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Experimental Study of Frost Crystals Dendrite Growth on Two Neighboring Separate Frozen Water Drops on a Cryogenic Cold Surface under Natural Convection Conditions SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 16 (4) | ENERGIES
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The effects of cold surface temperature, wet air state (temperature and humidity) and original drop size on frost dendrites growth of two neighboring separate frozen water drops of same size under natural convection conditions were investigated by quantitative measurement. It was determined that for different cold plate surface temperature conditions, i.e., the ordinary-low temperature and the cryogenic temperature range, the frost formation mechanism is different. Under the conditions that the air temperature is not too high and absolute humidity is not too excessive, the influence of frozen water drop size on the longest dendrite of frost crystals becomes more and more obvious with the decrease in cold plate temperature. The changes in air temperature and relative humidity both change air absolute humidity, so they have similar effects on the growth of dendrites. However, the effect of wet air state on the growth of frost dendrites is not monotonous, which needs to be considered comprehensively in combination with heat and mass transfer and the existence of heavy phase layer. The thickness of 'the initial continuous frost layer' was measured and it was disclosed that the initial frost layer thickness is 1.7-3.0 times that of the height of the frozen water drop diameter. This value may be possibly used as initial frost layer thickness in heat and mass transfer-based frost layer growth prediction models, at least for ordinary-low temperature conditions.

Keyword :

initial frost layer thickness initial frost layer thickness dendrite growth dendrite growth frost crystal frost crystal cryogenic cold surface cryogenic cold surface


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Fengjiao , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia et al. Experimental Study of Frost Crystals Dendrite Growth on Two Neighboring Separate Frozen Water Drops on a Cryogenic Cold Surface under Natural Convection Conditions [J]. | ENERGIES , 2023 , 16 (4) .
MLA Yu, Fengjiao et al. "Experimental Study of Frost Crystals Dendrite Growth on Two Neighboring Separate Frozen Water Drops on a Cryogenic Cold Surface under Natural Convection Conditions" . | ENERGIES 16 . 4 (2023) .
APA Yu, Fengjiao , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia , Chen, Yanling , Li, Yi . Experimental Study of Frost Crystals Dendrite Growth on Two Neighboring Separate Frozen Water Drops on a Cryogenic Cold Surface under Natural Convection Conditions . | ENERGIES , 2023 , 16 (4) .
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Experimental study of frost crystal dendrite growth on a cryogenic cold surface under natural convection conditions SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Quantitative measurements were carried out of the dendrite frost crystal growth under natural convection conditions on a frozen water drop sitting on a cold surface whose temperature is as low as-190 degrees C to study the effects of cold surface temperature, wet air state and original water drop size. In order to classify the influences of different cold surface temperature regions, the frost crystal dendrite growth of both ordinary-low and cryogenic cold surface temperatures were investigated. It was found that the cold plate surface temperature has a direct influence on frost formation mechanism. Decreasing the cold surface temperature for ordinary-low cold surface temperatures will enhance and for cryogenic cold surface temperatures will suppress the frost crystal dendritic growth of the frozen water drop. The measurements disclosed that the length of the longest frost crystal dendrite grows almost linearly with time, esp. in the early stage. The effects of the water drop sizes on the longest frost crystal dendrite growth become more and more obvious as the cold surface temperature decreases. The influence of air relative humidity on the frost crystal dendrite growth is something similar to that of air temperature under given conditions, since their change both changes the absolute air humidity. A very peculiar phenomenon, i.e. the influence of wet air state on frost crystal dendrite growth is not monotonous, was observed. These findings are important for understanding and studying the frost formation and growth, especially the initial frost formation period, on low temperature surfaces.

Keyword :

Cryogenic cold surface Cryogenic cold surface Natural convection Natural convection Dendrite growth Dendrite growth Frost crystal Frost crystal


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GB/T 7714 Yu, Fengjiao , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia et al. Experimental study of frost crystal dendrite growth on a cryogenic cold surface under natural convection conditions [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION , 2022 , 144 : 305-315 .
MLA Yu, Fengjiao et al. "Experimental study of frost crystal dendrite growth on a cryogenic cold surface under natural convection conditions" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION 144 (2022) : 305-315 .
APA Yu, Fengjiao , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia , Chen, Yanling , Li, Yi . Experimental study of frost crystal dendrite growth on a cryogenic cold surface under natural convection conditions . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION , 2022 , 144 , 305-315 .
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Simulation of Denitrification of Vehicle Exhaust over Cu-CHA Bazite Catalyst for a Monolith Reactor SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (8) | CATALYSTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A CFD model with chemical reaction kinetic and heat and mass transfer for a monolith reactor is established by COMSOL Multiphysics to investigate the influence of different operating conditions and water on denitrification efficiency for Cu-CHA. At the low temperature range, water has little effect on the denitrification efficiency over the Cu-CHA catalyst while NO conversion is increased by about 30% at the medium temperature. The concentration of O-2 (C-O2) has no significant effect on the performance of Cu-CHA catalyst. The best ratio of NO2 to NOx in feed gases may be 1/2, which improves the denitrification efficiency and the yield of N-2 but it produces relatively little N2O. The optimal ammonia-nitrogen ratio is 1.1, where Cu-CHA catalyst has fairly great denitrification efficiency and low NH3 leakage. Increasing inlet flow velocity and cross area of channels have negative effect on NO conversion, while longer channels and thicker substrate have the opposite effect.

Keyword :

SCR SCR denitrification denitrification Cu-CHA Cu-CHA numerical study numerical study water resistant water resistant


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GB/T 7714 Li, Yanxia , Zhu, Yuwen , Zhang, Ning et al. Simulation of Denitrification of Vehicle Exhaust over Cu-CHA Bazite Catalyst for a Monolith Reactor [J]. | CATALYSTS , 2021 , 11 (8) .
MLA Li, Yanxia et al. "Simulation of Denitrification of Vehicle Exhaust over Cu-CHA Bazite Catalyst for a Monolith Reactor" . | CATALYSTS 11 . 8 (2021) .
APA Li, Yanxia , Zhu, Yuwen , Zhang, Ning , Liu, Zhongliang . Simulation of Denitrification of Vehicle Exhaust over Cu-CHA Bazite Catalyst for a Monolith Reactor . | CATALYSTS , 2021 , 11 (8) .
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一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO2不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (3) , 88-91 | 现代化工
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

利用化学及电化学方法将非贵金属催化剂石墨烯(rGO)和纳米MnO2依次负载到三维多孔不锈钢纤维毡(Stainless steel fiber felt,SSFF)集电体上制备微生物燃料电池(Microbial fuel cell,MFC)空气阴极.在增大空气阴极活化面积的同时有效减小接触阻抗.通过物理和电化学方式测试表征其形貌、氧还原特性.在MFC中的运行结果表明,负载5 mL还原性氧化石墨烯再浸渍生长MnO2的不锈钢纤维毡(rGO@MnO2-SSFF)空气阴极的最大功率密度(524.34 mW/m2)是不锈钢纤维毡阴极(58.21 mW/m2)的9倍.经过复合催化剂rGO@MnO2修饰之后的不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极可以应用于MFC并大幅改良SSFF空气阴极的氧还原催化性能.

Keyword :

不锈钢纤维毡 不锈钢纤维毡 纳米二氧化锰 纳米二氧化锰 氧化石墨烯 氧化石墨烯 空气阴极 空气阴极 微生物燃料电池 微生物燃料电池


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GB/T 7714 陈稳稳 , 牛恒 , 刘中良 . 一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO2不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 [J]. | 现代化工 , 2021 , 41 (3) : 88-91 .
MLA 陈稳稳 et al. "一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO2不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备" . | 现代化工 41 . 3 (2021) : 88-91 .
APA 陈稳稳 , 牛恒 , 刘中良 . 一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO2不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 . | 现代化工 , 2021 , 41 (3) , 88-91 .
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一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO_(2)不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 41 (3) , 88-91 | 陈稳稳
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

微生物燃料电池 微生物燃料电池 氧化石墨烯 氧化石墨烯 纳米二氧化锰 纳米二氧化锰 空气阴极 空气阴极 不锈钢纤维毡 不锈钢纤维毡


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GB/T 7714 陈稳稳 , 牛恒 , 刘中良 et al. 一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO_(2)不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 [J]. | 陈稳稳 , 2021 , 41 (3) : 88-91 .
MLA 陈稳稳 et al. "一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO_(2)不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备" . | 陈稳稳 41 . 3 (2021) : 88-91 .
APA 陈稳稳 , 牛恒 , 刘中良 , 现代化工 . 一体式无粘结剂rGO@MnO_(2)不锈钢纤维毡空气阴极的制备 . | 陈稳稳 , 2021 , 41 (3) , 88-91 .
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水泥熟料生产企业CO2直接排放核算模型的建立 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2021 , 17 (1) , 79-87 | 杨楠
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

CO2排放量核算 CO2排放量核算 实际产能 实际产能 生产时长 生产时长 CO2排放清单 CO2排放清单 水泥熟料生产企业 水泥熟料生产企业 水泥熟料烧成煤耗 水泥熟料烧成煤耗


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GB/T 7714 杨楠 , 李艳霞 , 赵盟 et al. 水泥熟料生产企业CO2直接排放核算模型的建立 [J]. | 杨楠 , 2021 , 17 (1) : 79-87 .
MLA 杨楠 et al. "水泥熟料生产企业CO2直接排放核算模型的建立" . | 杨楠 17 . 1 (2021) : 79-87 .
APA 杨楠 , 李艳霞 , 赵盟 , 吕晨 , 刘中良 , 陈莎 et al. 水泥熟料生产企业CO2直接排放核算模型的建立 . | 杨楠 , 2021 , 17 (1) , 79-87 .
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Study on evolution laws of two-phase choking flow and entrainment performance of steam ejector oriented towards MED-TVC desalination system SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 242 | ENERGY
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this study, a visualizable experimental platform of steam ejector oriented towards MED-TVC desali-nation system is constructed, and the evolution laws of two-phase choking flow and ejector's entrain-ment performance under various operating parameters are obtained. Further, a matching double-choking theory with consideration of the condensing flow is developed to explain the inherent reason behind these evolution laws. Key results revealed that the formed two-phase choking flows have great effects on ejector's entrainment performance. The primary jet flow choking area linearly increases as the primary steam pressure raises, and the entrainment choking area experiences a small reduction, while the extended flow area marginally increases. Accordingly, the entrainment ratio significantly decreases, while the choking cross-section is slightly shifted upstream. In addition, the primary jet flow choking area considerably decreases with increasing entrainment pressure, but the entrainment choking area is nearly unchanged and the extended flow area increases by more than 8 times. As a result, the entrainment ratio remarkably increases, the choking cross-section migration distances are much larger than that in the case of primary steam pressure varies. A meaningful guide evolves from fact that priority should be given to restrain the condensing flow for achieving a higher energy efficiency of ejector. (c) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Steam ejector Steam ejector Double-choking theory Double-choking theory Evolution laws Evolution laws Operating parameters Operating parameters Two-phase choking flow Two-phase choking flow Entrainment performance Entrainment performance


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GB/T 7714 Tang, Yongzhi , Yuan, Jiali , Liu, Zhongliang et al. Study on evolution laws of two-phase choking flow and entrainment performance of steam ejector oriented towards MED-TVC desalination system [J]. | ENERGY , 2021 , 242 .
MLA Tang, Yongzhi et al. "Study on evolution laws of two-phase choking flow and entrainment performance of steam ejector oriented towards MED-TVC desalination system" . | ENERGY 242 (2021) .
APA Tang, Yongzhi , Yuan, Jiali , Liu, Zhongliang , Feng, Qing , Gong, Xiaolong , Lu, Lin et al. Study on evolution laws of two-phase choking flow and entrainment performance of steam ejector oriented towards MED-TVC desalination system . | ENERGY , 2021 , 242 .
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High electricity generation achieved by depositing rGO@MnO2 composite catalysts on three-dimensional stainless steel fiber felt for preparing the energy-efficient air cathode in microbial fuel cells SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 222 | ENERGY
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a promising biotechnology that realizes the transformation of wastewater treatment from an energy consumption to an electricity generation process. However, the tedious process and the large resources consuming in preparing powder ORR catalysts are still non-negligible limiting factors for application. This study aims at proposing an energy-efficient method for preparing three-dimensional binder-free air cathode for MFCs: non-noble composite catalysts based on graphene and MnO2 are synthesized directly on stainless steel fiber felt (SSFF) by pre-fixing and electro-reducing graphene oxide on SSFF (rGO-SSFF), and then in-situ depositing MnO2 nanocatalysts on rGO-SSFF (rGO@MnO2-SSFF). The experimental results show that the ORR ability of rGO@MnO2-SSFF cathode is greater than that of Pt/C-CC cathode, even if the performance of rGO@MnO2 powder catalyst is slightly lower than that of the traditional Pt/C catalyst. The excellent performance is found to be due to the three-dimensional framework-pore structure of SSFF which helps the prepared cathode possess larger electrochemical active area (8415.18 m(2) m(-3)) than Pt/C-CC cathode (7518.13 m(2) m(-3)). The proposed method provides a new way to reduce the cost (labor, materials and energy) of air cathode while ensuring the high electricity output of MFCs. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Stainless steel fiber felt Stainless steel fiber felt Air cathode Air cathode Microbial fuel cells Microbial fuel cells Oxygen reduction activity Oxygen reduction activity Preparation optimization Preparation optimization


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Wenwen , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia et al. High electricity generation achieved by depositing rGO@MnO2 composite catalysts on three-dimensional stainless steel fiber felt for preparing the energy-efficient air cathode in microbial fuel cells [J]. | ENERGY , 2021 , 222 .
MLA Chen, Wenwen et al. "High electricity generation achieved by depositing rGO@MnO2 composite catalysts on three-dimensional stainless steel fiber felt for preparing the energy-efficient air cathode in microbial fuel cells" . | ENERGY 222 (2021) .
APA Chen, Wenwen , Liu, Zhongliang , Li, Yanxia , Liao, Qiang , Zhu, Xun . High electricity generation achieved by depositing rGO@MnO2 composite catalysts on three-dimensional stainless steel fiber felt for preparing the energy-efficient air cathode in microbial fuel cells . | ENERGY , 2021 , 222 .
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Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oil-based Drilling Cuttings in Screw-driving Spiral Heat Exchanger EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (4) , 959-965 | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Flow and heat transfer characteristics of oil-based drilling cuttings in a screw-driving spiral heat exchanger were numerically simulated. The influence of spiral tube rotation speed, Reynolds number of oil-based drilling cuttings, cross-sectional shape on flow and heat transfer characteristics were studied. The results show that with rotation speed increases, the heat transfer coefficient and outlet temperature of oil-based drilling cuttings all increase. In addition, when Reynolds number is less than 250, Nusselt number increases rapidly with the increase of Reynolds number, and Reynolds number has little influence on Nusselt number when it is more than 250. Besides, Nusselt number increases with the increase of curvature ratio di=D. In order to facilitate engineering design, a correlation for heat transfer of oil-based drilling cuttings flowing in the shell side of the heat exchanger is obtained. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Infill drilling Infill drilling Reynolds number Reynolds number Heat exchangers Heat exchangers Screws Screws Nusselt number Nusselt number


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GB/T 7714 Zhao, Fei , Li, Yan-Xia , Liu, Zhong-Liang et al. Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oil-based Drilling Cuttings in Screw-driving Spiral Heat Exchanger [J]. | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (4) : 959-965 .
MLA Zhao, Fei et al. "Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oil-based Drilling Cuttings in Screw-driving Spiral Heat Exchanger" . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics 42 . 4 (2021) : 959-965 .
APA Zhao, Fei , Li, Yan-Xia , Liu, Zhong-Liang , Mi, Fu-Lin , Gao, Li-Qing , Li, Qing-Fang et al. Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Oil-based Drilling Cuttings in Screw-driving Spiral Heat Exchanger . | Journal of Engineering Thermophysics , 2021 , 42 (4) , 959-965 .
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Preparation and performance of nanoparticles-based anti-frosting transparent hydrophobic surfaces SCIE
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Hydrophobic surface has been used for restraining frost deposition on cold non-transparent surfaces. However, anti-frosting surfaces with good transparency, esp. transparent hydrophobic surfaces are receiving more and attention from both industries and researchers. A simple method for preparing transparent hydrophobic surface is thus proposed and used to fabricate anti-frosting hydrophobic surfaces. A series of frosting experiments on transparent hydrophobic surfaces and unmodified glass surfaces were carried out under natural convection conditions. The results show that the maximum contact angle of the modified hydrophobic surface is increased by 39.3 degrees, which means an increase of 44.1% over that of the unmodified plain glass surface. The surface properties are the best when TEOS addition is 10 mL. In the range of visible light, the surface transmittance is greater than 87%. A very special condensate droplets freezing mechanism, i.e., the ice bridge mechanism is observed. And the frost crystal appearance time on the hydrophobic surface is more than 660 s, which is 540 s longer than that on the unmodified glass surface. The frost coverage of the hydrophobic surface is significantly smaller than that of the unmodified plain glass surface, the speed of frost propagation is only 47.5 mu m/s, which is 29.6% lower than that of unmodified surface. Therefore, compared with the unmodified surface, the hydrophobic glass surface can effectively inhibit the growth of frost layer without much loss of its transparency. (C) 2021 Elsevier Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Hydrophobicity Hydrophobicity Silicon dioxide Silicon dioxide Anti-frosting Anti-frosting Transparent coatings Transparent coatings


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GB/T 7714 Fan, Pengyan , Li, Yanxia , Liu, Zhongliang et al. Preparation and performance of nanoparticles-based anti-frosting transparent hydrophobic surfaces [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION , 2021 , 130 : 404-412 .
MLA Fan, Pengyan et al. "Preparation and performance of nanoparticles-based anti-frosting transparent hydrophobic surfaces" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION 130 (2021) : 404-412 .
APA Fan, Pengyan , Li, Yanxia , Liu, Zhongliang , Yu, Fengjiao , Chen, Yanling , Li, Yi . Preparation and performance of nanoparticles-based anti-frosting transparent hydrophobic surfaces . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFRIGERATION , 2021 , 130 , 404-412 .
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