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土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口进城落户意愿的影响研究 CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 42 (3) , 441-450 | 农业现代化研究
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

土地资源禀赋 土地资源禀赋 农业转移人口 农业转移人口 中介效应 中介效应 调节效应 调节效应 落户意愿 落户意愿


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GB/T 7714 李帆 , 冯虹 . 土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口进城落户意愿的影响研究 [J]. | 农业现代化研究 , 2021 , 42 (3) : 441-450 .
MLA 李帆 等. "土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口进城落户意愿的影响研究" . | 农业现代化研究 42 . 3 (2021) : 441-450 .
APA 李帆 , 冯虹 . 土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口进城落户意愿的影响研究 . | 农业现代化研究 , 2021 , 42 (3) , 441-450 .
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乡村振兴背景下土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口返乡意愿的影响 CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2020 , PageCount-页数: 13 (06) , 35-47 | 人口与经济
CNKI Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

农业转移人口 农业转移人口 返乡意愿 返乡意愿 中介效应 中介效应 调节效应 调节效应 土地资源禀赋 土地资源禀赋


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GB/T 7714 李帆 , 冯虹 , 艾小青 . 乡村振兴背景下土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口返乡意愿的影响 [J]. | 人口与经济 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 13 (06) : 35-47 .
MLA 李帆 等. "乡村振兴背景下土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口返乡意愿的影响" . | 人口与经济 PageCount-页数: 13 . 06 (2020) : 35-47 .
APA 李帆 , 冯虹 , 艾小青 . 乡村振兴背景下土地资源禀赋对农业转移人口返乡意愿的影响 . | 人口与经济 , 2020 , PageCount-页数: 13 (06) , 35-47 .
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Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Wage of Peasant laborers under Regional Segmented: Based on HML CPCI-SSH
会议论文 | 2019 , 319 , 753-757 | 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR)
WoS CC Cited Count: 1
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The number of peasant laborers is large, the wage income level is relatively low, and the gap in wages in the labor market caused by regional segmentation is more obvious in China. The results of HLM (hierarchical linear model) show that the ICC value of wage in different provinces is 8.4%, with significant differences. The nine individual factors, such as gender and education, have a significant influence, which can explain 17.9% of the differences. The five area factors, such as the consumer price index, the commodity price index, have a significant impact, which can explain 72.4% of the differences. Gender, education, marital status, and range of outflows have a significant impact. The wage of peasant laborers is closely related to the regional characteristics and is affected by the regional labor market segmentation. It is proposed to further improve policies such as minimum wage standards, labor market supervision, industry wage level management, and personal characteristic wage protection, increase development efforts, and create a good development environment and conditions.

Keyword :

Regional segmented Regional segmented Peasant laborers Peasant laborers Wage Wage HLM (hierarchical linear model) HLM (hierarchical linear model)


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GB/T 7714 Meng, Zhang , Hong, Feng . Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Wage of Peasant laborers under Regional Segmented: Based on HML [C] . 2019 : 753-757 .
MLA Meng, Zhang 等. "Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Wage of Peasant laborers under Regional Segmented: Based on HML" . (2019) : 753-757 .
APA Meng, Zhang , Hong, Feng . Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Wage of Peasant laborers under Regional Segmented: Based on HML . (2019) : 753-757 .
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Technology of Simultaneously Conducting Elasto-Magnetic Tensile Stress Measurement and Magnetostrictive-based Ultrasonic Guided Waves Inspection in Steel Strands [用于钢绞线的磁弹应力和磁致伸缩导波同步检测技术] Scopus CSCD PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 45 (7) , 617-622 | Journal of Beijing University of Technology
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

A magnetization method using superimposed high- and low-frequency magnetic field was proposed to simultaneously achieve elasto-magnetic tensile stress measurement and ultrasonic guided waves inspection in steel strands. Two versions of experimental set-ups were constructed based on two types of amplifiers. In the experimental set-up using KH7500 amplifier, the high frequency component of the output signal of the integrated sensor represented magnetostrictive-based ultrasonic guided waves, and the low frequency component carried the information of minor hysteresis loop. In the experimental set-up using BMP-360T amplifier, the sensor employed two individual sensing coils to detect the signals of minor hysteresis loop and ultrasonic guided waves, respectively. The experimental results obtained from the two versions of experimental set-ups show that there is a good linear relationship between the peak value of the low frequency induced voltage and the tensile stress. The research outcomes provide technique for simultaneously conducting elasto-magnetic tensile stress measurement and ultrasonic guided waves inspection in steel strands. © 2019, Editorial Department of Journal of Beijing University of Technology. All right reserved.

Keyword :

Elasto-magnetic; Magnetostrictive; Minor hysteresis loop; Tensile stress measurement; Ultrasonic guided wave Elasto-magnetic; Magnetostrictive; Minor hysteresis loop; Tensile stress measurement; Ultrasonic guided wave


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GB/T 7714 Wu, B. , Feng, H. , Liu, X. et al. Technology of Simultaneously Conducting Elasto-Magnetic Tensile Stress Measurement and Magnetostrictive-based Ultrasonic Guided Waves Inspection in Steel Strands [用于钢绞线的磁弹应力和磁致伸缩导波同步检测技术] [J]. | Journal of Beijing University of Technology , 2019 , 45 (7) : 617-622 .
MLA Wu, B. et al. "Technology of Simultaneously Conducting Elasto-Magnetic Tensile Stress Measurement and Magnetostrictive-based Ultrasonic Guided Waves Inspection in Steel Strands [用于钢绞线的磁弹应力和磁致伸缩导波同步检测技术]" . | Journal of Beijing University of Technology 45 . 7 (2019) : 617-622 .
APA Wu, B. , Feng, H. , Liu, X. , Zhao, N. , Liu, Y. , He, C. . Technology of Simultaneously Conducting Elasto-Magnetic Tensile Stress Measurement and Magnetostrictive-based Ultrasonic Guided Waves Inspection in Steel Strands [用于钢绞线的磁弹应力和磁致伸缩导波同步检测技术] . | Journal of Beijing University of Technology , 2019 , 45 (7) , 617-622 .
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会议论文 | 2019
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

区域分割 区域分割 农民工 农民工 分层线性模型 分层线性模型 工资 工资


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GB/T 7714 张猛 , 冯虹 . 区域分割下农民工工资收入影响因素分析——基于分层线性模型 [C] //Proceedings of 2019 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2019)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.319) . 2019 .
MLA 张猛 et al. "区域分割下农民工工资收入影响因素分析——基于分层线性模型" Proceedings of 2019 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2019)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.319) . (2019) .
APA 张猛 , 冯虹 . 区域分割下农民工工资收入影响因素分析——基于分层线性模型 Proceedings of 2019 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Science Research (ICHSSR 2019)(Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,VOL.319) . (2019) .
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山西省医保异地就医直接结算研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , (01) , 116-122 | 经济问题
CNKI Cited Count: 11
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

异地就医直接结算 异地就医直接结算 区域联网结算 区域联网结算 信息系统 信息系统


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GB/T 7714 冯虹 , 张玉玺 . 山西省医保异地就医直接结算研究 [J]. | 经济问题 , 2019 , (01) : 116-122 .
MLA 冯虹 et al. "山西省医保异地就医直接结算研究" . | 经济问题 01 (2019) : 116-122 .
APA 冯虹 , 张玉玺 . 山西省医保异地就医直接结算研究 . | 经济问题 , 2019 , (01) , 116-122 .
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北京流动人口调控政策的效果分析——基于个体居留意愿的视角 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 25 (01) , 36-46,23 | 人口与发展
CNKI Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

人口调控政策 人口调控政策 流动人口 流动人口 居留意愿 居留意愿


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GB/T 7714 冯虹 , 刘永安 , 艾小青 . 北京流动人口调控政策的效果分析——基于个体居留意愿的视角 [J]. | 人口与发展 , 2019 , 25 (01) : 36-46,23 .
MLA 冯虹 et al. "北京流动人口调控政策的效果分析——基于个体居留意愿的视角" . | 人口与发展 25 . 01 (2019) : 36-46,23 .
APA 冯虹 , 刘永安 , 艾小青 . 北京流动人口调控政策的效果分析——基于个体居留意愿的视角 . | 人口与发展 , 2019 , 25 (01) , 36-46,23 .
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收入越高居留意愿越强吗? ——基于京津冀流动人口调查数据的研究 CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , 33 (2) , 79-86 | 华东经济管理
WanFang Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

流动人口 流动人口 居留意愿 居留意愿 收入水平 收入水平 地区比较 地区比较


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GB/T 7714 艾小青 , 陈连磊 , 冯虹 . 收入越高居留意愿越强吗? ——基于京津冀流动人口调查数据的研究 [J]. | 华东经济管理 , 2019 , 33 (2) : 79-86 .
MLA 艾小青 et al. "收入越高居留意愿越强吗? ——基于京津冀流动人口调查数据的研究" . | 华东经济管理 33 . 2 (2019) : 79-86 .
APA 艾小青 , 陈连磊 , 冯虹 . 收入越高居留意愿越强吗? ——基于京津冀流动人口调查数据的研究 . | 华东经济管理 , 2019 , 33 (2) , 79-86 .
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青年上网"机会均等化"及"隐藏的不平等" CSSCI PKU
期刊论文 | 2019 , (18) , 40-41 | 人民论坛
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

应用沟 应用沟 移动互联网 移动互联网 数字鸿沟 数字鸿沟


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GB/T 7714 冯虹 , 芦琦 . 青年上网"机会均等化"及"隐藏的不平等" [J]. | 人民论坛 , 2019 , (18) : 40-41 .
MLA 冯虹 et al. "青年上网"机会均等化"及"隐藏的不平等"" . | 人民论坛 18 (2019) : 40-41 .
APA 冯虹 , 芦琦 . 青年上网"机会均等化"及"隐藏的不平等" . | 人民论坛 , 2019 , (18) , 40-41 .
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DRGs试点的住院费用控制效果分析与推行建议 CSSCI
期刊论文 | 2019 , 17 (3) , 116-124 | 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)
WanFang Cited Count: 4
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :


Keyword :

双重差分法 双重差分法 DRGs DRGs 医疗费用 医疗费用 支付方式 支付方式


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GB/T 7714 冯虹 , 张玉玺 . DRGs试点的住院费用控制效果分析与推行建议 [J]. | 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) , 2019 , 17 (3) : 116-124 .
MLA 冯虹 et al. "DRGs试点的住院费用控制效果分析与推行建议" . | 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) 17 . 3 (2019) : 116-124 .
APA 冯虹 , 张玉玺 . DRGs试点的住院费用控制效果分析与推行建议 . | 北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版) , 2019 , 17 (3) , 116-124 .
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