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期刊论文 | 2021 , (10) , 66-70 | 家具与室内装饰
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

保护更新 保护更新 工业遗产 工业遗产 意象重构 意象重构 唐山 唐山 城市转型 城市转型


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GB/T 7714 张爱莉 , 蔡静文 , 王奕凡 et al. 历史逻辑视域下唐山工业遗产的城市意象重构 [J]. | 家具与室内装饰 , 2021 , (10) : 66-70 .
MLA 张爱莉 et al. "历史逻辑视域下唐山工业遗产的城市意象重构" . | 家具与室内装饰 10 (2021) : 66-70 .
APA 张爱莉 , 蔡静文 , 王奕凡 , 杨昌鸣 . 历史逻辑视域下唐山工业遗产的城市意象重构 . | 家具与室内装饰 , 2021 , (10) , 66-70 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) , 4-10 | 中国文化遗产
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

城市更新 城市更新 历史城镇 历史城镇 可持续发展 可持续发展 德国 德国 奎德林堡 奎德林堡 世界遗产 世界遗产


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GB/T 7714 郭萍 , 杨昌鸣 , 李长明 . 德国历史城镇保护管理的特点与问题——以奎德林堡市为例 [J]. | 中国文化遗产 , 2021 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) : 4-10 .
MLA 郭萍 et al. "德国历史城镇保护管理的特点与问题——以奎德林堡市为例" . | 中国文化遗产 PageCount-页数: 7 . 02 (2021) : 4-10 .
APA 郭萍 , 杨昌鸣 , 李长明 . 德国历史城镇保护管理的特点与问题——以奎德林堡市为例 . | 中国文化遗产 , 2021 , PageCount-页数: 7 (02) , 4-10 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , PageCount-页数: 5 (09) , 12-16 | 家具与室内装饰
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


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因子分析法 因子分析法 价值评估体系 价值评估体系 北京教堂建筑 北京教堂建筑 室内历史环境 室内历史环境 近现代建筑 近现代建筑


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GB/T 7714 张爱莉 , 翁泽华 , 杨欣蕾 et al. 近现代建筑室内历史环境价值评估体系的研究——以北京教堂建筑为例 [J]. | 家具与室内装饰 , 2021 , PageCount-页数: 5 (09) : 12-16 .
MLA 张爱莉 et al. "近现代建筑室内历史环境价值评估体系的研究——以北京教堂建筑为例" . | 家具与室内装饰 PageCount-页数: 5 . 09 (2021) : 12-16 .
APA 张爱莉 , 翁泽华 , 杨欣蕾 , 杨昌鸣 . 近现代建筑室内历史环境价值评估体系的研究——以北京教堂建筑为例 . | 家具与室内装饰 , 2021 , PageCount-页数: 5 (09) , 12-16 .
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期刊论文 | 2021 , (4) , 82-86 | 世界建筑
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

巴格制度 巴格制度 沙漠丝路 沙漠丝路 阿拉善旗 阿拉善旗 藏传佛教寺庙 藏传佛教寺庙 时空分布特征 时空分布特征


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GB/T 7714 韩瑛 , 李昊 , 朱秀莉 et al. 清阿拉善旗藏传佛教寺庙的时空分布特征研究 [J]. | 世界建筑 , 2021 , (4) : 82-86 .
MLA 韩瑛 et al. "清阿拉善旗藏传佛教寺庙的时空分布特征研究" . | 世界建筑 4 (2021) : 82-86 .
APA 韩瑛 , 李昊 , 朱秀莉 , 杨昌鸣 . 清阿拉善旗藏传佛教寺庙的时空分布特征研究 . | 世界建筑 , 2021 , (4) , 82-86 .
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Safety risk assessment of heritage buildings in metro construction based on SPA theory: a case study in Zhengzhou, China SCIE AHCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 8 (1) | HERITAGE SCIENCE
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

While the urban rail transit systems have been developed rapidly, the nearby heritage buildings and historic sites are facing possible threats of unexpected damages. In particular, a rail project has a potential impact on numerous heritage buildings and sites in an old city. Thus, to better protect these heritage buildings and sites, it is crucial for decision-makers to be able to rapidly and accurately evaluate these threats. Based on Set Pair Analysis (SPA) theory, this study developed a risk assessment model to assess the safety of heritage buildings adjacent to metro construction. In this model, the risk levels of adjacent heritage buildings are ranked. Moreover, this study establishes an assessment index system comprising 16 individual indexes among four categories related to heritage building, metro, soil, and management. The index system determines the interval values for each evaluation factor. To improve the reliability of the index weight, a linear weighting method was adopted. In this study, both subjective weights calculated via the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and objective weights calculated by the Clustering Weight Method (CWM) are analyzed comprehensively. Moreover, a case study was conducted by applying the proposed assessment model into assessing the structural safety risk of a heritage building adjacent to the Zhengzhou Metro Line Three. It was found the results of the proposed model were consistent with the Matter-Element (ME) method. The proposed model can be used to provide decision-making support for controlling risk on similar projects.

Keyword :

Risk control Risk control Set pair analysis theory Set pair analysis theory Risk assessment Risk assessment Shield tunneling Shield tunneling Heritage buildings Heritage buildings


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Qian , Yang, Changming , Tian, Lin et al. Safety risk assessment of heritage buildings in metro construction based on SPA theory: a case study in Zhengzhou, China [J]. | HERITAGE SCIENCE , 2020 , 8 (1) .
MLA Wang, Qian et al. "Safety risk assessment of heritage buildings in metro construction based on SPA theory: a case study in Zhengzhou, China" . | HERITAGE SCIENCE 8 . 1 (2020) .
APA Wang, Qian , Yang, Changming , Tian, Lin , Lu, Jiguang , Wu, Fengwen , An, Jianyong . Safety risk assessment of heritage buildings in metro construction based on SPA theory: a case study in Zhengzhou, China . | HERITAGE SCIENCE , 2020 , 8 (1) .
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德国建筑遗产技术人才培育体系研究——背景、结构、问题与启示 CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , PageCount-页数: 5 (S2) , 209-213 | 建筑学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

技术人才培育体系 技术人才培育体系 文物管理 文物管理 建筑遗产 建筑遗产 德国 德国


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GB/T 7714 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国建筑遗产技术人才培育体系研究——背景、结构、问题与启示 [J]. | 建筑学报 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 5 (S2) : 209-213 .
MLA 李长明 et al. "德国建筑遗产技术人才培育体系研究——背景、结构、问题与启示" . | 建筑学报 PageCount-页数: 5 . S2 (2020) : 209-213 .
APA 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国建筑遗产技术人才培育体系研究——背景、结构、问题与启示 . | 建筑学报 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 5 (S2) , 209-213 .
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Analysis of preservation priority of historic buildings along the subway based on matter-element model SCIE AHCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 45 , 291-302 | JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The preservation of historic buildings is an important research area in the preservation of cultural her-itage. In recent years, the rapid development of urban rail transit in the historic city has had a great impact on the safety of many surrounding historic buildings. How to determine the preservation priority of historic buildings quickly and accurately is of great significance to the rational allocation of conservation resources. Based upon the matter-element theory, this paper developed the prioritization model of historic building reservation. First, this study established an evaluation system involving ten individual indicators among two categories related to historic building and subway construction. Second, the criteria for each indicator is set up according to the individual priority levels, and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method has been applied for indicator weight setting. Finally, this model was applied to a case study to evaluate 11 historic buildings along Tianjin Metro Line 7. The similarities and differences between this model and the traditional Single Indicator method and the Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method are discussed to test and verify the feasibility of the proposed model. This study provides decision support for future heritage impact assessment along the subway. (c) 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Matter-element model Matter-element model Historic buildings Historic buildings Prioritization Prioritization Analytic hierarchy process Analytic hierarchy process


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Qian , Yang, Changming , Lu, Jiguang et al. Analysis of preservation priority of historic buildings along the subway based on matter-element model [J]. | JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE , 2020 , 45 : 291-302 .
MLA Wang, Qian et al. "Analysis of preservation priority of historic buildings along the subway based on matter-element model" . | JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 45 (2020) : 291-302 .
APA Wang, Qian , Yang, Changming , Lu, Jiguang , Wu, Fengwen , Xu, Rong . Analysis of preservation priority of historic buildings along the subway based on matter-element model . | JOURNAL OF CULTURAL HERITAGE , 2020 , 45 , 291-302 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , (2) , 66-71 | 建筑遗产
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

行政司法案例 行政司法案例 德国 德国 立法技术 立法技术 比例原则 比例原则 公共利益 公共利益 建筑遗产 建筑遗产 合理性 合理性


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GB/T 7714 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国建筑遗产行政司法案例评述及其对中国的借鉴意义 [J]. | 建筑遗产 , 2020 , (2) : 66-71 .
MLA 李长明 et al. "德国建筑遗产行政司法案例评述及其对中国的借鉴意义" . | 建筑遗产 2 (2020) : 66-71 .
APA 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国建筑遗产行政司法案例评述及其对中国的借鉴意义 . | 建筑遗产 , 2020 , (2) , 66-71 .
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场域视角下清代北京宣南雅文化核心区范围及空间关联特征 CSCD CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , 39 (04) , 836-852 | 地理研究
CNKI Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

场域 场域 核心区 核心区 雅文化 雅文化 空间自相关 空间自相关 宣南 宣南 GIS GIS


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GB/T 7714 郭岩 , 杨昌鸣 , 张雨洋 . 场域视角下清代北京宣南雅文化核心区范围及空间关联特征 [J]. | 地理研究 , 2020 , 39 (04) : 836-852 .
MLA 郭岩 et al. "场域视角下清代北京宣南雅文化核心区范围及空间关联特征" . | 地理研究 39 . 04 (2020) : 836-852 .
APA 郭岩 , 杨昌鸣 , 张雨洋 . 场域视角下清代北京宣南雅文化核心区范围及空间关联特征 . | 地理研究 , 2020 , 39 (04) , 836-852 .
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期刊论文 | 2020 , PageCount-页数: 8 (01) , 65-72 | 中国文化遗产
CNKI Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

节能改造 节能改造 评价标准 评价标准 遗产建筑 遗产建筑 解决方案 解决方案 技术难点 技术难点


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GB/T 7714 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国遗产建筑节能改造的突出技术问题及其解决方案 [J]. | 中国文化遗产 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 8 (01) : 65-72 .
MLA 李长明 et al. "德国遗产建筑节能改造的突出技术问题及其解决方案" . | 中国文化遗产 PageCount-页数: 8 . 01 (2020) : 65-72 .
APA 李长明 , 杨昌鸣 , 郭萍 . 德国遗产建筑节能改造的突出技术问题及其解决方案 . | 中国文化遗产 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 8 (01) , 65-72 .
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