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期刊论文 | 2021 , (03) , 11-15 | 管理现代化
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

科创板 科创板 量化评价 量化评价 PMC指数模型 PMC指数模型 政策 政策


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GB/T 7714 杨松令 , 张雄 , 李付彩 . 基于PMC指数模型的科创板政策量化评价研究 [J]. | 管理现代化 , 2021 , (03) : 11-15 .
MLA 杨松令 等. "基于PMC指数模型的科创板政策量化评价研究" . | 管理现代化 03 (2021) : 11-15 .
APA 杨松令 , 张雄 , 李付彩 . 基于PMC指数模型的科创板政策量化评价研究 . | 管理现代化 , 2021 , (03) , 11-15 .
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新常态背景下债务期限结构和债务工具结构的价值治理效应研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 38 (6) , 1093-1103 | 数理统计与管理
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

价值治理效应 价值治理效应 债务期限结构 债务期限结构 债务工具结构 债务工具结构 供给侧结构性改革 供给侧结构性改革


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GB/T 7714 杨松令 , 王志华 , 吴平 . 新常态背景下债务期限结构和债务工具结构的价值治理效应研究 [J]. | 数理统计与管理 , 2019 , 38 (6) : 1093-1103 .
MLA 杨松令 等. "新常态背景下债务期限结构和债务工具结构的价值治理效应研究" . | 数理统计与管理 38 . 6 (2019) : 1093-1103 .
APA 杨松令 , 王志华 , 吴平 . 新常态背景下债务期限结构和债务工具结构的价值治理效应研究 . | 数理统计与管理 , 2019 , 38 (6) , 1093-1103 .
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如何让国企混合所有制改革更科学高效 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , (12) , 108-109 | 人民论坛
WanFang Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

股权结构 股权结构 国有企业 国有企业 混合所有制改革 混合所有制改革


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GB/T 7714 杨松令 , 孙大卫 . 如何让国企混合所有制改革更科学高效 [J]. | 人民论坛 , 2018 , (12) : 108-109 .
MLA 杨松令 等. "如何让国企混合所有制改革更科学高效" . | 人民论坛 12 (2018) : 108-109 .
APA 杨松令 , 孙大卫 . 如何让国企混合所有制改革更科学高效 . | 人民论坛 , 2018 , (12) , 108-109 .
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关于会计理论建设与发展的几个问题 PKU
期刊论文 | 2018 , (22) , 3-7 | 财会通讯
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

会计理论建设是一个关系到会计学健康发展的重要问题.会计研究应该以中国哲学、西方哲学和马克思主义哲学为指导, 以"天人合一"的整体观作为会计哲学的基础, 建立基于中华传统的会计文化, 构建具有中国特色的会计理论体系.要切实把握会计学的本质, 加强会计信息和控制系统的建立和完善, 提高会计在经济发展中的作用.要认真总结我国会计理论和方法的创新经验, 充分挖掘我国会计思想宝库, 深入研究我国现实的会计问题, 创建和发展基于我国实际的本土会计理论与方法.

Keyword :

会计理论 会计理论 会计文化 会计文化 天人合一 天人合一 哲学 哲学 增减记账法 增减记账法


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GB/T 7714 张以宽 , 杨松令 . 关于会计理论建设与发展的几个问题 [J]. | 财会通讯 , 2018 , (22) : 3-7 .
MLA 张以宽 等. "关于会计理论建设与发展的几个问题" . | 财会通讯 22 (2018) : 3-7 .
APA 张以宽 , 杨松令 . 关于会计理论建设与发展的几个问题 . | 财会通讯 , 2018 , (22) , 3-7 .
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Enterprise Risk Management Practices and Firm Performance, the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and the Moderating Role of Financial Literacy
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In the current turbulent market, firms spend lots of tangible and intangible resources to gain competitive advantage and superior performance. Prior studies have discussed several determinants of competitive advantage and performance, particularly in developed economies, whereas small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in emerging economies have received minor attention. This study examines the mediating role of competitive advantage between enterprise risk management practices and SME performance and the moderating role of financial literacy between enterprise risk management practices and competitive advantage. A structured questionnaire is used to collect data from 304 SMEs operating in the emerging market of Pakistan. The hypotheses of the proposed study are tested through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in Analysis of a Moment Structures (AMOS). The results indicate that enterprise risk management practices significantly influence competitive advantage and SME performance. Competitive advantage partially mediates the relationship between enterprise risk management practices and SME performance. Additionally, financial literacy significantly moderates the relationship between enterprise risk management practices and competitive advantage. Firms are advised to implement formal enterprise risk management practices to gain competitive advantage and superior performance. Top managers need to have enough financial education that they will be able to perform risk management practices in an efficient way to gain a competitive position in the market. Implications for practices have been discussed in detail.

Keyword :

SMEs performance SMEs performance enterprise risk management practices enterprise risk management practices competitive advantage competitive advantage financial literacy financial literacy


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Songling , Ishtiaq, Muhammad , Anwar, Muhammad . Enterprise Risk Management Practices and Firm Performance, the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and the Moderating Role of Financial Literacy [J]. | JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT , 2018 , 11 (3) .
MLA Yang, Songling 等. "Enterprise Risk Management Practices and Firm Performance, the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and the Moderating Role of Financial Literacy" . | JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 11 . 3 (2018) .
APA Yang, Songling , Ishtiaq, Muhammad , Anwar, Muhammad . Enterprise Risk Management Practices and Firm Performance, the Mediating Role of Competitive Advantage and the Moderating Role of Financial Literacy . | JOURNAL OF RISK AND FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT , 2018 , 11 (3) .
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The Role of Government Support in Sustainable Competitive Position and Firm Performance SCIE SSCI
期刊论文 | 2018 , 10 (10) | SUSTAINABILITY
WoS CC Cited Count: 84
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Achievement of sustainable competitive position and superior performance is the first priority of business organizations. However, small firms, due to fairly known reasons; lack of resources, financial capabilities and lack of managerial skills are often unable to succeed in their mission. Hence, they often look for less risky and convenience sources to compete in the market. A variety of factors has been tested towards a firm competitive position and performance but the role of government support in this perspective has received minor attention. The present study examines the influence of government financial support and nonfinancial support on firm performance with mediating role of the sustainable competitive position. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling in Analysis Moment of Structure (AMOS) on a data set of 326 Pakistani Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMEs). The results indicate that government financial and nonfinancial support have a significant influence on sustainable competitive position and firm performance. Additionally, a sustainable competitive position partially mediates the relationship between government support and firm performance. Government bodies and policy makers are advised to provide financial and nonfinancial support to SMEs which in turn can upsurge economic growth and sustainability.

Keyword :

nonfinancial support nonfinancial support firm performance firm performance government financial support government financial support sustainable competitive position sustainable competitive position


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GB/T 7714 Songling, Yang , Ishtiaq, Muhammad , Anwar, Muhammad et al. The Role of Government Support in Sustainable Competitive Position and Firm Performance [J]. | SUSTAINABILITY , 2018 , 10 (10) .
MLA Songling, Yang et al. "The Role of Government Support in Sustainable Competitive Position and Firm Performance" . | SUSTAINABILITY 10 . 10 (2018) .
APA Songling, Yang , Ishtiaq, Muhammad , Anwar, Muhammad , Ahmed, Hamid . The Role of Government Support in Sustainable Competitive Position and Firm Performance . | SUSTAINABILITY , 2018 , 10 (10) .
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科学分类基础上的国有资本运行评价体系重构 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2016 , 0 (4) , 3-5 | 财会月刊(上)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

国有企业 国有企业 国有资本 国有资本 业绩评价 业绩评价


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GB/T 7714 刘亭立 , 杨松令 , 李景辉 . 科学分类基础上的国有资本运行评价体系重构 [J]. | 财会月刊(上) , 2016 , 0 (4) : 3-5 .
MLA 刘亭立 et al. "科学分类基础上的国有资本运行评价体系重构" . | 财会月刊(上) 0 . 4 (2016) : 3-5 .
APA 刘亭立 , 杨松令 , 李景辉 . 科学分类基础上的国有资本运行评价体系重构 . | 财会月刊(上) , 2016 , 0 (4) , 3-5 .
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央企控股上市公司内部控制质量与企业价值关系研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2014 , 36 (7) , 90-99 | 经济管理
WanFang Cited Count: 52
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

企业价值 企业价值 央企 央企 内部控制 内部控制


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GB/T 7714 杨松令 , 解晰 , 张伟 . 央企控股上市公司内部控制质量与企业价值关系研究 [J]. | 经济管理 , 2014 , 36 (7) : 90-99 .
MLA 杨松令 et al. "央企控股上市公司内部控制质量与企业价值关系研究" . | 经济管理 36 . 7 (2014) : 90-99 .
APA 杨松令 , 解晰 , 张伟 . 央企控股上市公司内部控制质量与企业价值关系研究 . | 经济管理 , 2014 , 36 (7) , 90-99 .
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我国内部控制经济后果研究综述 PKU
期刊论文 | 2014 , (2) , 80-82,83 | 会计之友
WanFang Cited Count: 13
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

经济后果 经济后果 内部控制 内部控制 公司治理 公司治理


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GB/T 7714 杨松令 , 张伟 , 解晰 . 我国内部控制经济后果研究综述 [J]. | 会计之友 , 2014 , (2) : 80-82,83 .
MLA 杨松令 et al. "我国内部控制经济后果研究综述" . | 会计之友 2 (2014) : 80-82,83 .
APA 杨松令 , 张伟 , 解晰 . 我国内部控制经济后果研究综述 . | 会计之友 , 2014 , (2) , 80-82,83 .
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高新技术上市公司高管团队减持行为研究——以创业板公司为例 CQVIP
期刊论文 | 2014 , 0 (9) , 32-35 | 财会月刊(下)
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

本文选取2010~2011年我国深市创业板出现高管减持现象的114家上市公司4 635个数据作为研究样本,建立了高新技术上市公司高管减持影响因素指标体系,并采用灰色关联分析法对高新技术上市公司高管减持行为的影响因素进行了综合评价。研究结果显示:中小投资者保护程度与高管减持的关联度最高,而市场估值、公司经营风险与高管减持的关联度较小。

Keyword :

灰色关联分析方法 灰色关联分析方法 高管减持股份 高管减持股份 高新技术上市公司 高新技术上市公司


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GB/T 7714 常晓红 , 杨松令 , 刘亭立 . 高新技术上市公司高管团队减持行为研究——以创业板公司为例 [J]. | 财会月刊(下) , 2014 , 0 (9) : 32-35 .
MLA 常晓红 et al. "高新技术上市公司高管团队减持行为研究——以创业板公司为例" . | 财会月刊(下) 0 . 9 (2014) : 32-35 .
APA 常晓红 , 杨松令 , 刘亭立 . 高新技术上市公司高管团队减持行为研究——以创业板公司为例 . | 财会月刊(下) , 2014 , 0 (9) , 32-35 .
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