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Automatic Assessment Method and Device for Depression Symptom Severity Based on Emotional Facial Expression and Pupil-Wave SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 5
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Depression is a serious mental disorder, significantly burdens individuals, families, and society. For clinical psychiatrists, assessing the severity of depression is a crucial tool in selecting treatment approaches and evaluating their effectiveness. Although many studies in machine learning have focused on the automatic evaluation of self-rating scales [such as the Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II) and the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8)], research into the machine learning-based automatic evaluation of the medical clinical assessment scale [such as the Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD)] has not yet been focused on. In this study, an end-to-end automatic evaluation device for HAMD and Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) scores was developed. In addition, we constructed a dataset consisting of emotional facial expression videos (eFEVs) signals and emotional pupil-wave (ePW) signals from 65 patients with depression. The dataset has HAMD and PHQ-9 score labels, encompassing two emotional states: sadness and happiness. We built a 3-dimensional convolutional neural network + long short-term memory (3DCNN + LSTM) model framework and a multiscale 1-dimensional convolutional neural network (1DCNN) to learn and extract features from eFEVs and ePW automatically. The results showed that compared with the previous evaluation methods for depression levels, the evaluation precision of HAMD and PHQ-9 has been improved significantly. The results also showed that, in both HAMD and PHQ-9 evaluations, the evaluation precision of eFEVs was superior to ePW, and HAMD is better than PHQ-9. These studies indicated that both emotional facial expressions and ePW can better represent depressive mood in patients with depression, especially emotional facial expressions, and the predictive precision of the medical scale is significantly better than the self-rating scale. This automated assessment method and device can assist doctors in diagnosing depressive symptoms more effectively and serve as an evaluation tool for treatment efficacy.

Keyword :

Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) Predictive models Predictive models Deep learning Deep learning Depression Depression Data mining Data mining Pupils Pupils Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Feature extraction Feature extraction symptom severity symptom severity patients with depression patients with depression Convolutional neural networks Convolutional neural networks Videos Videos Visualization Visualization Brain modeling Brain modeling Physiology Physiology


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GB/T 7714 Li, Mi , Lu, Zeying , Cao, Qishuang et al. Automatic Assessment Method and Device for Depression Symptom Severity Based on Emotional Facial Expression and Pupil-Wave [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2024 , 73 .
MLA Li, Mi et al. "Automatic Assessment Method and Device for Depression Symptom Severity Based on Emotional Facial Expression and Pupil-Wave" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT 73 (2024) .
APA Li, Mi , Lu, Zeying , Cao, Qishuang , Gao, Junlong , Hu, Bin . Automatic Assessment Method and Device for Depression Symptom Severity Based on Emotional Facial Expression and Pupil-Wave . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INSTRUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT , 2024 , 73 .
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心理状态评估机 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-27 | CN202230397826.1
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 心理状态评估机 : CN202230397826.1[P]. | 2022-06-27 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "心理状态评估机" : CN202230397826.1. | 2022-06-27 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 . 心理状态评估机 : CN202230397826.1. | 2022-06-27 .
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带心理状态评估图形用户界面的显示屏幕面板 incoPat
专利 | 2022-06-27 | CN202230398161.6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

1.本外观设计产品的名称:带心理状态评估图形用户界面的显示屏幕面板。2.本外观设计产品的用途:利用虚拟现实眼动技术对抑郁、焦虑和压力风险水平进行评估的屏幕面板,可用于台式电脑、笔记本电脑、平板电脑、手机、手表、智能手表、掌上电脑、抑郁症评估仪、抑郁症治疗仪、心理状态评估仪。3.本外观设计产品的设计要点:在于图形用户界面。4.最能表明设计要点的图片或照片:主视图。5.无设计要点,省略后视图、俯视图、仰视图、左视图、右视图。6.图形用户界面的用途:用于操作设备对抑郁、焦虑和压力风险水平进行评估。7.图形用户界面在产品中的区域:在设备操作面板部分。8.变化状态:图形用户界面的变化状态说明 : (1)打开系统,显示出登录界面,即主视图。(2)在主视图输入账号和密码输入完成后,点击登录按钮,进入界面状态变化图1。(3)点击界面状态变化图1的设置按钮,显示界面状态变化图2,左侧为识别参数,右侧为系统参数,填完点击界面状态变化图2返回按钮,进入主视图。(4)点击主视图的管理按钮,进入界面状态变化图3,此界面为设备使用人员的信息界面,可以针对设备使用人员的信息进行录入、查询、修改和删除,填完点击界面状态变化图3返回按钮,进入主视图。(5)点击主视图资料按钮,进入界面状态变化图4,即信息填写模块,输入测试者的个人信息,填完点击界面状态变化图4的返回按钮,进入主视图。(6)点击主视图的开始按钮,进入界面状态变化图5,VR眼镜中和电脑的屏幕中会播放视频,同时设备对参试者进行数据采集。(7)视频播放结束,采集过程也随之结束,系统会弹出检测完成的窗口,即界面状态变化图6。(8)点击界面状态变化图6的OK按钮,评估按键亮起,点击界面状态变化图6的评估按钮进行评估,进入界面状态变化图7,显示评估完成,点击界面状态变化图7的返回按钮,回到主视图。(9)点击主视图的打印按钮,显示界面状态变化图8,点击界面状态变化图8的打印报告按钮打印报告。(10)点击界面状态变化图8的返回按钮,回到主视图,如需采集下一个人,继续点主视图的资料按钮,重复以上步骤,如果全部采集完成,点击主视图的退出按钮,结束。


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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 带心理状态评估图形用户界面的显示屏幕面板 : CN202230398161.6[P]. | 2022-06-27 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "带心理状态评估图形用户界面的显示屏幕面板" : CN202230398161.6. | 2022-06-27 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 . 带心理状态评估图形用户界面的显示屏幕面板 : CN202230398161.6. | 2022-06-27 .
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基于静态和动态表情图像的联合表情编码系统及其方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-12-27 | CN202211687009.5
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 陈阳阳 , 王钰琪 et al. 基于静态和动态表情图像的联合表情编码系统及其方法 : CN202211687009.5[P]. | 2022-12-27 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "基于静态和动态表情图像的联合表情编码系统及其方法" : CN202211687009.5. | 2022-12-27 .
APA 栗觅 , 陈阳阳 , 王钰琪 , 胡斌 . 基于静态和动态表情图像的联合表情编码系统及其方法 : CN202211687009.5. | 2022-12-27 .
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A Clinical-Oriented Non-Severe Depression Diagnosis Method Based on Cognitive Behavior of Emotional Conflict SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 48
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To improve the diagnosis accuracy of non-severe depression (NSD), this article proposes a diagnosis method of NSD based on cognitive behavior of emotional conflict. First, the original classification features are constructed based on the cognitive behavior of emotional conflict and statistical distribution, and a classification normalization method is proposed to preprocess the feature data. Then, the relief algorithm and principal component analysis (PCA) are recruited for feature processing. Finally, four classifiers [k-nearest neighbor (KNN), support vector machine (SVM), kernel extreme learning machine (KELM), and random forest (RF)] are used to classify NSD patients and normal subjects. The test results show that among all the classifiers, RF achieves the highest classification sensitivity and specificity of 92% and 88%, respectively. Compared with the results of other NSD diagnosis methods in recent years, it has a better performance. The diagnostic method for NSD proposed in this article has obvious performance advantages and provides technical support for improving the accuracy of clinical depression diagnosis. Furthermore, it also provides a new idea and method for the diagnosis and screening of depression.

Keyword :

Depression diagnosis Depression diagnosis emotional conflict emotional conflict Electroencephalography Electroencephalography Sensitivity Sensitivity major depressive disorder (MDD) major depressive disorder (MDD) Depression Depression Functional magnetic resonance imaging Functional magnetic resonance imaging Feature extraction Feature extraction normalization by category normalization by category Task analysis Task analysis Support vector machines Support vector machines non-severe depression (NSD) non-severe depression (NSD)


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GB/T 7714 Li, Mi , Zhang, Jinyu , Song, Jie et al. A Clinical-Oriented Non-Severe Depression Diagnosis Method Based on Cognitive Behavior of Emotional Conflict [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS , 2022 , 10 (1) : 131-141 .
MLA Li, Mi et al. "A Clinical-Oriented Non-Severe Depression Diagnosis Method Based on Cognitive Behavior of Emotional Conflict" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS 10 . 1 (2022) : 131-141 .
APA Li, Mi , Zhang, Jinyu , Song, Jie , Li, Zijian , Lu, Shengfu . A Clinical-Oriented Non-Severe Depression Diagnosis Method Based on Cognitive Behavior of Emotional Conflict . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTATIONAL SOCIAL SYSTEMS , 2022 , 10 (1) , 131-141 .
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抑郁倾向评估方法及装置 incoPat
专利 | 2021-10-11 | CN202111179593.9
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 抑郁倾向评估方法及装置 : CN202111179593.9[P]. | 2021-10-11 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "抑郁倾向评估方法及装置" : CN202111179593.9. | 2021-10-11 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 . 抑郁倾向评估方法及装置 : CN202111179593.9. | 2021-10-11 .
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情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 incoPat
专利 | 2021-10-11 | CN202111178893.5
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178893.5[P]. | 2021-10-11 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统" : CN202111178893.5. | 2021-10-11 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 , 杨闯 . 情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178893.5. | 2021-10-11 .
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基于静息态脑功能图像的情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 incoPat
专利 | 2021-10-11 | CN202111178892.0
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 基于静息态脑功能图像的情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178892.0[P]. | 2021-10-11 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "基于静息态脑功能图像的情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统" : CN202111178892.0. | 2021-10-11 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 . 基于静息态脑功能图像的情绪状态展示方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178892.0. | 2021-10-11 .
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基于瞳孔波计算情绪指标的方法、装置及系统 incoPat
专利 | 2021-10-11 | CN202111178895.4
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GB/T 7714 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 et al. 基于瞳孔波计算情绪指标的方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178895.4[P]. | 2021-10-11 .
MLA 栗觅 et al. "基于瞳孔波计算情绪指标的方法、装置及系统" : CN202111178895.4. | 2021-10-11 .
APA 栗觅 , 胡斌 , 吕胜富 , 康嘉明 , 张维 . 基于瞳孔波计算情绪指标的方法、装置及系统 : CN202111178895.4. | 2021-10-11 .
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Semi-supervised random forest regression model based on co-training and grouping with information entropy for evaluation of depression symptoms severity SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 18 (4) , 4586-4602 | MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Semi-supervised learning has always been a hot topic in machine learning. It uses a large number of unlabeled data to improve the performance of the model. This paper combines the co training strategy and random forest to propose a novel semi-supervised regression algorithm: semi supervised random forest regression model based on co-training and grouping with information entropy (E-CoGRF), and applies it to the evaluation of depression symptoms severity. The algorithm inherits the ensemble characteristics of random forest, and combines well with co-training. In order to balance the accuracy and diversity of co-training random forests, the algorithm proposes a grouping strategy to decision trees. Moreover, the information entropy is used to measure the confidence, which avoids unnecessary repeated training and improves the efficiency of the model. In the practical application of evaluation of depression symptoms severity, we collect cognitive behavioral data of emotional conflict based on the depressive affective disorder. And on this basis, feature construction and normalization preprocessing are carried out. Finally, the test is conducted on 35 labeled and 80 unlabeled depression patients. The result shows that the proposed algorithm obtains MAE (Mean Absolute Error) = 3.63 and RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) = 4.50, which is better than other semi-supervised regression algorithms. The proposed method effectively solves the modeling difficulties caused by insufficient labeled samples, and has important reference value for the diagnosis of depression symptoms severity.

Keyword :

semi-supervised learning semi-supervised learning emotional conflict emotional conflict E-CoGRF E-CoGRF symptoms severity symptoms severity depression depression


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GB/T 7714 Lu, Shengfu , Shi, Xin , Li, Mi et al. Semi-supervised random forest regression model based on co-training and grouping with information entropy for evaluation of depression symptoms severity [J]. | MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 18 (4) : 4586-4602 .
MLA Lu, Shengfu et al. "Semi-supervised random forest regression model based on co-training and grouping with information entropy for evaluation of depression symptoms severity" . | MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING 18 . 4 (2021) : 4586-4602 .
APA Lu, Shengfu , Shi, Xin , Li, Mi , Jiao, Jinan , Feng, Lei , Wang, Gang . Semi-supervised random forest regression model based on co-training and grouping with information entropy for evaluation of depression symptoms severity . | MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING , 2021 , 18 (4) , 4586-4602 .
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