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期刊论文 | 2023 , 42 (5) , 28-36 | 测控技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

水平剪切导波 水平剪切导波 信号处理 信号处理 EMAT EMAT 缺陷检测 缺陷检测 阵列技术 阵列技术


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GB/T 7714 刘增华 , 洪泽汇 , 吴斌 et al. 电磁超声水平剪切导波的缺陷检测研究进展 [J]. | 测控技术 , 2023 , 42 (5) : 28-36 .
MLA 刘增华 et al. "电磁超声水平剪切导波的缺陷检测研究进展" . | 测控技术 42 . 5 (2023) : 28-36 .
APA 刘增华 , 洪泽汇 , 吴斌 , 何存富 . 电磁超声水平剪切导波的缺陷检测研究进展 . | 测控技术 , 2023 , 42 (5) , 28-36 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 59 (14) , 33-42 | 机械工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

陶瓷基复合材料(Ceramic matrix composites,CMC)具有密度低和耐高温等一系列优点,广泛应用于飞机机翼前缘与先进燃气涡轮发动机等部件。由于在其生产过程中存在着制作工艺多样和制作步骤繁复等因素影响,材料内部不可避免地会存留缺陷,这对材料质量稳定性以及可靠性都造成了不可忽视的影响。针对其内部缺陷检测的迫切需求,基于太赫兹时域光谱(Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy,THz-TDS)技术具有信息量丰富、时间分辨率高的优势,提出一种用于CMC内部缺陷无损检测的太赫兹检测方法。首先,采用反射式THz-TDS系统,对预制的CMC试样进行了非接触式无损检测,获得样品逐点扫描检测信号。然后,针对其高频信号在高阶滤波后常出现的明显相位延迟现象,提出一种零相位滤波方法,消除相位延迟并精确提取出峰值、相位与渡越时间等信息。在此基础上,采用多特征加权融合成像方法绘制材料缺陷的二维表面成像结果,并重构与其对应的缺陷三维形貌图,直观展示出了缺陷形貌位置信息,最终实现了CMC试样的缺陷定位与尺寸定量评估。

Keyword :

零相位滤波 零相位滤波 缺陷检测 缺陷检测 融合成像 融合成像 陶瓷基复合材料 陶瓷基复合材料 太赫兹波谱 太赫兹波谱


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GB/T 7714 刘增华 , 吴育衡 , 王可心 et al. 基于太赫兹时域光谱技术的陶瓷基复合材料缺陷检测成像研究 [J]. | 机械工程学报 , 2023 , 59 (14) : 33-42 .
MLA 刘增华 et al. "基于太赫兹时域光谱技术的陶瓷基复合材料缺陷检测成像研究" . | 机械工程学报 59 . 14 (2023) : 33-42 .
APA 刘增华 , 吴育衡 , 王可心 , 满润昕 , 何存富 , 吴斌 . 基于太赫兹时域光谱技术的陶瓷基复合材料缺陷检测成像研究 . | 机械工程学报 , 2023 , 59 (14) , 33-42 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 43 (02) , 1-10,113 | 焊接学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

在焊接热循环作用下,奥氏体不锈钢焊缝内部呈粗大柱状晶组织,且其取向在焊缝不同区域呈各向异性.针对粗大柱状晶引起的超声波散射和晶粒取向不同导致的声束偏折等问题,进行奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列检测方法研究.针对超声阵列获得全矩阵数据,发展了一种基于时间反转算子分解的超声阵列信号去噪方法.利用射线追踪法,研究了各向异性介质中超声波传播路径确定方法,并将其应用于奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列全聚焦成像的声束偏折校正.开展了奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列检测试验研究.结果表明,基于时间反转算子分解方法可以很好剔除检测信号中的散射噪声,凸显特征回波信息,可将全聚焦成像的信噪比提高10 dB,而波束偏折校正则可以提高超声...

Keyword :

全聚焦成像 全聚焦成像 时间反转算子分解 时间反转算子分解 射线追踪 射线追踪 超声阵列 超声阵列 奥氏体不锈钢焊缝 奥氏体不锈钢焊缝


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GB/T 7714 杨敬 , 吴斌 , 焦敬品 et al. 奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列检测方法 [J]. | 焊接学报 , 2022 , 43 (02) : 1-10,113 .
MLA 杨敬 et al. "奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列检测方法" . | 焊接学报 43 . 02 (2022) : 1-10,113 .
APA 杨敬 , 吴斌 , 焦敬品 , 王永贤 , 何存富 . 奥氏体不锈钢焊缝超声阵列检测方法 . | 焊接学报 , 2022 , 43 (02) , 1-10,113 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 67 (07) , 621-629 | 科学通报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

非线性超声 非线性超声 材料非线性 材料非线性 无损检测 无损检测 性能劣化 性能劣化 黏接界面 黏接界面 接触非线性 接触非线性


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GB/T 7714 李立 , 焦敬品 , 高翔 et al. 黏接界面性能劣化的非线性超声检测研究进展 [J]. | 科学通报 , 2022 , 67 (07) : 621-629 .
MLA 李立 et al. "黏接界面性能劣化的非线性超声检测研究进展" . | 科学通报 67 . 07 (2022) : 621-629 .
APA 李立 , 焦敬品 , 高翔 , 贾召会 , 吴斌 , 何存富 . 黏接界面性能劣化的非线性超声检测研究进展 . | 科学通报 , 2022 , 67 (07) , 621-629 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 44 (07) , 60-64 | 无损检测
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


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漏磁场分析 漏磁场分析 平行钢丝束 平行钢丝束 漏磁法 漏磁法 缺陷检测 缺陷检测


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GB/T 7714 郭建美 , 王钰珏 , 丁俊才 et al. 平行钢丝束填充状态对表层缺陷漏磁场的弱化规律分析 [J]. | 无损检测 , 2022 , 44 (07) : 60-64 .
MLA 郭建美 et al. "平行钢丝束填充状态对表层缺陷漏磁场的弱化规律分析" . | 无损检测 44 . 07 (2022) : 60-64 .
APA 郭建美 , 王钰珏 , 丁俊才 , 吴斌 , 刘秀成 , 何存富 . 平行钢丝束填充状态对表层缺陷漏磁场的弱化规律分析 . | 无损检测 , 2022 , 44 (07) , 60-64 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 47 (02) , 256-265 | 声学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

疲劳损伤 疲劳损伤 金属板 金属板 材料损伤 材料损伤 兰姆波 兰姆波 混频技术 混频技术


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GB/T 7714 焦敬品 , 李立 , 高翔 et al. 金属板疲劳损伤非线性兰姆波混频检测 [J]. | 声学学报 , 2022 , 47 (02) : 256-265 .
MLA 焦敬品 et al. "金属板疲劳损伤非线性兰姆波混频检测" . | 声学学报 47 . 02 (2022) : 256-265 .
APA 焦敬品 , 李立 , 高翔 , 吴斌 , 何存富 . 金属板疲劳损伤非线性兰姆波混频检测 . | 声学学报 , 2022 , 47 (02) , 256-265 .
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Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Electromagnetic acoustic transducers (EMATs) have been widely applied in nondestructive testings and structural health monitoring. This paper proposes a flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer (FSW-EMAT), which uses flexible rubber magnets instead of hard permanent magnets, in order to achieve the defects detection of steel pipe or other ferromagnetic structures with a certain surface curvature. Traditional EMATs mainly consist of three parts: magnet, coil and metal specimen to be tested. Permanent magnets or electromagnets are generally used to produce the strong magnetic flux density. However, the two kinds of magnets are not suitable for the defect detection of metal specimens with a certain curvature. The proposed FSW-EMAT in this paper adopts a flexible magnet, which is a mixture of rubber and iron powder and has strong flexibility to fit the bent specimen. The proposed FSW-EMAT can be easily applied in the testing of curved structural component and detect axial and circumferential defects by rotating the transducer.

Keyword :

electromagnetic acoustic transducer electromagnetic acoustic transducer Nondestructive testing Nondestructive testing pipe detection pipe detection surface wave surface wave


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zenghua , Li, Aili , Wu, Bin et al. Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS , 2020 , 62 (1) : 13-29 .
MLA Liu, Zenghua et al. "Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS 62 . 1 (2020) : 13-29 .
APA Liu, Zenghua , Li, Aili , Wu, Bin , He, Cunfu . Development of a wholly flexible surface wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED ELECTROMAGNETICS AND MECHANICS , 2020 , 62 (1) , 13-29 .
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Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Permanent magnet is widely used as one of the three elements of electromagnetic acoustic transducer (magnet, coil, tested specimen). However, due to the immutability and non-uniformity of the permanent magnet magnetic field, the electromagnetic acoustic transducer (EMAT) will produce other unwanted modes, which will affect the purity of the targeted mode in signals. Therefore, the multi-mode problem of EMAT is still an important issue to be solved. In order to solve this problem, a new type of directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer (D-MC-EMAT) is proposed to generate a single S-0 mode in plates. The magnetic concentrator is added to the traditional EMAT to guide and concentrate the magnetic field generated by the magnet and remove the unwanted A(0) mode. Both finite element simulation and experiments proved that the mode selectivity of proposed D-MC-EMAT improved by adding the magnetic concentrator, and transducer characteristics and defect inspection experiments were carried out. Finally, the structure of D-MC-EMAT was optimized by an orthogonal experiment and the optimal parameter combination was confirmed. (C) 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Mode Mode Orthogonal experiment Orthogonal experiment Magnetic concentrator Magnetic concentrator Ultrasonic guided waves Ultrasonic guided waves Electromagnetic acoustic transducer Electromagnetic acoustic transducer


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zenghua , Li, Aili , Zhang, Yongchen et al. Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection [J]. | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL , 2020 , 303 .
MLA Liu, Zenghua et al. "Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection" . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL 303 (2020) .
APA Liu, Zenghua , Li, Aili , Zhang, Yongchen , Deng, Liming , Wu, Bin , He, Cunfu . Development of a directional magnetic-concentrator-type electromagnetic acoustic transducer for ultrasonic guided wave inspection . | SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A-PHYSICAL , 2020 , 303 .
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Time difference mapping method for acoustic emission source location of composite plates EI CSCD
期刊论文 | 2020 , 45 (3) , 385-393 | Acta Acustica
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

An improved time difference mapping method is proposed to locate the acoustic emission (AE) source of composite plate in order to solve the problems of fiber fracture, the matrix crack defects within composite plate and the acoustic velocity in different propagation direction is inconsistent and difference. This method use the prebuilt database method, avoiding consider the propagation speed of waves in the plate are not consistent and the wave propagation modes, and layout of the sensor in experiments is not strictly required. Firstly, in order to quickly and accurately select and delete the pseudo AE events from a large number of AE data, the clustering algorithm is used to automatically identify and select the highly correlated AE events on each grid node and construct a time difference training database. Secondly, interpolation compensation algorithm is adopted to increase grid density and improve grid resolution. Finally, the location of the source is verified by using the weighted difference algorithm to verify the location of the actual source in the test area. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the average actual errors of the location of the sound source is reduced from 26.5 mm (using the traditional time difference mapping method) to 18.0 mm (using the improved time difference mapping method), the corresponding average relative error is reduced from 5.3% to 3.6%, and the overall running time is reduced from 5 h to 16.87 s. The research shows that the improved time difference mapping method can effectively improve the location results and precision of the sound source. © 2020 Acta Acustica.

Keyword :

Wave propagation Wave propagation Acoustic emission testing Acoustic emission testing Acoustic wave velocity Acoustic wave velocity Clustering algorithms Clustering algorithms Location Location Mapping Mapping Acoustic generators Acoustic generators


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Zenghua , Peng, Qiuling , He, Cunfu et al. Time difference mapping method for acoustic emission source location of composite plates [J]. | Acta Acustica , 2020 , 45 (3) : 385-393 .
MLA Liu, Zenghua et al. "Time difference mapping method for acoustic emission source location of composite plates" . | Acta Acustica 45 . 3 (2020) : 385-393 .
APA Liu, Zenghua , Peng, Qiuling , He, Cunfu , Wu, Bin . Time difference mapping method for acoustic emission source location of composite plates . | Acta Acustica , 2020 , 45 (3) , 385-393 .
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Acoustic Emission Source Localization with Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Time Difference Mapping Method SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 60 (5) , 679-694 | EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS
WoS CC Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Acoustic emission (AE) source localization is a powerful detection method. Time Difference Mapping (TDM) method is an effective method for detecting defects in complex structures. The core of this method is to search for a point with the minimum distance away from the verification point in the time difference database. In Traditional Time Difference Mapping (T-TDM) method and Improved Time Difference Mapping (I-TDM) method, the larger database and denser grids allow the higher localization accuracy. If the location points are not included in the database, the localization accuracy of the T-TDM and I-TDM methods will be greatly affected. To solve the above problems, a new AE source localization method, Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Time Difference Mapping (GRNN-TDM), is proposed to improve the localization accuracy in the study. In the proposed method, the time difference data of the sensor path on all nodes in the time difference mapping are used as the training input data and the coordinates of grid nodes are used as the training output data. After continuous learning and training, the neural network model predicts its possible source location with the time difference data collected from the verification point. In this paper, the localization of AE sources with T-TDM, I-TDM and GRNN-TDM methods was studied in four composite plates with different fiber layers and an aluminum plate with holes. The localization results showed that the localization accuracy of the GRNN-TDM method was higher than that of T-TDM and I-TDM methods.

Keyword :

Acoustic emission Acoustic emission Composite plate Composite plate Time difference mapping method Time difference mapping method Generalized regression neural network Generalized regression neural network Structural health monitoring Structural health monitoring


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Z. H. , Peng, Q. L. , Li, X. et al. Acoustic Emission Source Localization with Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Time Difference Mapping Method [J]. | EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS , 2020 , 60 (5) : 679-694 .
MLA Liu, Z. H. et al. "Acoustic Emission Source Localization with Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Time Difference Mapping Method" . | EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS 60 . 5 (2020) : 679-694 .
APA Liu, Z. H. , Peng, Q. L. , Li, X. , He, C. F. , Wu, B. . Acoustic Emission Source Localization with Generalized Regression Neural Network Based on Time Difference Mapping Method . | EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS , 2020 , 60 (5) , 679-694 .
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