipeptides, while in thermodynamics, phenol C sites are more favorable than amino N sites. Moreover, due to the smaller differences of k(obs-est) values between the mono-chlorinated amino N and the phenol ortho-C sites in tyrosyl dipeptides compared to free Tyr, more kinds of C-chIoro-tyrosyl dipeptides are likely to be generated. Additionally, a structure-kinetic reactivity relationship study reveals good correlations between Ig k(obs-est) and NPA charges and BDEs of protons released from amino/hydroxyl groups in tyrosyl compounds rather than FED2 (HOMO). The results are helpful to further understand the reactivity of various reaction sites in peptides and identify chlorinated products from tyrosyl peptides during chlorination.


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GB/T 7714 Ren, Zizhang , Qiu, Yue , Huan, Mengxue et al. Identification of chlorinated products from tyrosine and tyrosyl dipeptides during chlorination: a computational study [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS , 2022 , 24 (12) : 2345-2356 .
MLA Ren, Zizhang et al. "Identification of chlorinated products from tyrosine and tyrosyl dipeptides during chlorination: a computational study" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS 24 . 12 (2022) : 2345-2356 .
APA Ren, Zizhang , Qiu, Yue , Huan, Mengxue , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Identification of chlorinated products from tyrosine and tyrosyl dipeptides during chlorination: a computational study . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-PROCESSES & IMPACTS , 2022 , 24 (12) , 2345-2356 .
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Transformation mechanisms of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination: A computational study SCIE
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Abstract :

As an alternative disinfectant to free chlorine, monochloramine reduces the formation of regulated disinfection byproducts (DBPs); however, it also contributes to the formation of highly toxic nitrogenous DBPs (N-DBPs), especially through the aldehyde pathway. The current understanding of aldehyde pathway mechanisms is limited. In this study, the transformation pathways of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination were investigated using quantum chemical calculations. Consistent with previous studies, 1-chloroamino alcohol first forms in the chloramination of aldehydes and then undergoes competitive dehydration and HCl elimination branch reactions to generate the nitrile and (N-chloro)amide, respectively. Iminol was found to be a key intermediate for (N-chloro)amide formation. Moreover, the results indicated that acetaldehydes substituted with electron-donating groups (EDGs) and electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) are beneficial to the formation of the respective nitriles and N-chloro-amides, while those substituted with conjugated groups (CGs) are favourable for both. Based upon the above results, in addition to acetaldehyde, other aldehydes, such as propionaldehyde, glycolaldehyde, 3-butenal, and phenylacetaldehyde, which are the alpha-H of acetaldehydes substituted with -CH3, -OH, -CH =CH2, and -C6H5 groups, respectively, are potential precursors of toxic nitriles and (N-chloro) amides during chloramination. Thus, more attention should be given to these aldehydes. The findings of this work are helpful for further understanding the aldehyde pathway mechanisms and predicting potential precursors of toxic nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination.

Keyword :

Aldehyde pathway Aldehyde pathway Disinfection byproducts Disinfection byproducts Quantum chemical calculation Quantum chemical calculation Substituted effects Substituted effects


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GB/T 7714 Xue, Jianying , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong et al. Transformation mechanisms of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination: A computational study [J]. | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 836 .
MLA Xue, Jianying et al. "Transformation mechanisms of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination: A computational study" . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 836 (2022) .
APA Xue, Jianying , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Transformation mechanisms of acetaldehyde and its substituted aldehydes into the corresponding nitriles and (N-chloro)amides during chloramination: A computational study . | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT , 2022 , 836 .
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Reaction Mechanisms of Histidine and Carnosine with Hypochlorous Acid Along with Chlorination Reactivity of N-Chlorinated Intermediates: A Computational Study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 35 (5) , 750-759 | CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) released from activated leukocytes not only plays a significant role in the human immune system but is also implicated in numerous diseases including atherosclerosis and some cancers due to its inappropriate production. Histidine (His) and carnosine (Car), as a respective mediator and protective agent of HOCl damage, have attracted considerable attention; however, their detailed reaction mechanisms are still unclear. In this study, using a His residue with two peptide bond groups (HisRes) as a model, the reaction mechanisms of HisRes and Car including N epsilon H and N delta H tautomers with HOCl along with the chlorination reactivity of N-chlorinated intermediates were investigated by quantum chemical methods. The obtained results indicate that in the imidazole side chain, the pyridine-like N is the most reactive site rather than the pyrrole-like N, and the kinetic order of all of the possible reaction sites in HisRes follows pyridine-like N > imidazole C-delta >> imidazole C-epsilon > pyrrole-like N, while that in Car is pyridine-like N >> imidazole C-delta >> amide N. As for N-chlorinated intermediates at imidazole, although the unprotonated form has a low chlorination reactivity as expected, it can still chlorinate tyrosine. Especially, the protonated form exhibits similar ability to HOCl, causing secondary damage in vivo. N-Chlorinated Car features higher internal chlorine migration ability than its intermolecular transchlorination, preventing further HOCl-induced damage. Additionally, a generally overlooked nucleophilic Cl- shift is also found in N-chlorinated Car/HisRes, indicating that nucleophilic sites in biomolecules also need to be considered. The outcomes of this study are expected to expand our understanding of secondary damage and protective mechanisms involved in HOCl in humans.


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GB/T 7714 Han, Yuzhou , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong et al. Reaction Mechanisms of Histidine and Carnosine with Hypochlorous Acid Along with Chlorination Reactivity of N-Chlorinated Intermediates: A Computational Study [J]. | CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY , 2022 , 35 (5) : 750-759 .
MLA Han, Yuzhou et al. "Reaction Mechanisms of Histidine and Carnosine with Hypochlorous Acid Along with Chlorination Reactivity of N-Chlorinated Intermediates: A Computational Study" . | CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY 35 . 5 (2022) : 750-759 .
APA Han, Yuzhou , Zhou, Yingying , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Reaction Mechanisms of Histidine and Carnosine with Hypochlorous Acid Along with Chlorination Reactivity of N-Chlorinated Intermediates: A Computational Study . | CHEMICAL RESEARCH IN TOXICOLOGY , 2022 , 35 (5) , 750-759 .
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Degradation mechanisms of simple aliphatic amines under ozonation: a DFT study. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 23 (3) , 480-490 | Environmental science. Processes & impacts
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Aliphatic amines as common constituents of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) exhibit high reactivity during ozonation; however, our understanding of their degradation mechanisms is very limited. In this study, methylamine (MA) and ethylamine (EA), as well as their secondary and tertiary amines (DMA, DEA, TMA and TEA) were chosen as aliphatic amine models and their degradation mechanisms during ozonation were investigated by using the DFT method. The oxygen-transfer reaction occurs initially and rapidly in the ozonation of all the above amines with a ΔG≠ value of 8-10 kcal mol-1 in great agreement with the experimental rate constant of 104 to 107 M-1 s-1. Moreover, N-oxide as the main degradation product for tertiary amines directly forms after oxygen-transfer, while nitroalkanes as main products for secondary and primary amines are yielded after a series of reactions mediated by hydroxylamine and nitrosoalkane with a ΔG≠ value of 10-13 kcal mol-1. Regarding the minor N-dealkylated products for all amines, alkylamino alcohol is an important intermediate possibly generated via a radical reaction pathway with a ΔG≠ value of 21-34 kcal mol-1. Additionally, comparison of the reactivity of aliphatic amines, hydroxylamines and alkylamino alcohols with ozone was made and elucidated in this study. The results are expected to expand our understanding of the degradation mechanisms for nitrogenous compounds during ozonation.


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GB/T 7714 Shen Qunfang , Liu Yong Dong , Zhong Rugang . Degradation mechanisms of simple aliphatic amines under ozonation: a DFT study. [J]. | Environmental science. Processes & impacts , 2021 , 23 (3) : 480-490 .
MLA Shen Qunfang et al. "Degradation mechanisms of simple aliphatic amines under ozonation: a DFT study." . | Environmental science. Processes & impacts 23 . 3 (2021) : 480-490 .
APA Shen Qunfang , Liu Yong Dong , Zhong Rugang . Degradation mechanisms of simple aliphatic amines under ozonation: a DFT study. . | Environmental science. Processes & impacts , 2021 , 23 (3) , 480-490 .
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Formation mechanism of chloropicrin from amines and free amino acids during chlorination: A combined computational and experimental study. PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 416 , 125819 | Journal of hazardous materials
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Abstract :

Chloropicrin as one of the most frequently detected N-DBPs has drawn great attention due to its high toxicity. However, our understanding of its formation mechanism is still very limited. A combined computational and experimental approach was used in this study to reveal chloropicrin formation mechanism during chlorination. Ethylamine, n-propylamine, alanine and tryptophan along with the above two amines and their four derivatives substituted by -OH or/and -NO2 groups were chosen as computational and experimental model precursors, respectively. The results indicate that primary amines and free amino acids are more likely to share the same chloropicrin formation pathway including N-chlorination, imidization, β-C-alcoholization, N-nitration, α-C-chlorination and dealdehydation processes. Moreover, elimination of hydrochloric acid from N,N-dichloro-amine and electrophilic addition of N-chloroalkylimide with hypochlorous acid were found to be the rate-limiting steps among all the elementary reactions. By skipping over both of the above rate-limiting steps, RCH(OH)CH2NO2 and RCH(OH)CH2NH(OH) compounds were proposed to be potent chloropicrin precursors, and experiments confirmed that 2-nitroethanol and N-methylhydroxylamine have the highest chloropicrin yields in the chlorination among all the precursors reported to date. The findings of this work are helpful for expanding the knowledge of chloropicrin formation mechanisms and predicting the potential chloropicrin precursors.

Keyword :

Chlorination Chlorination DFT DFT Free amino acids Free amino acids Chloropicrin Chloropicrin Primary amines Primary amines


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GB/T 7714 Zhou Yingying , Ye Zhao-Xi , Huang Huang et al. Formation mechanism of chloropicrin from amines and free amino acids during chlorination: A combined computational and experimental study. [J]. | Journal of hazardous materials , 2021 , 416 : 125819 .
MLA Zhou Yingying et al. "Formation mechanism of chloropicrin from amines and free amino acids during chlorination: A combined computational and experimental study." . | Journal of hazardous materials 416 (2021) : 125819 .
APA Zhou Yingying , Ye Zhao-Xi , Huang Huang , Liu Yong Dong , Zhong Rugang . Formation mechanism of chloropicrin from amines and free amino acids during chlorination: A combined computational and experimental study. . | Journal of hazardous materials , 2021 , 416 , 125819 .
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Degradation Mechanisms and Substituent Effects of N-Chloro-alpha-Amino Acids: A Computational Study SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 54 (5) , 2635-2645 | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

N-Chloro-alpha-amino acids formed in the chlorination disinfection treatment of water or wastewater and in living organisms have attracted extensive attention due to the potential toxicities of themselves and their decomposition products. The degradation mechanisms of three N-chloro-alpha-amino acids, i.e., N-chloro-glycine, N-chloro-alanine, and N-chloro-valine, have been systematically investigated using quantum chemical computations. The results indicate that N-chloro-alpha-amino acid anions undergo two competitive degradation pathways: a concerted Grob fragmentation (CGF) and beta-elimination (beta-E). Generally, the former predominates over the latter under neutral conditions and finally generates amines and carbonyls, while the latter is preferred under base-promoted conditions and mainly produces the respective alpha-keto acid anions or nitriles in the end. To gain deeper insights into the substitution effects, in view of the advantages of quantum chemical computations, a number of real or designed N-chloro-alpha-amino acids with traditional electron-donating groups (EDG) or electron-withdrawing groups (EWG) have been studied. All of the substituted N-chloro-alpha-amino acids, regardless of the type and position of substituents, are kinetically more favorable than N-monochloro-glycine for degradation via the CGF pathway. Moreover, conjugated EDG substituted on the N-terminal facilitate both CGF and beta-E reactions, whereas conjugated EDG and EWG on the alpha-carbon are only favorable for the CGF and beta-E reactions, respectively. These results are expected to expand our understanding of organic N-chloramine degradation mechanisms and chlorination reaction characteristics.


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Huiyuan , Zhou, Yingying , Han, Chunxiu et al. Degradation Mechanisms and Substituent Effects of N-Chloro-alpha-Amino Acids: A Computational Study [J]. | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 54 (5) : 2635-2645 .
MLA Zhao, Huiyuan et al. "Degradation Mechanisms and Substituent Effects of N-Chloro-alpha-Amino Acids: A Computational Study" . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 54 . 5 (2020) : 2635-2645 .
APA Zhao, Huiyuan , Zhou, Yingying , Han, Chunxiu , Liu, Yong Dong , Zhong, Rugang . Degradation Mechanisms and Substituent Effects of N-Chloro-alpha-Amino Acids: A Computational Study . | ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY , 2020 , 54 (5) , 2635-2645 .
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