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期刊论文 | 2022 , (10) , 1078-1087 | 北京工业大学学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

显微组织 显微组织 电阻对焊 电阻对焊 管-端塞结构 管-端塞结构 核燃料棒 核燃料棒 力学性能 力学性能 锆合金 锆合金


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GB/T 7714 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 et al. 核电用锆合金电阻对焊的研究进展 [J]. | 北京工业大学学报 , 2022 , (10) : 1078-1087 .
MLA 林健 et al. "核电用锆合金电阻对焊的研究进展" . | 北京工业大学学报 10 (2022) : 1078-1087 .
APA 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 , 季顺成 , 崔泰然 , 鲁立 et al. 核电用锆合金电阻对焊的研究进展 . | 北京工业大学学报 , 2022 , (10) , 1078-1087 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 46 (04) , 42-47,55 | 机械工程材料
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

冷金属过渡 冷金属过渡 电弧增材制造 电弧增材制造 硬度 硬度 显微组织 显微组织 沉积路径 沉积路径


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GB/T 7714 李旭锋 , 林健 , 夏志东 et al. 不同沉积路径冷金属过渡电弧增材制造H13钢成形件的显微组织和硬度 [J]. | 机械工程材料 , 2022 , 46 (04) : 42-47,55 .
MLA 李旭锋 et al. "不同沉积路径冷金属过渡电弧增材制造H13钢成形件的显微组织和硬度" . | 机械工程材料 46 . 04 (2022) : 42-47,55 .
APA 李旭锋 , 林健 , 夏志东 , 韩文涛 , 雷永平 , 王招阳 . 不同沉积路径冷金属过渡电弧增材制造H13钢成形件的显微组织和硬度 . | 机械工程材料 , 2022 , 46 (04) , 42-47,55 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 58 (04) , 72-79 | 机械工程学报
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

针对超薄板焊后面外失稳变形的机理以及矫正的研究目前仍较少。以厚度为0.07 mm的不锈钢金属箔为研究对象,建立基于壳单元的有限元计算模型,采用热-力顺序耦合的方法针对激光焊中出现的波浪变形现象进行数值模拟。波形分布的数值模拟结果与实测基本吻合。分析认为在整个焊缝长度上的焊接应力会在焊接过程中自身平衡,拉伸应力区外会有压应力来平衡,从而产生间隔分布的局部压应力区导致波浪变形出现。发现采用0.15%的预拉伸方法可以大大减少薄板的面外失稳变形量,其主要原因是焊后焊缝中的塑性应变发生了由压缩向拉伸应变的转变。采用滚轴碾压可以矫正焊缝处的波浪变形,随焊碾压可以使超薄板焊后整体面外变形幅度降低,由原来的0...

Keyword :

有限元模拟 有限元模拟 随焊碾压 随焊碾压 波浪变形 波浪变形 预拉伸 预拉伸


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GB/T 7714 张景祺 , 相志磊 , 王细波 et al. 超薄板焊后波浪变形的形成原因及控制方法探讨 [J]. | 机械工程学报 , 2022 , 58 (04) : 72-79 .
MLA 张景祺 et al. "超薄板焊后波浪变形的形成原因及控制方法探讨" . | 机械工程学报 58 . 04 (2022) : 72-79 .
APA 张景祺 , 相志磊 , 王细波 , 雷永平 , 林健 . 超薄板焊后波浪变形的形成原因及控制方法探讨 . | 机械工程学报 , 2022 , 58 (04) , 72-79 .
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期刊论文 | 2022 , 49 (10) , 28-36 | 中国激光
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

深空探测是21世纪人类进行空间技术创新、太空资源探索与利用的重要途径,准直器是深空探测器的关键部件。大深度、高空间分辨率栅格准直器的制造在国际上一直是个难题。本文以我国自主研制的硬X射线调制望远镜卫星(HXMT)中能望远镜高精度准直器为例,介绍了自主研发的大深度、高空间分辨率准直器跨尺度栅格结构的激光精密微焊接制造方法、关键工艺技术及成套装备。对于壁厚为70μm、准直孔尺寸为1.17 mm×4.68 mm、深度为67 mm的钽片跨尺度栅格结构,准直孔尺寸精度控制在SymbolqB@20μm之内。

Keyword :

激光技术 激光技术 跨尺度栅格 跨尺度栅格 微细加工 微细加工 深空探测 深空探测 准直器 准直器 激光精密焊接 激光精密焊接


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GB/T 7714 黄婷 , 杜伟哲 , 苏坤 et al. 深空探测卫星准直器跨尺度栅格结构的激光精密微焊接技术与装备 [J]. | 中国激光 , 2022 , 49 (10) : 28-36 .
MLA 黄婷 et al. "深空探测卫星准直器跨尺度栅格结构的激光精密微焊接技术与装备" . | 中国激光 49 . 10 (2022) : 28-36 .
APA 黄婷 , 杜伟哲 , 苏坤 , 张建超 , 李敬洋 , 祁俊峰 et al. 深空探测卫星准直器跨尺度栅格结构的激光精密微焊接技术与装备 . | 中国激光 , 2022 , 49 (10) , 28-36 .
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一种用于锆合金金相组织观察的侵蚀剂及制备锆合金金相试样的方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-06-24 | CN202110707912.2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

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GB/T 7714 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 et al. 一种用于锆合金金相组织观察的侵蚀剂及制备锆合金金相试样的方法 : CN202110707912.2[P]. | 2021-06-24 .
MLA 林健 et al. "一种用于锆合金金相组织观察的侵蚀剂及制备锆合金金相试样的方法" : CN202110707912.2. | 2021-06-24 .
APA 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 , 符寒光 , 季顺成 , 崔泰然 et al. 一种用于锆合金金相组织观察的侵蚀剂及制备锆合金金相试样的方法 : CN202110707912.2. | 2021-06-24 .
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一种缓解管-塞结构压力电阻焊接头外表面过渡不平滑的卡具 incoPat
专利 | 2021-07-05 | CN202110759452.8
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GB/T 7714 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 et al. 一种缓解管-塞结构压力电阻焊接头外表面过渡不平滑的卡具 : CN202110759452.8[P]. | 2021-07-05 .
MLA 林健 et al. "一种缓解管-塞结构压力电阻焊接头外表面过渡不平滑的卡具" : CN202110759452.8. | 2021-07-05 .
APA 林健 , 冯刚 , 雷永平 , 符寒光 , 季顺成 , 崔泰然 et al. 一种缓解管-塞结构压力电阻焊接头外表面过渡不平滑的卡具 : CN202110759452.8. | 2021-07-05 .
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一种缓解电弧增材制造构件变形的卡具及工艺方法 incoPat
专利 | 2021-03-16 | CN202110283631.9
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Abstract :



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GB/T 7714 林健 , 李旭锋 , 夏志东 et al. 一种缓解电弧增材制造构件变形的卡具及工艺方法 : CN202110283631.9[P]. | 2021-03-16 .
MLA 林健 et al. "一种缓解电弧增材制造构件变形的卡具及工艺方法" : CN202110283631.9. | 2021-03-16 .
APA 林健 , 李旭锋 , 夏志东 , 雷永平 , 符寒光 . 一种缓解电弧增材制造构件变形的卡具及工艺方法 : CN202110283631.9. | 2021-03-16 .
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A detailed analysis on the microstructure and compressive properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V lattice structures EI
期刊论文 | 2021 , 198 | Materials and Design
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, Ti6Al4V octahedron lattice structures with top cap and bottom base were fabricated through selective laser melting (SLM). The structural integrity, microstructural evolution, compressive properties and failure mechanism of as-fabricated (AF) and vacuum annealing treated (VAT) samples were studied through both experiments and numerical modeling. The X-ray computed tomography analysis revealed that vacuum annealing had an insignificant effect on internal pore elimination and porosity reduction. For both the AF and VAT samples, larger pores exhibited more irregular shape than smaller pores. The microstructural analysis suggested that vacuum annealing was able to transform acicular α/α` martensites into uniformly distributed lamellar α + β phases and also to cause the formation of nano-particle precipitation and dislocation. The compressive test indicted that the lattice structure with confined top and bottom had much better compressive properties than those without. Also, vacuum annealing significantly improved the compressive strength by 26% due to the synergistic effect of residual stress relief, nano-particle precipitation and dislocation strengthening. The ductility of the VAT sample was also improved as compared to the AF sample, which was mainly attributed to the formation of α + β phases. © 2020 The Authors

Keyword :

Aluminum alloys Aluminum alloys Titanium alloys Titanium alloys Stress relief Stress relief Nanoparticles Nanoparticles Compressive strength Compressive strength Selective laser melting Selective laser melting Annealing Annealing Ternary alloys Ternary alloys Failure (mechanical) Failure (mechanical) Computerized tomography Computerized tomography Precipitation (chemical) Precipitation (chemical)


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GB/T 7714 Ge, Jinguo , Yan, Xingchen , Lei, Yongping et al. A detailed analysis on the microstructure and compressive properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V lattice structures [J]. | Materials and Design , 2021 , 198 .
MLA Ge, Jinguo et al. "A detailed analysis on the microstructure and compressive properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V lattice structures" . | Materials and Design 198 (2021) .
APA Ge, Jinguo , Yan, Xingchen , Lei, Yongping , Ahmed, Mansur , O'Reilly, Peter , Zhang, Chao et al. A detailed analysis on the microstructure and compressive properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V lattice structures . | Materials and Design , 2021 , 198 .
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Residual stress analysis and measurement in multi-layer bellows SCIE
期刊论文 | 2021 , 72 , 179-194 | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES
WoS CC Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Because large plastic deformation occurs in hydroforming bellows there is a residual stress distributing in the metal after forming, which is complex and not easy to be measured. The existence of residual stress might have an effect on the corrosive property and bulking performance of bellows. A finite element model was established to simulate the forming residual stress of the nickel alloy multi-layer bellow. The distribution of residual stress was calculated out and validated by cos alpha X-ray diffraction measurement. Thus the forming mechanics and the effects of layer number and forming pressure on the residual stress in the hydroforming bellow were both discussed in detail based on the established model. It was shown that the calculated residual stress had the same trend with the experimental results. The axial and circumferential residual stresses at the outer surface of the peak were both compressive. There existed the maximal Von Mises stress at the inner surface of the peak of the bellow. At this position the radial and axial residual stresses were both tensile. When applying multi-layer bellows and less forming pressure a lower forming residual stress could be obtained because of the narrow plastic strain region during forming.

Keyword :

Nickel alloy Nickel alloy Numerical modeling Numerical modeling Residual stress Residual stress Multi-layer bellows Multi-layer bellows X-ray diffraction measurement X-ray diffraction measurement


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GB/T 7714 Lin, Jian , Wang, Xibo , Lei, Yongping et al. Residual stress analysis and measurement in multi-layer bellows [J]. | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES , 2021 , 72 : 179-194 .
MLA Lin, Jian et al. "Residual stress analysis and measurement in multi-layer bellows" . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES 72 (2021) : 179-194 .
APA Lin, Jian , Wang, Xibo , Lei, Yongping , Ding, Jianchun , Li, Kangli , Guo, Fu . Residual stress analysis and measurement in multi-layer bellows . | JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING PROCESSES , 2021 , 72 , 179-194 .
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栅格结构激光焊接失稳有限元分析 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 64 (12) , 61-69 | 航空制造技术
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

栅格结构 栅格结构 超薄板 超薄板 失稳变形 失稳变形 焊接顺序 焊接顺序 激光焊 激光焊


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GB/T 7714 张景祺 , 林健 , 雷永平 et al. 栅格结构激光焊接失稳有限元分析 [J]. | 航空制造技术 , 2021 , 64 (12) : 61-69 .
MLA 张景祺 et al. "栅格结构激光焊接失稳有限元分析" . | 航空制造技术 64 . 12 (2021) : 61-69 .
APA 张景祺 , 林健 , 雷永平 , 肖荣诗 , 李龙 , 宋征 . 栅格结构激光焊接失稳有限元分析 . | 航空制造技术 , 2021 , 64 (12) , 61-69 .
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