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期刊论文 | 2021 , 17 (27) , 10-12 | 电脑知识与技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

近年来,随着公共交通领域大数据、云计算、移动支付等新兴科技的应用,城市公交、轨道交通等公共交通行业都推出了二维码App实现了"刷手机"乘车.在为用户出行带来便捷的同时,出现了各App平台的信息数据不互联互通和二维码规范不一等问题.这给用户换乘交通工具时带来了不便,同时增加了交通部门的管理成本.本文基于HTTPS(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)通信协议、HTML5(HyperText Markup Language 5)通信协议以及MQ(Message Queue)通信协议等多种通信协议构建一码通乘平台,统一各平台的二维码规范和对信息数据,让公共交通资源和数据管理朝着高效化、便捷化、规范化的方向发展.

Keyword :

Message Queue通信协议 Message Queue通信协议 HTML 5通信协议 HTML 5通信协议 跨平台 跨平台 HTTPS通信协议 HTTPS通信协议


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GB/T 7714 隋莉颖 , 于海涛 , 杜勇 et al. 基于多通信协议的一码通乘平台技术研究 [J]. | 电脑知识与技术 , 2021 , 17 (27) : 10-12 .
MLA 隋莉颖 et al. "基于多通信协议的一码通乘平台技术研究" . | 电脑知识与技术 17 . 27 (2021) : 10-12 .
APA 隋莉颖 , 于海涛 , 杜勇 , 边嘉乐 , 庞俊彪 . 基于多通信协议的一码通乘平台技术研究 . | 电脑知识与技术 , 2021 , 17 (27) , 10-12 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (5) , 95-99 | 交通科技
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

城市交通 城市交通 公共交通 公共交通 中心接入规范 中心接入规范 一码通乘 一码通乘


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GB/T 7714 隋莉颖 , 于海涛 , 杜勇 et al. 基于中心接入规范的交通一码通乘 [J]. | 交通科技 , 2021 , (5) : 95-99 .
MLA 隋莉颖 et al. "基于中心接入规范的交通一码通乘" . | 交通科技 5 (2021) : 95-99 .
APA 隋莉颖 , 于海涛 , 杜勇 , 边嘉乐 , 庞俊彪 . 基于中心接入规范的交通一码通乘 . | 交通科技 , 2021 , (5) , 95-99 .
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Pavement Crack Detection Using Multi-stage Structural Feature Extraction Model CPCI-S
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Pavement crack detection is of great significance for road maintenance. However, the complexity of road surfaces and the irregularity of cracks make it difficult to accurately detect crack regions. We propose a crack detection method based on structural features for the patch-wise crack detection. The novelty of this method lies on the fusion of the local patches in a multi-staged strategy. Deep supervision learning is further used to learn these features at each stage. The fusion features model the structural relevance among cracks. The experimental results prove the effectiveness of our method on the dataset collected from the industrial environments. Among these state-of-the-art methods we compared, our model achieved the best experimental results with an AP 86.97%.

Keyword :

structural feature extraction structural feature extraction deep supervision deep supervision crack detection crack detection


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GB/T 7714 Duan, Lijuan , Zeng, Jun , Pang, Junbiao et al. Pavement Crack Detection Using Multi-stage Structural Feature Extraction Model [J]. | 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) , 2021 : 969-973 .
MLA Duan, Lijuan et al. "Pavement Crack Detection Using Multi-stage Structural Feature Extraction Model" . | 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) (2021) : 969-973 .
APA Duan, Lijuan , Zeng, Jun , Pang, Junbiao , Wang, Junzhe . Pavement Crack Detection Using Multi-stage Structural Feature Extraction Model . | 2021 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE PROCESSING (ICIP) , 2021 , 969-973 .
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Unsupervised Pixel-level Crack Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Network EI
会议论文 | 2020 , 6-10 | 5th International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing, ICMSSP 2020
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Automatic crack detection from pavement images is an import research field. Meanwhile, crack detection is a challenge task: (1) manual labels are subjective because of low contrast between crack and the surrounding pavement and heavy workload; (2) the excessive dependence of supervised deep learning training on labels. To address these problems, we present an unsupervised method for learning mapping to translate crack images to binary images based on generative adversarial network. We introduce the cyclic consistent loss to increase accuracy of crack localization. Eight residual blocks connected convolutional neural network for feature extraction is used as generator and a 5-layer fully convolutional network is used as discriminator. We analyze the proposed framework and provide qualitative and quantitative comparison. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves a better performance than several existing methods. © 2020 ACM.

Keyword :

Binary images Binary images Crack detection Crack detection Convolutional neural networks Convolutional neural networks Convolution Convolution Multimedia signal processing Multimedia signal processing Deep learning Deep learning Pavements Pavements Multimedia systems Multimedia systems


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GB/T 7714 Duan, Lijuan , Geng, Huiling , Pang, Junbiao et al. Unsupervised Pixel-level Crack Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Network [C] . 2020 : 6-10 .
MLA Duan, Lijuan et al. "Unsupervised Pixel-level Crack Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Network" . (2020) : 6-10 .
APA Duan, Lijuan , Geng, Huiling , Pang, Junbiao , Zeng, Jun . Unsupervised Pixel-level Crack Detection Based on Generative Adversarial Network . (2020) : 6-10 .
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Fast and accurately measuring crack width via cascade principal component analysis EI
会议论文 | 2019 | 1st ACM International Conference on Multimedia in Asia, MMAsia 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Crack width is an important indicator to diagnose the safety of constructions, e.g., asphalt road, concrete bridge. In practice, measuring crack width is a challenge task: (1) the irregular and non-smooth boundary makes the traditional method inefficient; (2) pixel-wise measurement guarantees the accuracy of a system and (3) understanding the damage of constructions from any pre-selected points is a mandatary requirement. To address these problems, we propose a cascade Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to efficiently measure crack width from images. Firstly, the binary crack image is obtained to describe the crack via the off-the-shelf crack detection algorithms. Secondly, given a pre-selected point, PCA is used to find the main axis of a crack. Thirdly, Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) is proposed to compute the main axis of a crack with a irregular boundary. We evaluate the proposed method on a real data set. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves the state-of-the-art performances in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. © 2018 Association for Computing Machinery.

Keyword :

Measurement Measurement Principal component analysis Principal component analysis Cascades (fluid mechanics) Cascades (fluid mechanics) Robust control Robust control Binary images Binary images Crack detection Crack detection


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GB/T 7714 Duan, Lijuan , Geng, Huiling , Zeng, Jun et al. Fast and accurately measuring crack width via cascade principal component analysis [C] . 2019 .
MLA Duan, Lijuan et al. "Fast and accurately measuring crack width via cascade principal component analysis" . (2019) .
APA Duan, Lijuan , Geng, Huiling , Zeng, Jun , Pang, Junbiao , Huang, Qingming . Fast and accurately measuring crack width via cascade principal component analysis . (2019) .
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裂缝宽度测量方法及装置 incoPat
专利 | 2019-11-27 | CN201911182766.5
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GB/T 7714 庞俊彪 , 耿慧玲 , 段立娟 et al. 裂缝宽度测量方法及装置 : CN201911182766.5[P]. | 2019-11-27 .
MLA 庞俊彪 et al. "裂缝宽度测量方法及装置" : CN201911182766.5. | 2019-11-27 .
APA 庞俊彪 , 耿慧玲 , 段立娟 , 曾君 , 黄庆明 . 裂缝宽度测量方法及装置 : CN201911182766.5. | 2019-11-27 .
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Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution EI
会议论文 | 2019 , 11295 LNCS , 590-602 | 25th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, MMM 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organizing webpages into hot topics is one of the key steps to understand the trends from multi-modal web data. To handle this pressing problem, Poisson Deconvolution (PD), a state-of-the-art method, recently is proposed to rank the interestingness of web topics on a similarity graph. Nevertheless, in terms of scalability, PD optimized by expectation-maximization is not sufficiently efficient for a large-scale data set. In this paper, we develop a Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution (SPD) to deal with the large-scale web data sets. Experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach in comparison with the state-of-the-art methods on two public data sets and one large-scale synthetic data set. © 2019, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

Keyword :

Maximum principle Maximum principle Stochastic systems Stochastic systems


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Jinzhong , Pang, Junbiao , Su, Li et al. Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution [C] . 2019 : 590-602 .
MLA Lin, Jinzhong et al. "Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution" . (2019) : 590-602 .
APA Lin, Jinzhong , Pang, Junbiao , Su, Li , Liu, Yugui , Huang, Qingming . Accelerating Topic Detection on Web for a Large-Scale Data Set via Stochastic Poisson Deconvolution . (2019) : 590-602 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , 29 (04) , 24-28 | 计算机技术与发展
CNKI Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

公交到站时间预测 公交到站时间预测 GPS数据 GPS数据 算法评估 算法评估 性能比较 性能比较


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GB/T 7714 庞俊彪 , 胡安静 , 黄晶 et al. 基于大规模数据的公交到站时间预测方法比较 [J]. | 计算机技术与发展 , 2019 , 29 (04) : 24-28 .
MLA 庞俊彪 et al. "基于大规模数据的公交到站时间预测方法比较" . | 计算机技术与发展 29 . 04 (2019) : 24-28 .
APA 庞俊彪 , 胡安静 , 黄晶 , 杜勇 , 于海涛 . 基于大规模数据的公交到站时间预测方法比较 . | 计算机技术与发展 , 2019 , 29 (04) , 24-28 .
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Two Birds With One Stone: A Coupled Poisson Deconvolution for Detecting and Describing Topics From Multimodal Web Data SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organizing multimodal Web pages into hot topics is the core step to grasp trends on the Web. However, the less-constrained social media generate noisy user-generated content, which makes a detected topic be less coherent and less interpretable. In this paper, we address this problem by proposing a coupled Poisson deconvolution to jointly handle topic detection and topic description. For the topic detection, the interestingness of a topic is estimated from the similarities refined by the description of topics; for the topic description, the interestingness of topics is leveraged to describe topics. Two processes cyclically detect interesting topics and generate the multimodal description of topics. This is the innovation of this paper, which just likes killing two birds with one stone. Experiments not only show the significantly improved accuracies for the topic detection but also demonstrate the interpretable descriptions for the topic description on two public data sets.

Keyword :

Multimodal description Multimodal description Poisson deconvolution (PD) Poisson deconvolution (PD) topic coherent topic coherent topic detection on Web topic detection on Web topic description topic description


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GB/T 7714 Pang, Junbiao , Tao, Fei , Huang, Qingming et al. Two Birds With One Stone: A Coupled Poisson Deconvolution for Detecting and Describing Topics From Multimodal Web Data [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS , 2019 , 30 (8) : 2397-2409 .
MLA Pang, Junbiao et al. "Two Birds With One Stone: A Coupled Poisson Deconvolution for Detecting and Describing Topics From Multimodal Web Data" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS 30 . 8 (2019) : 2397-2409 .
APA Pang, Junbiao , Tao, Fei , Huang, Qingming , Tian, Qi , Yin, Baocai . Two Birds With One Stone: A Coupled Poisson Deconvolution for Detecting and Describing Topics From Multimodal Web Data . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS , 2019 , 30 (8) , 2397-2409 .
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Increasing Interpretation of Web Topic Detection via Prototype Learning From Sparse Poisson Deconvolution SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 49 (3) , 1072-1083 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Organizing webpages into interesting topics is one of the key steps to understand the trends from multimodal Web data. The sparse, noisy, and less-constrained user-generated content results in inefficient feature representations. These descriptors unavoidably cause that a detected topic still contains a certain number of the false detected webpages, which further make a topic be less coherent, less interpretable, and less useful. In this paper, we address this problem from a viewpoint interpreting a topic by its prototypes, and present a two-step approach to achieve this goal. Following the detection-by-ranking approach, a sparse Poisson deconvolution is proposed to learn the intratopic similarities between webpages. To find the prototypes, leveraging the intratopic similarities, top-k diverse yet representative prototype webpages are identified from a submodularity function. Experimental results not only show the improved accuracies for the Web topic detection task, but also increase the interpretation of a topic by its prototypes on two public datasets.

Keyword :

Poisson deconvolution Poisson deconvolution sparsity sparsity Web topic detection Web topic detection submodularity submodularity prototype learning (PL) prototype learning (PL) topic interpretation topic interpretation


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GB/T 7714 Pang, Junbiao , Hu, Anjing , Huang, Qingming et al. Increasing Interpretation of Web Topic Detection via Prototype Learning From Sparse Poisson Deconvolution [J]. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS , 2019 , 49 (3) : 1072-1083 .
MLA Pang, Junbiao et al. "Increasing Interpretation of Web Topic Detection via Prototype Learning From Sparse Poisson Deconvolution" . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS 49 . 3 (2019) : 1072-1083 .
APA Pang, Junbiao , Hu, Anjing , Huang, Qingming , Tian, Qi , Yin, Baocai . Increasing Interpretation of Web Topic Detection via Prototype Learning From Sparse Poisson Deconvolution . | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CYBERNETICS , 2019 , 49 (3) , 1072-1083 .
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