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齿轮传动环向铅剪切阻尼器的试验研究与数值模拟 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 40 (19) , 89-97 | 振动与冲击
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

金属屈服型阻尼器通常存在疲劳损伤后需要更换和不易满足大行程要求的问题,提出一种齿轮传动环向铅剪切阻尼器(GD-CSLD).基于铅材常温动态回复再结晶性能,并通过齿轮齿条配合使该阻尼器具有理论上无疲劳损伤及无位移上限的优良特征.根据核心耗能部件的构造对3个不同剪切轴截面的模型试件进行了数值模拟和试验研究,选择最优剪切轴截面方案设计加工了GD-CSLD,通过性能试验对该阻尼器的滞回性能、疲劳性能进行研究.基于有限元分析和试验结果,对该阻尼器耗能机理进行分析.结果 表明:该型阻尼器滞回性能稳定,可实现大行程加载,多次加载后基本无疲劳损伤效应;其耗能机理包含铅材屈服和侧向钢-铅摩擦两部分,且两者贡献基本相同.

Keyword :

钢-铅摩擦 钢-铅摩擦 数值模拟 数值模拟 铅阻尼器 铅阻尼器 齿轮传动 齿轮传动 环向剪切 环向剪切


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GB/T 7714 石路炜 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 et al. 齿轮传动环向铅剪切阻尼器的试验研究与数值模拟 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2021 , 40 (19) : 89-97 .
MLA 石路炜 et al. "齿轮传动环向铅剪切阻尼器的试验研究与数值模拟" . | 振动与冲击 40 . 19 (2021) : 89-97 .
APA 石路炜 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 , 尹祎文 , 康迎杰 . 齿轮传动环向铅剪切阻尼器的试验研究与数值模拟 . | 振动与冲击 , 2021 , 40 (19) , 89-97 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , PageCount-页数: 7 (06) , 105-111 | 上海城市规划
CNKI Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

相关关系分析 相关关系分析 综合防灾规划 综合防灾规划 综合评估 综合评估 防灾减灾 防灾减灾 多灾种风险 多灾种风险


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GB/T 7714 夏陈红 , 王威 , 马东辉 et al. 综合防灾规划中多灾种风险评估技术研究 [J]. | 上海城市规划 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 7 (06) : 105-111 .
MLA 夏陈红 et al. "综合防灾规划中多灾种风险评估技术研究" . | 上海城市规划 PageCount-页数: 7 . 06 (2020) : 105-111 .
APA 夏陈红 , 王威 , 马东辉 , 苏经宇 . 综合防灾规划中多灾种风险评估技术研究 . | 上海城市规划 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 7 (06) , 105-111 .
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复振型叠加方法合理振型数量的确定 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (02) , 157-165 | 建筑结构学报
CNKI Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

振型数量 振型数量 振型质量参与系数 振型质量参与系数 复振型叠加方法 复振型叠加方法 动力分析 动力分析 非经典阻尼系统 非经典阻尼系统


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GB/T 7714 陈华霆 , 谭平 , 彭凌云 et al. 复振型叠加方法合理振型数量的确定 [J]. | 建筑结构学报 , 2020 , 41 (02) : 157-165 .
MLA 陈华霆 et al. "复振型叠加方法合理振型数量的确定" . | 建筑结构学报 41 . 02 (2020) : 157-165 .
APA 陈华霆 , 谭平 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 , 周福霖 . 复振型叠加方法合理振型数量的确定 . | 建筑结构学报 , 2020 , 41 (02) , 157-165 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , 27 (05) , 95-97 | 城市住宅
CNKI Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

住区规划 住区规划 社区营建 社区营建 韧性社区 韧性社区


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GB/T 7714 孙德峰 , 苏经宇 . 国内外韧性社区建设研究 [J]. | 城市住宅 , 2020 , 27 (05) : 95-97 .
MLA 孙德峰 et al. "国内外韧性社区建设研究" . | 城市住宅 27 . 05 (2020) : 95-97 .
APA 孙德峰 , 苏经宇 . 国内外韧性社区建设研究 . | 城市住宅 , 2020 , 27 (05) , 95-97 .
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Determination of reasonable mode number for complex modal superposition approach EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 41 (2) , 157-165 | Journal of Building Structures
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Based on theoretical derivation, complex modal mass participation ratio is gained, which can be applied to complex modal superposition approach for non-classical damping systems. In this paper two equivalent expressions of complex modal mass participation ratios are developed and both of them can be used to determine the reasonable mode number. In addition, the modal mass participation ratios of real and complex modes are unified according to the condition of complex modes degenerating to real modes (i.e., the real part is proportional to the imaginary part). There is no further assumption involved in the new proposed modal mass participation ratio except those have been adopted in the real modal mass participation ratio and have the same physical meanings. Thus it is easy for design engineers to master and apply. A typical isolated and response controlled buildings and a nine-story steel benchmark model with viscous dampers are taken as numerical examples, to demonstrate the significant effectiveness of the complex modal mass participation ratio to evaluate reasonable mode number. It should be noted that the mode number determined by the modal mass participation ratio to evaluate the acceleration response is smaller than that required to reach acceptable accuracy level, since the modal mass participation ratio is derived based on the base shear. © 2020, Editorial Office of Journal of Building Structures. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Dynamic analysis Dynamic analysis Structures (built objects) Structures (built objects) Structural members Structural members Damping Damping


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Huating , Tan, Ping , Peng, Lingyun et al. Determination of reasonable mode number for complex modal superposition approach [J]. | Journal of Building Structures , 2020 , 41 (2) : 157-165 .
MLA Chen, Huating et al. "Determination of reasonable mode number for complex modal superposition approach" . | Journal of Building Structures 41 . 2 (2020) : 157-165 .
APA Chen, Huating , Tan, Ping , Peng, Lingyun , Su, Jingyu , Zhou, Fulin . Determination of reasonable mode number for complex modal superposition approach . | Journal of Building Structures , 2020 , 41 (2) , 157-165 .
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Numerical Simulation of Seismic Waves with Peak Arrival Time and Amplitude-Frequency Correlation SCIE
期刊论文 | 2019 , 23 (10) , 4389-4406 | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

To improve the accuracy with which the non-stationary intensity characteristics of artificial acceleration-time-history curves are determined, a method of adjusting the frequency correlation between the artificial peak arrival time and amplitude spectrum is proposed. A calculation method for determining the peak arrival time to reflect the physical meaning of the phase-difference spectrum was first deduced. Subsequently, the amplitude-distribution characteristics corresponding to the peak arrival times for different durations of natural earthquakes were analyzed. In accordance with the distribution characteristics of the reference amplitude, the frequency distribution of the artificial peak arrival time was divided into four parts: the beginning, strong-earthquake, attenuation, and tail sections. By adjusting the arrival frequency of peak points for the different earthquake durations considered, the corresponding relationship between the artificial peak arrival time and amplitude spectrum was determined to be more consistent with the general law of natural earthquakes. The sample calculation described in this paper demonstrates that adjusting the frequency correspondence between the artificial peak arrival time and amplitude spectrum greatly improves the accuracy of the non-stationary intensity characteristics of artificial acceleration-time-history curves.

Keyword :

peak arrival time peak arrival time frequency correspondence frequency correspondence main frequency-amplitude distribution main frequency-amplitude distribution phase-difference spectrum phase-difference spectrum artificial acceleration-time-history curve artificial acceleration-time-history curve


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GB/T 7714 Han, Xu , Wang, Zhitao , Peng, Lingyun et al. Numerical Simulation of Seismic Waves with Peak Arrival Time and Amplitude-Frequency Correlation [J]. | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2019 , 23 (10) : 4389-4406 .
MLA Han, Xu et al. "Numerical Simulation of Seismic Waves with Peak Arrival Time and Amplitude-Frequency Correlation" . | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 23 . 10 (2019) : 4389-4406 .
APA Han, Xu , Wang, Zhitao , Peng, Lingyun , Su, Jingyu , Wang, Lihua . Numerical Simulation of Seismic Waves with Peak Arrival Time and Amplitude-Frequency Correlation . | KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING , 2019 , 23 (10) , 4389-4406 .
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会议论文 | 2019 | 第28届全国结构工程学术会议
CNKI Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

大质量比 大质量比 优化设计 优化设计 附属设备 附属设备 振动台试验 振动台试验 减震控制 减震控制 MTMD MTMD


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GB/T 7714 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 et al. 以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究 [C] //第28届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册) . 2019 .
MLA 康迎杰 et al. "以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究" 第28届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册) . (2019) .
APA 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 , 陆宜倩 , 常健 . 以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究 第28届全国结构工程学术会议论文集(第Ⅱ册) . (2019) .
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会议论文 | 2019 , 306-314 | 第28全国结构工程学术会议
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

  针对以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构体系,基于调频减震理论建立了参数优化设计方法,并选取一4层钢筋混凝土框架结构作为研究对象,通过对原结构和减震结构分别进行3组地震波作用下的振动台试验,对比分析两者的动力响应,以考察该类结构体系的减震作用特征及控制效果。结果 表明:以大质量比附属设备作为MTMD质量块,并按照优化方法设计的减震结构,可以显著提高结构的抗震性能;MTMD具有发挥作用滞后的特点,结构位移响应在初期即到达峰值时,MTMD对结构位移峰值的减震效果较差,但会提高结构震动的衰减速率;MTMD对不同地震波的控制效果具有离散性,当地震动对结构动力响应的影响较弱时,MTMD的控制效果较差,但并不会带来明显的不良影响;提出的优化设计方法同样亦可应用于其它大质量比TMD/MTMD的参数优化设计。

Keyword :

减震控制 减震控制 振动台试验 振动台试验 大质量比 大质量比 优化设计 优化设计 MTMD MTMD 附属设备 附属设备


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GB/T 7714 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 et al. 以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究 [C] //第28全国结构工程学术会议 论文集 . 2019 : 306-314 .
MLA 康迎杰 et al. "以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究" 第28全国结构工程学术会议 论文集 . (2019) : 306-314 .
APA 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 苏经宇 , 陆宜倩 , 常健 . 以大质量比附属设备构造的MTMD减震结构优化设计及振动台试验研究 第28全国结构工程学术会议 论文集 . (2019) : 306-314 .
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考虑指标关联分析的软土地基震陷判别逐步判别模型 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 35 (07) , 30-36 | 建筑科学
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

软土 软土 耦合模型 耦合模型 灰色关联分析 灰色关联分析 逐步判别分析 逐步判别分析


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GB/T 7714 李波 , 崔金涛 , 刘念 et al. 考虑指标关联分析的软土地基震陷判别逐步判别模型 [J]. | 建筑科学 , 2019 , 35 (07) : 30-36 .
MLA 李波 et al. "考虑指标关联分析的软土地基震陷判别逐步判别模型" . | 建筑科学 35 . 07 (2019) : 30-36 .
APA 李波 , 崔金涛 , 刘念 , 苏经宇 , 王威 . 考虑指标关联分析的软土地基震陷判别逐步判别模型 . | 建筑科学 , 2019 , 35 (07) , 30-36 .
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煤斗调频减震火电厂结构优化设计及减震性能分析 CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 38 (16) , 137-145,152 | 振动与冲击
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

弹塑性分析 弹塑性分析 煤斗减震 煤斗减震 优化设计 优化设计 火电厂 火电厂 减震效果 减震效果


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GB/T 7714 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 彭奕亮 et al. 煤斗调频减震火电厂结构优化设计及减震性能分析 [J]. | 振动与冲击 , 2019 , 38 (16) : 137-145,152 .
MLA 康迎杰 et al. "煤斗调频减震火电厂结构优化设计及减震性能分析" . | 振动与冲击 38 . 16 (2019) : 137-145,152 .
APA 康迎杰 , 彭凌云 , 彭奕亮 , 薛涛 , 杲晓龙 , 苏经宇 . 煤斗调频减震火电厂结构优化设计及减震性能分析 . | 振动与冲击 , 2019 , 38 (16) , 137-145,152 .
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