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期刊论文 | 2024 , 61 (01) , 41-46 | 真空
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用脉冲激光沉积技术在基片温度为800℃条件下制备了不同Co含量的ZnSe:Co_x(x=0.1,0.3,0.5)微晶薄膜。通过X射线衍射、原子力显微镜、X射线光电子能谱、红外透射光谱及光致发光光谱分析了薄膜的微结构及光学特性。结果表明:所制备的纳米晶薄膜结晶质量优秀,具有(111)择优取向,薄膜结晶质量、光谱透射率和光学带隙均随Co含量的增加而减小;薄膜在波长约700~850 nm处存在一吸收带,这源于Co~(2+)在周围Se~(2-)构成的四面体晶场中~4A_2(4F)→~4T_1(4P)能级之间的跃迁;当Co掺入量x=0.5时,薄膜达到过掺杂状态,α-Co杂质相出现,薄膜红外光致发光谱大幅降低。

Keyword :

硒化锌掺钴 硒化锌掺钴 脉冲激光沉积 脉冲激光沉积 薄膜 薄膜 光学性质 光学性质


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GB/T 7714 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 脉冲激光沉积ZnSe:Co_x纳米晶薄膜的微结构及光学性质研究 [J]. | 真空 , 2024 , 61 (01) : 41-46 .
MLA 李树锋 等. "脉冲激光沉积ZnSe:Co_x纳米晶薄膜的微结构及光学性质研究" . | 真空 61 . 01 (2024) : 41-46 .
APA 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 脉冲激光沉积ZnSe:Co_x纳米晶薄膜的微结构及光学性质研究 . | 真空 , 2024 , 61 (01) , 41-46 .
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Multi-layer film surface functionalized PMF sensor for real-time humidity measurement SCIE
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Abstract :

Real-time monitoring of environmental relative humidity (RH) plays a crucial role in ensuring both the quality of industrial production and the quality of life. In this work, polarization maintaining fiber (PMF) was used as carriers to creatively constructed multi-layer film surface functionalization on its cladding surface. The indium tin oxide (ITO) film and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) doped graphite oxide (GO) composite polymer constitute multilayer humidity sensitive film, which has the effect of dual absorption of water and improves the humidity sensitivity. Microporous composite polymer films created by laser processing increase the area for water evaporation and absorption, which improve response speed, and reduce recovery time. The surface functionalized PMF sensor exhibits high sensitivity and rapid response to humidity, achieving bidirectional repeated measurement of 0.28 nm/% within 10 s in the measurement range of 30%-90%, rendering it a reliable means for realtime monitoring of humidity.

Keyword :

Relative humidity Relative humidity Surface functionalization Surface functionalization Optical fiber sensing Optical fiber sensing Real-time monitoring Real-time monitoring PMF PMF


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GB/T 7714 Dai, Jianguang , Wang, Jin , Wang, Li . Multi-layer film surface functionalized PMF sensor for real-time humidity measurement [J]. | OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 80 .
MLA Dai, Jianguang 等. "Multi-layer film surface functionalized PMF sensor for real-time humidity measurement" . | OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY 80 (2023) .
APA Dai, Jianguang , Wang, Jin , Wang, Li . Multi-layer film surface functionalized PMF sensor for real-time humidity measurement . | OPTICAL FIBER TECHNOLOGY , 2023 , 80 .
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Core-Shell Quantum Dot-Based Honeycomb Films on Capillary Walls for Rapid In Situ Ascorbic Acid Detection SCIE
期刊论文 | 2023 , 6 (13) , 12231-12239 | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS
WoS CC Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The rapid, portable, and in situmeasurement of the ascorbic acid(AA) solution remains a challenge, and there is no suitable way toachieve multiscale regulation of the measurement range and sensitivity.In this work, water-soluble CdTe, CdTe/CdSe, and CdTe/CdSe/ZnS quantumdots (QDs) were used as fluorescence probes (FPs), and the specificsensitivity of photoluminescence (PL) intensity and AA were used asa detection indicator. By changing the concentration of the FP andthe type of core-shell structure, multiscale regulation ofthe measurement range and sensitivity was realized. The same FP withdistinct sensitivity in different measurement ranges is ingeniouslyrealized by double-layer core-shell CdTe/CdSe/ZnS with typeII-I band gap transition, which greatly expanded the application fields.The maximum measurement range was 0-27 & mu;M and the minimumdetection limit was 0.014 & mu;M for three FP systems. The capillarysensor with a honeycomb QD film attached to the inner wall was preparedby drying at room temperature, high-temperature heating, and laserprocessing, which greatly increased the contact area between the QDsand AA and reduced the measurement time. Furthermore, the microfluidicsystem was used to precisely control the deposition area and positionof the film, the concentration of the FP was adjusted and the depositionstatus of the film was observed in real time, so as to achieve real-timein situ rapid detection of the four concentration orders of the AAsolution. This work is of great significance for the rapid, portable,multifield, and in situ real-time detection in the field of biomoleculedetection.

Keyword :

ascorbic acid ascorbic acid fluorescenceprobes fluorescenceprobes real-time rapid detection real-time rapid detection capillary sensor capillary sensor colloidal quantum dots colloidal quantum dots


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, Xueqiong et al. Core-Shell Quantum Dot-Based Honeycomb Films on Capillary Walls for Rapid In Situ Ascorbic Acid Detection [J]. | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS , 2023 , 6 (13) : 12231-12239 .
MLA Wang, Jin et al. "Core-Shell Quantum Dot-Based Honeycomb Films on Capillary Walls for Rapid In Situ Ascorbic Acid Detection" . | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 6 . 13 (2023) : 12231-12239 .
APA Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, Xueqiong , Yu, Huimin . Core-Shell Quantum Dot-Based Honeycomb Films on Capillary Walls for Rapid In Situ Ascorbic Acid Detection . | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS , 2023 , 6 (13) , 12231-12239 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (09) , 738-744 | 真空科学与技术学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用脉冲激光沉积技术在石英基片上制备了ZnS:Co薄膜,改变制备过程中石英基片的温度TS,研究了基片温度对薄膜微结构及光学特性的影响。随着基片温度的升高,薄膜的厚度减小,结晶质量得到提升,并朝着(111)方向择优生长。受量子限域效应的影响,薄膜的光学带隙在基片温度为TS=25℃时最大为3.83 eV,光学带隙先随基片温度增大而减小,并在基片温度为400℃时取得最小值3.5 eV,此后随基片温度增大而增大。此外,薄膜的折射率、消光系数、介电系数等光学参数随基片温度升高均有增大趋势。实验表明在基片温度达到400℃以上时,可以获得综合性能较好的微晶薄膜。

Keyword :

脉冲激光沉积 脉冲激光沉积 薄膜 薄膜 基片温度 基片温度 硫化锌掺钴 硫化锌掺钴


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GB/T 7714 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 基片温度对脉冲激光沉积ZnS:Co薄膜微结构及光学性质的影响研究 [J]. | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2023 , 43 (09) : 738-744 .
MLA 李树锋 et al. "基片温度对脉冲激光沉积ZnS:Co薄膜微结构及光学性质的影响研究" . | 真空科学与技术学报 43 . 09 (2023) : 738-744 .
APA 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 基片温度对脉冲激光沉积ZnS:Co薄膜微结构及光学性质的影响研究 . | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2023 , 43 (09) , 738-744 .
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期刊论文 | 2023 , 43 (12) , 1041-1047 | 真空科学与技术学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

采用脉冲激光沉积技术在真空腔中制备了ZnSe∶Co薄膜.研究了沉积压强对等离子体羽辉传播、薄膜表面形貌,微结构以及光学性质的影响.结果表明,随着压强的增大,等离子体羽辉在空间的传播距离减小,薄膜沉积方式由溅射式沉积转变为吸附式沉积,薄膜的结晶质量得到大幅提升.此外,薄膜的光学带隙随压强的增大而减小,低压条件下制备的薄膜具有较大的带隙值,这与量子限域效应有关.当压强增大到10 Pa时,得到了沿(111)方向择优生长且结晶质量优秀的微晶薄膜.

Keyword :

脉冲激光沉积 脉冲激光沉积 硒化锌掺钴 硒化锌掺钴 薄膜 薄膜 压强 压强


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GB/T 7714 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 压强对脉冲激光沉积ZnSe∶Co薄膜性质的影响研究 [J]. | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2023 , 43 (12) : 1041-1047 .
MLA 李树锋 et al. "压强对脉冲激光沉积ZnSe∶Co薄膜性质的影响研究" . | 真空科学与技术学报 43 . 12 (2023) : 1041-1047 .
APA 李树锋 , 王丽 , 高东文 . 压强对脉冲激光沉积ZnSe∶Co薄膜性质的影响研究 . | 真空科学与技术学报 , 2023 , 43 (12) , 1041-1047 .
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Ultrasimple and Ultrafast Method of Optical Modulation by Perovskite Quantum Dot Attachment to a Graphene Surface SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 7 (23) , 19606-19613 | ACS OMEGA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Optical modulation is the process of modifying the structure and elemental composition of materials so that the main optical parameters, including amplitude, frequency, and phase, are changed. Currently, much research attention has been directed toward ultrafast dynamics, but the process of modulation is often complex. To simplify the optical modulation process and improve the optical properties of perovskites for semiconductor quantum dot (QD) lasers, the process and physical mechanism underlying graphene QD ultrafast modulation of the optical properties of perovskite CsPbBr3 QDs were investigated. The typical cubic structure and square shape of CsPbBr3 QDs were characterized by transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction, respectively. A luminescent peak centered near 540 nm and Stokes shift of 21.34 nm of CsPbBr3 QDs without graphene QDs were measured by absorption and photoluminescence spectroscopy. A maximum modulation shift of 133 nm and a modulation depth of 900% were achieved in CsPbBr3 with graphene. The results indicated that graphene QDs had the best modulation effect on perovskites when the drop volume was 0.05 mL. The process of ultrafast optical modulation via graphene QDs occurring within 1 ps was confirmed by the transient absorption spectrum. The modulation mechanism of graphene to perovskites is presented for guidance. This paper can be used as a reference for the optical modulation of perovskite materials.


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GB/T 7714 Su, Xueqiong , Pan, Yong , Gao, Dongwen et al. Ultrasimple and Ultrafast Method of Optical Modulation by Perovskite Quantum Dot Attachment to a Graphene Surface [J]. | ACS OMEGA , 2022 , 7 (23) : 19606-19613 .
MLA Su, Xueqiong et al. "Ultrasimple and Ultrafast Method of Optical Modulation by Perovskite Quantum Dot Attachment to a Graphene Surface" . | ACS OMEGA 7 . 23 (2022) : 19606-19613 .
APA Su, Xueqiong , Pan, Yong , Gao, Dongwen , Wang, Jin , Chen, Ruixiang , Wang, Yimeng et al. Ultrasimple and Ultrafast Method of Optical Modulation by Perovskite Quantum Dot Attachment to a Graphene Surface . | ACS OMEGA , 2022 , 7 (23) , 19606-19613 .
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一种改变半导体材料PN型的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2022-03-16 | CN202210260057.X
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

一种改变半导体材料PN型的制备方法,涉及半导体材料领域。将硒化锌掺杂半导体沉积到基底表面形成半导体薄膜,通过控制制备条件,达到控制基片上半导体薄膜PN型的目的。制备过程中选择使用脉冲激光沉积技术完成薄膜的制备,基片选择使用石英玻璃。本发明的半导体材料通过脉冲激光沉积法来制备的,采用如下技术方案实现:先采用固体反应烧结法制备ZnSe0.4 : Mo0.3 : Ga0.3陶瓷靶材,再采用脉冲激光沉积法制备ZnSe : Mo : Ga薄膜,通过控制不同的制备条件,得到不同PN特性的半导体薄膜。本发明结晶质量好、表面光滑,具有纳米结构,能够实现同一块靶材通过控制制备条件改变其薄膜的PN型的目的。


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GB/T 7714 王丽 , 高东文 , 苏雪琼 et al. 一种改变半导体材料PN型的方法 : CN202210260057.X[P]. | 2022-03-16 .
MLA 王丽 et al. "一种改变半导体材料PN型的方法" : CN202210260057.X. | 2022-03-16 .
APA 王丽 , 高东文 , 苏雪琼 , 王进 . 一种改变半导体材料PN型的方法 : CN202210260057.X. | 2022-03-16 .
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Temperature sensing of pi-PSFBG with ITO film coated by PLD method SCIE
期刊论文 | 2022 , 262 | OPTIK
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this article the temperature sensing properties of pi-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating (pi-PSFBG) were investigated. Surface coating is one of the commonly used modification methods for fiber gratings, which can improve its sensing performance and even enable it to sense more physical quantities. In this article, we aim to study the effect of coating on the temperature sensing performance of pi-PSFBG. Indium tin oxide (ITO) films are widely used in the optoelectronics industry due to their unique combination of electrical conduction and optical transparency. In this paper, the ITO film was coated on the surface of pi-PSFBG by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) method to improve its sensing performance. In the practical application of fiber optic sensors, multiple sensors are often used simultaneously, which leads to the mutual interference superposition between the spectra. In this case, the stable extraction of the sensing signal is a problem worth considering. The sensing stability of several interference optical paths and cascaded optical paths before and after pi-PSFBG coating is investigated and compared. After the surface is coated with a layer of 0.19 mu m thick ITO film, the temperature sensing sensitivity of pi-PSFBG is increased by about 15%. It was found that the coating of ITO film enhanced the stability of pi-PSFBG in various optical paths.

Keyword :

?-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating ?-phase-shifted fiber Bragg grating Temperature sensing Temperature sensing Interference Interference Indium tin oxide film Indium tin oxide film Pulsed laser deposition Pulsed laser deposition


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GB/T 7714 Cheng, Hao , Wang, Li , Xiao, Ranran et al. Temperature sensing of pi-PSFBG with ITO film coated by PLD method [J]. | OPTIK , 2022 , 262 .
MLA Cheng, Hao et al. "Temperature sensing of pi-PSFBG with ITO film coated by PLD method" . | OPTIK 262 (2022) .
APA Cheng, Hao , Wang, Li , Xiao, Ranran , Wang, Jin . Temperature sensing of pi-PSFBG with ITO film coated by PLD method . | OPTIK , 2022 , 262 .
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Bandgap engineering of CdTe/CdSe rod-shaped core/shell and CdTeSe ellipsoidal alloy quantum dots with tunable and intense emission SCIE
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Abstract :

In this work, core CdTe, core-shell CdTe/CdSe and alloy CdTeSe QDs are synthesized by aqueous solvent. TEM visually shows the rod-shaped core-shell structure with a transverse to longitudinal ratio of 6.5 and the ellipsoidal alloy structure with different crystal planes competing for growth. The XRD and Raman spectra of the three QDs illustrate the characteristics of the internal lattice structure. With the increase of reaction time, CdTe emission maximum (EM) shows a red shift of 84 nm. Stokes shift changes little, and full width half maximum (FWHM) increases slightly. Compared with the CdTe, the red shift of CdTe/CdSe EM is slowly first and then faster, with a total shift of 125 nm. Stokes shift increases obviously. The initial FWHM is larger than CdTe and the widening speed is gradually accelerated. The initial EM of CdTeSe is red shifted compared with CdTe, and the total red shift of EM is 72 nm. Stokes shift increases obviously. The initial FWHM is significantly wider than CdTe. FWHM first decreases and then increases with reaction time. CdTe shows obvious band edge exciton absorbance of photoluminescence excitation (PLE) spectrum between 356 nm and 400 nm. CdTe/CdSe shows double band edge exciton absorption at 354-373 nm and 401-436 nm due to wave function separated of core-shell structure. The PLE spectrum of CdTeSe shows an obvious upward trend at 306-373 nm due to high energy level nonradiation. The average lifetime of CdTe/CdSe increases by 53 ns compared with CdTe due to the spatially separated electrons and holes. The defect state of CdTeSe increases the proportion of fast delay, which is 2 ns shorter than the average lifetime of CdTe. The transition mechanism of core-shell indirect band gap and alloy direct band gap is explained according to the valence bands of each element shown by XPS and the simulation of energy band density of states. The thickness shell and the doping elements can be adjusted to provide rich variation in the optical properties. This provides a more definite direction for the applications of cadmium chalcogenide in the fields of photoelectric devices and biology. (C) 2022 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keyword :

Band gap engineering Band gap engineering Rod-shaped core/shell Rod-shaped core/shell Ellipsoidal alloy Ellipsoidal alloy Cadmium QDs Cadmium QDs Optical properties Optical properties


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, XueQiong et al. Bandgap engineering of CdTe/CdSe rod-shaped core/shell and CdTeSe ellipsoidal alloy quantum dots with tunable and intense emission [J]. | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 920 .
MLA Wang, Jin et al. "Bandgap engineering of CdTe/CdSe rod-shaped core/shell and CdTeSe ellipsoidal alloy quantum dots with tunable and intense emission" . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS 920 (2022) .
APA Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, XueQiong , Chen, RuiXiang . Bandgap engineering of CdTe/CdSe rod-shaped core/shell and CdTeSe ellipsoidal alloy quantum dots with tunable and intense emission . | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS , 2022 , 920 .
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Temperature, stress, refractive index and humidity multi parameter highly integrated optical fiber sensor SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 26
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Multi parameter measurement based on optical fiber sensor has been a research hotspot in recent years. In this work, four kinds of optical fiber sensors, LPFG, FBG, PMF and SMS are used. The transmission characteristics and sensing characteristics of each sensor are analyzed in detail. Based on the modulation of resonance wavelength by environmental variables, the accurate and synchronous real-time detection of temperature, stress, refractive index and humidity is realized. We use all-optical coupling cascade and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology to prepare a highly integrated sensing device. The problem of signal crosstalk of each sensor is solved, and the cost of signal transmission and reception is greatly reduced. It is of great significance for monitoring a variety of environmental variables under extreme conditions.

Keyword :

Optical fiber sensing Optical fiber sensing Multi parameter Multi parameter Highly integrated Highly integrated Cascade Cascade


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, XueQiong et al. Temperature, stress, refractive index and humidity multi parameter highly integrated optical fiber sensor [J]. | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 152 .
MLA Wang, Jin et al. "Temperature, stress, refractive index and humidity multi parameter highly integrated optical fiber sensor" . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY 152 (2022) .
APA Wang, Jin , Wang, Li , Su, XueQiong , Xiao, RanRan , Cheng, Hao . Temperature, stress, refractive index and humidity multi parameter highly integrated optical fiber sensor . | OPTICS AND LASER TECHNOLOGY , 2022 , 152 .
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