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期刊论文 | 2022 , 34 (07) , 1037-1046 | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对无人驾驶汽车自动识别连续交警手势的需求,提出高度分层分区的图卷积交警手势识别方法.首先,依据人体部件在空间域内的自然、辅助和自身连接关系以及时间域内的关联关系建立交警手势时空图模型,并从图像序列卷积预测模型参数;其次,引入时空图卷积网络,提出以人物自然站立状态下时空图顶点相对高度差为标签的图卷积高度分层分区策略,打破现有分区策略对图结构的限制;最后,设计保留时间维度的空间域平均层网络输出架构,在减少特征数量的同时适配多对多序列预测模式,达到识别连续交警手势的目的.与领域内代表性方法的对比实验表明,该方法的识别准确率显著提高,不同手势之间混淆率仅为0.1%, Jaccard指数超过对比方法.

Keyword :

图卷积 图卷积 连续手势 连续手势 交警手势 交警手势 时空图 时空图 手势识别 手势识别


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GB/T 7714 张丞 , 侯义斌 , 何坚 . 高度分层分区的图卷积交警手势识别技术 [J]. | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 , 2022 , 34 (07) : 1037-1046 .
MLA 张丞 等. "高度分层分区的图卷积交警手势识别技术" . | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 34 . 07 (2022) : 1037-1046 .
APA 张丞 , 侯义斌 , 何坚 . 高度分层分区的图卷积交警手势识别技术 . | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 , 2022 , 34 (07) , 1037-1046 .
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A Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm EI
会议论文 | 2020 , 166-170 | 5th IEEE International Conference on Image, Vision and Computing, ICIVC 2020
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The bus passenger data are very important for urban bus dispatching management. When passengers get on or off the bus, they often hide from each other. It is a great challenge for automatically accounting passengers through camera. The traditionally video-based target detection algorithm or target tracking algorithm is difficult to accurately count the number of passenger on and off. In this paper, the YOLOv2 algorithm is combined with the MIL tracker so as to real-time account the number of passengers in the bus surveillance video. Experiment shows that the accuracy rate of bus passenger statistics proposed in this paper reaches over 99%, and it proves that our method has good real-time and high accuracy. © 2020 IEEE.

Keyword :

Buses Buses Security systems Security systems Target tracking Target tracking


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Leyuan , He, Jian , Hou, Yibin et al. A Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm [C] . 2020 : 166-170 .
MLA Liu, Leyuan et al. "A Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm" . (2020) : 166-170 .
APA Liu, Leyuan , He, Jian , Hou, Yibin , Zhang, Cheng . A Technology for Automatically Counting Bus Passenger Based on YOLOv2 and MIL Algorithm . (2020) : 166-170 .
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An Energy-Efficient Fall Detection Method Based on FD-DNN for Elderly People SCIE
期刊论文 | 2020 , 20 (15) | SENSORS
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A fall detection module is an important component of community-based care for the elderly to reduce their health risk. It requires the accuracy of detections as well as maintains energy saving. In order to meet the above requirements, a sensing module-integrated energy-efficient sensor was developed which can sense and cache the data of human activity in sleep mode, and an interrupt-driven algorithm is proposed to transmit the data to a server integrated with ZigBee. Secondly, a deep neural network for fall detection (FD-DNN) running on the server is carefully designed to detect falls accurately. FD-DNN, which combines the convolutional neural networks (CNN) with long short-term memory (LSTM) algorithms, was tested on both with online and offline datasets. The experimental result shows that it takes advantage of CNN and LSTM, and achieved 99.17% fall detection accuracy, while its specificity and sensitivity are 99.94% and 94.09%, respectively. Meanwhile, it has the characteristics of low power consumption.

Keyword :

energy-efficient energy-efficient fall detection fall detection FD-DNN FD-DNN ZigBee ZigBee


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GB/T 7714 Liu, Leyuan , Hou, Yibin , He, Jian et al. An Energy-Efficient Fall Detection Method Based on FD-DNN for Elderly People [J]. | SENSORS , 2020 , 20 (15) .
MLA Liu, Leyuan et al. "An Energy-Efficient Fall Detection Method Based on FD-DNN for Elderly People" . | SENSORS 20 . 15 (2020) .
APA Liu, Leyuan , Hou, Yibin , He, Jian , Lungu, Jonathan , Dong, Ruihai . An Energy-Efficient Fall Detection Method Based on FD-DNN for Elderly People . | SENSORS , 2020 , 20 (15) .
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Evaluation Model of Computer Video Image Quality under the Internet of Things EI
会议论文 | 2019 , 552-563 | 2nd International Conference on Safety Produce Informatization, IICSPI 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The purpose of the study is to evaluate the quality of computer video image quality under the Internet of things, so as to improve the user's quality of experience. The research method is studied with MATLAB 2017 software and NS2+cygwin and MyEvalvid and visio 2016 software. The result is that the Logistic function can be used to get the subjective and an objective fitting map, Logistic function is better than other function under the field of video image quality evaluation under the Internet of things. The conclusion is that the method of video image quality evaluation model under the Internet of things is proposed in the paper is more accurate and faster than the other methods. Because coefficient SROCC, KROCC, PLCC, RMSE is close to 1, so the model has good performance. Access control card recognition, vehicle recognition, license plate recognition, intelligent transportation and IPTV and computer are all applications of the Internet of things. © 2019 IEEE.

Keyword :

Optical character recognition Optical character recognition Function evaluation Function evaluation MATLAB MATLAB Quality of service Quality of service Quality control Quality control Image enhancement Image enhancement IPTV IPTV Access control Access control User experience User experience Internet of things Internet of things License plates (automobile) License plates (automobile) Image quality Image quality


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GB/T 7714 Hou, Yibin , Wang, Jin . Evaluation Model of Computer Video Image Quality under the Internet of Things [C] . 2019 : 552-563 .
MLA Hou, Yibin et al. "Evaluation Model of Computer Video Image Quality under the Internet of Things" . (2019) : 552-563 .
APA Hou, Yibin , Wang, Jin . Evaluation Model of Computer Video Image Quality under the Internet of Things . (2019) : 552-563 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , 8 (03) , 131-140 | 软件工程与应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

物联网和网络视频丢包率到用户体验质量的映射模型是学术界和工商界的热点话题。为了研究视频在网络传输过程中丢包对QoE的影响并建立丢包率到QoE的映射,搭建了NS2 + MyEvalvid实验仿真平台,重点研究丢包对用户体验质量QoE的影响并建立丢包率到用户体验质量QoE的映射。仿真结果表明,丢包对用户体验质量QoE有着显著影响,丢包率和用户体验质量QoE呈现一元非线性关系。因此,在研究丢包对QoE有显著影响的基础上,采用一元非线性回归分析的方法建立丢包率到用户体验质量QoE的映射。

Keyword :

Influence Influence Mapping Model Mapping Model Packet Loss Rate Packet Loss Rate 影响 影响 Quality of Experience Quality of Experience 丢包率 丢包率 用户体验质量 用户体验质量 丢包 丢包 Packet Loss Packet Loss 映射模型 映射模型 Network Video Network Video 网络视频M 网络视频M


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GB/T 7714 侯义斌 , 王进 . 物联网下网络视频丢包率到用户体验质量的数学映射模型 [J]. | 软件工程与应用 , 2019 , 8 (03) : 131-140 .
MLA 侯义斌 et al. "物联网下网络视频丢包率到用户体验质量的数学映射模型" . | 软件工程与应用 8 . 03 (2019) : 131-140 .
APA 侯义斌 , 王进 . 物联网下网络视频丢包率到用户体验质量的数学映射模型 . | 软件工程与应用 , 2019 , 8 (03) , 131-140 .
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Investigation of wireless sensor network of the internet of things EI
会议论文 | 2019 , 885 , 21-29 | 3rd International Conference on Intelligent, Interactive Systems and Applications, IISA2018
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Big data to use JAVA, group software engineering, networking, cloud computing knowledge and technology. The purpose of this paper is Research on Wireless sensor network of the Internet of things. The Internet of things, mainly includes multicast network, ZIGBEE network, WSN network, Bluetooth network, infrared network and so on. Swarm software engineering is a way to implement cloud computing, Internet of things and big data. Cloud computing comes from big data, the Internet of things can be achieved through cloud computing. This paper mainly studies, computers, software, networks, smart cities, and the use of Excel and Matlab and Microsoft Office Visio 2003 mapping and so forth. And through the practice of research methods, including automotive networking and smart city. What is the Internet of things, objects connected to the Internet is the Internet of things, cup networking, car networking. Things better than other networks, is composed of what objects, what composition, what nature, what innovation and superiority. The four key technologies of the Internet are widely used, and these four technologies are mainly RFID, WSN, M2M, two kinds of integration. RFID can be implemented using MATLAB, NS2, and JAVA, and WSN can be implemented using NS2, and M2M can be developed using JAVA. The research results are that the Internet of things originated and developed in the Internet; on the contrary, the development of the Internet of things further promoted the Internet to a more widespread 'Internet' evolution. The Internet of things and the Internet are the relationships between the parent and the child. Wireless networks are just like wireless WSN networks, but wireless nodes are fixed and moved into sensors. The Internet of things includes Internet technology, including wired and wireless networks. The research conclusion is the wireless internet of things are just like the wired internet of things, wired provides the basis for Wireless Research. Baidu Tiangong Internet of things platform, Amazon AWS platform, ERP and so on are also important applications of the Internet of things. The use of mirroring and replication software also requires Internet of things. Video is composed of multi frame images. H.264 and JM encoder are also the future directions. Where to go network Ctrip network is the application of the Internet of things. Recalling what we do today, planning tomorrow, how to spend the university stage and predicting the future of university development can be the application of the Internet of things. I visited the Tangshan Rd. Mart store in Qian’an from January 2017 to March. The feeling is that Beijing is still Carrefour and Jing Kelong and WAL-MART and Hualian. The electricity supplier which Ma Yun’s Alibaba still feels more powerful. Now Hebei province and all parts of the country have venture capital and subsidy, which will undoubtedly promote the Internet of things. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.

Keyword :

Wireless sensor networks Wireless sensor networks MATLAB MATLAB Smart city Smart city Java programming language Java programming language Investments Investments Big data Big data Cloud computing Cloud computing Zigbee Zigbee Internet of things Internet of things Electric utilities Electric utilities


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GB/T 7714 Hou, Yibin , Wang, Jin . Investigation of wireless sensor network of the internet of things [C] . 2019 : 21-29 .
MLA Hou, Yibin et al. "Investigation of wireless sensor network of the internet of things" . (2019) : 21-29 .
APA Hou, Yibin , Wang, Jin . Investigation of wireless sensor network of the internet of things . (2019) : 21-29 .
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期刊论文 | 2019 , 8 (03) , 121-130 | 软件工程与应用
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

物联网和网络视频丢包率到用户体验质量的映射模型是学术界和工商界的热点话题。为了更好地建立考虑网络丢包的视频质量无参评估模型得到更好的QoE评价,通过建立cygwin + NS2的网络环境对网络中丢包的尺度特性进行研究,丢包的尺度特性通过影响丢包率来影响QoE。实验结果表明,丢包的过程具有长相关性,叠加源个数N,形状参数和Hurst参数以及输出链路速度都可以影响丢包的长相关性。得出的结论是叠加源个数越多,形状参数越小,Hurst参数越大,输出链路速度越小,则丢包的长相关性越大,丢包率越大。

Keyword :

Quality Assessment Model Quality Assessment Model No-Reference No-Reference 长相关性丢包 长相关性丢包 Network Packet Loss Network Packet Loss Long-Range Dependence Long-Range Dependence 质量评估模型 质量评估模型 The Long Phase of Network Packet Loss The Long Phase of Network Packet Loss 网络丢包 网络丢包 网络丢包的长相关性 网络丢包的长相关性 无参考 无参考


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GB/T 7714 侯义斌 , 王进 . 物联网下影响网络丢包的长相关性的因素对丢包率的影响 [J]. | 软件工程与应用 , 2019 , 8 (03) : 121-130 .
MLA 侯义斌 et al. "物联网下影响网络丢包的长相关性的因素对丢包率的影响" . | 软件工程与应用 8 . 03 (2019) : 121-130 .
APA 侯义斌 , 王进 . 物联网下影响网络丢包的长相关性的因素对丢包率的影响 . | 软件工程与应用 , 2019 , 8 (03) , 121-130 .
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Robust night target tracking via infrared and visible video fusion CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2018 , 10752 | Conference on Applications of Digital Image Processing XLI
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Night target tracking usually fails due to various reasons such as insufficient light, appearance change, motion blur, illumination variation, and deformation. Because infrared (IR) and visible video data provides complementary information that can be utilized suitably and efficiently, we explore a novel framework by combining correlation filter-based visible tracking and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)-based IR tracking to overcome these challenges. In this framework, the two types of videos are asynchronous, and the frame rate of visible video is several times faster than that of IR video. Visible video is first used for location and scale estimation by solving a ridge regression problem efficiently in the correlation filter domain. When recording IR data, we use a uniquely designed feature shape context descriptor for the best location and scale estimation of an IR video target by using the MCMC particle filter. Then, we use candidate region location-scale fusion rules for the final target tracking update. Meanwhile, we build an accurately labeled IR and visible target tracking dataset for experiments. The result shows that the performance of our proposed approach is better than the state-of-the-art trackers for night target tracking, and our approach can significantly improve re-tracking performance when there is the drift.

Keyword :

correlation filter correlation filter target tracking target tracking infrared and visible tracking infrared and visible tracking asynchronous multi-sensor fusion asynchronous multi-sensor fusion


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GB/T 7714 Ren, Keyan , Zhang, Xiao , Han, Yu et al. Robust night target tracking via infrared and visible video fusion [C] . 2018 .
MLA Ren, Keyan et al. "Robust night target tracking via infrared and visible video fusion" . (2018) .
APA Ren, Keyan , Zhang, Xiao , Han, Yu , Hou, Yibin . Robust night target tracking via infrared and visible video fusion . (2018) .
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Multi-Stage Target Tracking with Drift Correction and Position Prediction CPCI-S
会议论文 | 2018 , 1004 | 2nd International Conference on Machine Vision and Information Technology (CMVIT)
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Most existing tracking methods are hard to combine accuracy and performance, and do not consider the shift between clarity and blur that often occurs. In this paper, we propound a multi-stage tracking framework with two particular modules: position prediction and corrective measure. We conduct tracking based on correlation filter with a corrective measure module to increase both performance and accuracy. Specifically, a convolutional network is used for solving the blur problem in realistic scene, training methodology that training dataset with blur images generated by the three blur algorithms. Then, we propose a position prediction module to reduce the computation cost and make tracker more capable of fast motion. Experimental result shows that our tracking method is more robust compared to others and more accurate on the benchmark sequences.


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GB/T 7714 Chen, Xin , Ren, Keyan , Hou, Yibin . Multi-Stage Target Tracking with Drift Correction and Position Prediction [C] . 2018 .
MLA Chen, Xin et al. "Multi-Stage Target Tracking with Drift Correction and Position Prediction" . (2018) .
APA Chen, Xin , Ren, Keyan , Hou, Yibin . Multi-Stage Target Tracking with Drift Correction and Position Prediction . (2018) .
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Taming the Wild: A Scalable Anycast-Based CDN Architecture (T-SAC) SCIE
期刊论文 | 2018 , 36 (12) , 2757-2774 | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The prohibitive cost of deploying a sophisticated DNS-based CDN makes anycast-based CDN an attractive alternative for new or small CDN operators. In anycast-based CDNs, user requests are naturally routed to the "closest" server determined by Internet routing. For the operators, however, this comes at a cost-loss of control-how the traffic is routed is entirely at the mercy of BGP routing. The "closest" server may be overloaded, or simply not the best choice. This "loss of control" undermines the scalability of anycast-based CDN architectures. To have control over how traffic is routed, existing work either requires adding a large amount of complexity to the system (high Capex/Opex) or is unable to achieve precise and fine-grained control. This paper proposes T-SAC, a scalable anycast-based CDN architecture that capitalizes on the programmability and flexibility of SDN/NFV, enabling fine-grained traffic redirection among CDN servers. T-SAC achieves precise control by leveraging a load-based redirection algorithm and a single 1-bit no-redirect flag. We implement T-SAC in the real system and evaluate its performance from various aspects using DASH and web applications. The results show that T-SAC is capable of redirecting the right amount of traffic at the right time to the right servers, making the system highly scalable.

Keyword :

CDN CDN scalability scalability NFV NFV SDN SDN


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GB/T 7714 Fu, Qiang , Rutter, Bradley , Li, Hao et al. Taming the Wild: A Scalable Anycast-Based CDN Architecture (T-SAC) [J]. | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS , 2018 , 36 (12) : 2757-2774 .
MLA Fu, Qiang et al. "Taming the Wild: A Scalable Anycast-Based CDN Architecture (T-SAC)" . | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS 36 . 12 (2018) : 2757-2774 .
APA Fu, Qiang , Rutter, Bradley , Li, Hao , Zhang, Peng , Hu, Chengchen , Pan, Tian et al. Taming the Wild: A Scalable Anycast-Based CDN Architecture (T-SAC) . | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS , 2018 , 36 (12) , 2757-2774 .
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